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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Ginsburg & Wright on Dynamic Analysis and the Limits of Antitrust Institutions

Judge Douglas Ginsburg (D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals; NYU Law) and I have posted “Dynamic Antitrust and the Limits of Antitrust Institutions” to SSRN.  Our article is forthcoming in Volume 78 (2) of the Antitrust Law Journal.  We offer a cautionary note – from an institutional perspective – concerning the ever-increasing and influential calls for greater ... Ginsburg & Wright on Dynamic Analysis and the Limits of Antitrust Institutions

Changes at the FTC Bureau of Economics

Recently, the FTC announced that Howard Shelanksi would be taking charge of the Bureau of Economics on July 1st.  Now comes news that DOJ economist Ken Heyer (and UCLA Bruin!) — longtime Economics Director at the Division — will be moving over to the Commission as Deputy Director for Antitrust.  Leemore Dafny (Northwestern) will also come ... Changes at the FTC Bureau of Economics

Mayor Bloomberg is 1 for 2

Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York is being justly criticized for his rather silly idea of banning sales of sugar drinks in sizes larger than 16 ounces in various public venues.  Most of the critics focus on the paternalism (updated to be now called  nannyism) of this ban.  However,  aside from being paternalistic, it is ... Mayor Bloomberg is 1 for 2

Wise and Timely Counsel from John Taylor, F.A. Hayek, and Reagan’s Economic Advisers

In light of yesterday’s abysmal jobs report, yesterday’s Wall Street Journal op-ed by Stanford economist John B. Taylor (Rules for America’s Road to Recovery) is a must-read.  Taylor begins by identifying what he believes is the key hindrance to economic recovery in the U.S.: In my view, unpredictable economic policy—massive fiscal “stimulus” and ballooning debt, the Federal ... Wise and Timely Counsel from John Taylor, F.A. Hayek, and Reagan’s Economic Advisers

New Article Forthcoming in Yale Law Journal: The Antitrust/ Consumer Protection Paradox: Two Policies At War With One Another

Yale Law Journal has published my article on “The Antitrust/ Consumer Protection Paradox: Two Policies At War With One Another.”  The hat tip to Robert Bork’s classic “Antitrust Paradox” in the title will be apparent to many readers.  The primary purpose of the article is to identify an emerging and serious conflict between antitrust and ... New Article Forthcoming in Yale Law Journal: The Antitrust/ Consumer Protection Paradox: Two Policies At War With One Another

Why Don’t Judges Appoint Experts in Antitrust Cases?

Judge Posner’s decision to appoint a expert in the patent dispute before him in the Seventh Circuit between Apple and Motorola has received some attention.  ABA Journal Though Posner is an appeals judge with the Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, he likes to volunteer for trials, the Chicago Tribune reports. In a speech at the ... Why Don’t Judges Appoint Experts in Antitrust Cases?

Announcing The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement

An interesting new joint venture between Oxford University Press, Ariel Ezrachi, and Bill Kovacic (GW).  Sounds like a fantastic idea and with top notch management and might be of interest to many of our readers. The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement  Call for Papers – The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement (OUP) Oxford University Press is delighted ... Announcing The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement

Apple Responds to the DOJ e-Books Complaint

Apple has filed its response to the DOJ Complaint in the e-books case.  Here is the first paragraph of the Answer: The Government’s Complaint against Apple is fundamentally flawed as a matter of fact and law. Apple has not “conspired” with anyone, was not aware of any alleged “conspiracy” by others, and never “fixed prices.” ... Apple Responds to the DOJ e-Books Complaint

AALS Call for Papers “Insurance and Consumer Protection Law”

Call for Papers AALS Section on Insurance Law “Insurance and Consumer Protection” 2013 AALS Annual Meeting January 4-7, 2013 New Orleans, Louisiana The AALS Section on Insurance Law will hold a program on Insurance and Consumer Protection during the AALS 2013 Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The program is scheduled for Sunday, January 6, 2013, from 10:30 ... AALS Call for Papers “Insurance and Consumer Protection Law”

New Technology in Europe

Last week the New York Times ran an article, “Building the Next Facebook a Tough Task in Europe“, by Eric Pfanner, discussing the lack of major high tech innovation in Europe.  Eric Pfanner discusses the importance of such investment, and then speculates on the reason for the lack of such innovation.  The ultimate conclusion is ... New Technology in Europe

Hating Capitalism

One topic that has long interested me is the source of dislike or hatred of capitalism; my Southern Economics Journal article “Folk Economics” (ungated version)  dealt in part with this topic. Today’s New York Times has an op-ed, “Capitalists and Other Psychopaths” by William Deresiewicz, who has taught English at Yale and Columbia, that both ... Hating Capitalism

Richard Thaler on “Slippery Slopes”

In today’s New York Times, Richard Thaler argues that the Constitutional “slippery slope” argument in the Obamacare case (“Today health care, tomorrow broccoli”) is misguided.  This is a strange argument in this particular case.  We must remember that all of today’s commerce clause jurisprudence (which everyone agrees has greatly expanded the power of the Federal ... Richard Thaler on “Slippery Slopes”