Showing results for: “sirius xm merger”
Securities class actions in state court
I’ve previously written about the increasingly unruly market for corporate law, in which many cases involving the governance Delaware corporations are being brought outside of Delaware. Now Jennifer Johnson writes about Securities Class Actions in State Court. Here’s the abstract: Over the past two decades, Congress has gradually usurped the power of state regulators to ... Securities class actions in state court
Sprint’s (Ironic?) Campaign for Competition
Sprint, perhaps the most vigorous opponent of the proposed AT&T/T-Mobile merger, has been extolling the values of competition lately. Last Thursday and again today, the company ran full-page ads in the Wall Street Journal featuring the following text (which was apparently penned by Helen Steiner Rice): Competition is everything. Competition is the steady hand at our back, pushing ... Sprint’s (Ironic?) Campaign for Competition
House Hearing on the AT&T / T-Mobile Merger
As I mentioned previously, I testified at Thursday’s hearing on the AT&T / T-Mobile merger. My written testimony is available here. Links to the testimony from other witnesses are available at the link above. I’ll post transcripts when they become available; same with the video link should one become available (I’m not aware of one ... House Hearing on the AT&T / T-Mobile Merger
The uncorporate solution to corporate cash hoarding
Jason Zweig wrote Saturday in the WSJ about how companies are hoarding their cash. Microsoft, Cisco, Google, Apple and J & J “added $15 billion in cash and marketable securities to their balance sheets. Microsoft alone packed away roughly $9 billion, or $100 million a day. All told, the companies in the Standard & Poor’s ... The uncorporate solution to corporate cash hoarding
Nevada and the market for corporate law
I’m just catching up with this Board Member article about Delaware’s new competitor, Nevada. It notes that Nevada’s share of the out-of-state incorporation market rose from 4.6% in 2000 to 6% in 2007. Part of this may be due to lower fees than Delaware. But that can’t be the full explanation because all states are ... Nevada and the market for corporate law
House Committee on the Judiciary Hearing on the AT&T / T-Mobile Merger
Tomorrow morning. I’ll post my written testimony here tomorrow. Hearing on: “How Will the Proposed Merger Between AT&T and T-Mobile Affect Wireless Telecommunications Competition?” Thursday 5/26/2011 – 10:30 a.m. 2141 Rayburn House Office Building Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition and the Internet Witness List Mr. Randall Stephenson Chairman, Chief Executive Office and President AT&T, Inc. ... House Committee on the Judiciary Hearing on the AT&T / T-Mobile Merger
Senate Judiciary Hearing on AT&T / T-Mobile Merger
The hearing is Wednesday morning. The Witness List suggests that the hearing will primarily serve as an opportunity for the merging parties, rivals, other interested parties, and lets not forget the Senators, to restate their positions “for the record.” And while I get where the Committee is going with the “Humpty Dumpty” title, “the T-1000 ... Senate Judiciary Hearing on AT&T / T-Mobile Merger
Schumer and the decline of New York
Six years ago Henry Butler and I wrote about what we called the Sarbanes-Oxley Debacle. Well, it’s still a debacle after all these years, and having significant effects on business and international competition. Yesterday’s WSJ opined, concerning the potential NYSE/Deutsche Borse merger that whoever ends up owning the iconic trading venue, the question is whether ... Schumer and the decline of New York
FTC Microeconomics Conference
The Fourth Annual FTC Microeconomics Conference is scheduled for November 3 and 4, 2011. Here is the call for papers: The Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics will host a two day conference to bring together scholars working in areas related to the FTC’s antitrust, consumer protection and public policy missions. Those areas include industrial ... FTC Microeconomics Conference
DOJ clears Google-ITA
The press release is here. Notably, the settlement obligates Google to continue product development and to license ITA software on commercially-reasonable terms, seemingly for 5 years. Frankly, I can’t imagine Google wouldn’t have done this anyway, so the settlement is not likely much of a binding constraint. Also notable is what the settlement doesn’t seem to ... DOJ clears Google-ITA
Type I errors in action, Google edition
Does anyone really still believe that the threat of antitrust enforcement doesn’t lead to undesirable caution on the part of potential defendants? Whatever you may think of the merits of the Google/ITA merger (and obviously I suspect the merits cut in favor of the merger), there can be no doubt that restraining Google’s (and other ... Type I errors in action, Google edition
Penn Law’s Wolff on Labor Issues and the Gay Community
University of Pennsylvania law professor Tobias Wolff says that if you’re gay, you should support expansive collective bargaining rights for labor unions. Writing at the Huffington Post, he recently identified the promotion of labor unions as “one of the most important priorities for our community at this moment,” and he urged gay people “to contribute ... Penn Law’s Wolff on Labor Issues and the Gay Community