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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Congressional testimony on legislative reform proposals for the FTC

Earlier this week I testified before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade regarding several proposed FTC reform bills. You can find my written testimony here. That testimony was drawn from a 100 page report, authored by Berin Szoka and me, entitled “The Federal Trade Commission: Restoring Congressional Oversight of the Second National Legislature — An ... Congressional testimony on legislative reform proposals for the FTC

The Third Circuit pushes back on FCC’s unjustified rule on joint sales agreements

While we all wait on pins and needles for the DC Circuit to issue its long-expected ruling on the FCC’s Open Internet Order, another federal appeals court has pushed back on Tom Wheeler’s FCC for its unremitting “just trust us” approach to federal rulemaking. The case, round three of Prometheus, et al. v. FCC, involves ... The Third Circuit pushes back on FCC’s unjustified rule on joint sales agreements

Trade Secret Protection Gets a Federal Shot in the Arm

Trade secrets are frequently one of the most powerful forms of intellectual property that a company has in its competitive arsenal. Particularly given the ongoing interest in whittling away at the property rights of patent holders (e.g. the enhanced IPR process, and even the more tame VENUE Act), trade secrets are a critical means for ... Trade Secret Protection Gets a Federal Shot in the Arm

Pushing Ad Networks Out of Business: Yershov v. Gannett and the War Against Online Platforms

The lifecycle of a law is a curious one; born to fanfare, a great solution to a great problem, but ultimately doomed to age badly as lawyers seek to shoehorn wholly inappropriate technologies and circumstances into its ambit. The latest chapter in the book of badly aging laws comes to us courtesy of yet another ... Pushing Ad Networks Out of Business: Yershov v. Gannett and the War Against Online Platforms

FTC v Amazon: With every victory in court the FTC loses a little more

Yesterday a federal district court in Washington state granted the FTC’s motion for summary judgment against Amazon in FTC v. Amazon — the case alleging unfair trade practices in Amazon’s design of the in-app purchases interface for apps available in its mobile app store. The headlines score the decision as a loss for Amazon, and the FTC, of course, ... FTC v Amazon: With every victory in court the FTC loses a little more

Opening Pandora’s set-top box: ICLE’s comments on the FCC’s “unlocking the box” NPRM

On Friday the the International Center for Law & Economics filed comments with the FCC in response to Chairman Wheeler’s NPRM (proposed rules) to “unlock” the MVPD (i.e., cable and satellite subscription video, essentially) set-top box market. Plenty has been written on the proposed rulemaking—for a few quick hits (among many others) see, e.g., Richard ... Opening Pandora’s set-top box: ICLE’s comments on the FCC’s “unlocking the box” NPRM

A Presidential Nod to Procompetitive Regulatory Reform: Substance, not Mere Symbolism, is Needed

On April 15, President Obama issued Executive Order 13725, “Steps to Increase Competition and Better Inform Consumers and Workers to Support Continued Growth of the American Economy” (“the Order”).  At first blush, the Order appears quite promising.  It commendably (1) praises competitive markets as a cornerstone of the American economy, and (2) sets the promotion ... A Presidential Nod to Procompetitive Regulatory Reform: Substance, not Mere Symbolism, is Needed

O competition, we stand on guard for thee

Today’s Canadian Competition Bureau (CCB) Google decision marks yet another regulator joining the chorus of competition agencies around the world that have already dismissed similar complaints relating to Google’s Search or Android businesses (including the US FTC, the Korea FTC, the Taiwan FTC, and AG offices in Texas and Ohio). A number of courts around ... O competition, we stand on guard for thee

The Essential Facility of Obama’s Competition Policy

It appears that White House’s zeal for progressive-era legal theory has … progressed (or regressed?) further. Late last week President Obama signed an Executive Order that nominally claims to direct executive agencies (and “strongly encourages” independent agencies) to adopt “pro-competitive” policies. It’s called Steps to Increase Competition and Better Inform Consumers and Workers to Support ... The Essential Facility of Obama’s Competition Policy

Rationally Defeating Cronyism in the Boston TNC Suit

On March 31, a federal judge gave the city of Boston six months to rectify the disparities between the way it treats Transportation Network Companies (“TNC”) (such as Uber and Lyft) and taxicab companies. This comes pursuant to an order by US District Court Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton in a suit filed by members of ... Rationally Defeating Cronyism in the Boston TNC Suit

Netflix and net neutrality: Hypocritically screwing over Internet users since 2015!

Netflix’s latest net neutrality hypocrisy (yes, there have been others. See here and here, for example) involves its long-term, undisclosed throttling of its video traffic on AT&T’s and Verizon’s wireless networks, while it lobbied heavily for net neutrality rules from the FCC that would prevent just such throttling by ISPs. It was Netflix that coined ... Netflix and net neutrality: Hypocritically screwing over Internet users since 2015!

The FCC, Privacy, and Authority Over the Edge: Forborn, not Forbidden

The FCC doesn’t have authority over the edge and doesn’t want authority over the edge. Well, that is until it finds itself with no choice but to regulate the edge as a result of its own policies. As the FCC begins to explore its new authority to regulate privacy under the Open Internet Order (“OIO”), ... The FCC, Privacy, and Authority Over the Edge: Forborn, not Forbidden