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Showing results for:  “sirius xm merger”

Do the New HMGs Move From Cheap Talk to Commitment on Out-of-Market Efficiencies?

One of the primary concerns with the Proposed HMGs was that the new approach would lead to small relevant markets in order to better reflect the Agencies’ views that the traditional approach understated the importance of competition between close substitutes.   I highlighted one analytical concern with this approach in a previous blog post: The real ... Do the New HMGs Move From Cheap Talk to Commitment on Out-of-Market Efficiencies?

Who Are You Calling A Price Theorist Anyway?: Commissioner Rosch Takes on the HMGs Economist “Architects”

Commissioner Rosch has offered an interesting separate statement on the new HMGs.  While favoring the new guidelines generally, Commissioner Rosch offers several criticisms.  I concur with a few of these criticisms, for example, Commissioner Rosch also argues for a more empirical approach to merger analysis.  I agree with that general proposition despite, as we shall ... Who Are You Calling A Price Theorist Anyway?: Commissioner Rosch Takes on the HMGs Economist “Architects”

Agencies Release New Horizontal Merger Guidelines

Here. Comments to follow from myself and others.  So far, they look pretty similar to the proposed Guidelines on a quick read-through, but I’m still working my way through.

Top Ten Books in Corporate Governance

(Law Review Editors take note, my recent submission mentioned in the following post, titled: “Defending Against Shareholder Proxy Access: Delaware’s Future Reviewing Company Defenses in the Era of Dodd-Frank” is still in the process of negotiating for a permanent Law Review home, although the expedite process is getting very hot.) After two years of steadily ... Top Ten Books in Corporate Governance

Why Take Antitrust? (Fall 2010 Edition)

In what has become an annual affair, around this time of the year, I like to make the case for law students to take antitrust. Each year, the post is edited and tweaked a little bit.  So, without further ado, here is this year’s edition of “Why Take Antitrust?” As the start of the new ... Why Take Antitrust? (Fall 2010 Edition)

Will an m & a boom save Big Law?

John Carney thinks a recent notable move of prominent banking partners from Latham to Milbank might signal that “debt financing for takeovers is about to take off,” just as it did when the same team moved from Skadden to Latham in 2004. This would also be consistent “with corporate cash piling up to record levels.” ... Will an m & a boom save Big Law?

What’s Missing from Tyler’s IO Reading List

Tyler Cowen has posted the reading list for his 2010 Industrial Organization class in the George Mason economics department.  He asks for recommendations.  Below the fold are my suggestions to supplement Section I or II of Cowen’s reading list. The first order of business is getting Coase, Klein, Crawford Alchian (1978), Alchian and Demsetz (1972) ... What’s Missing from Tyler’s IO Reading List

Some Perspective on the Intel Settlement

Let me add on a few brief observations on the Intel settlement to Dan’s earlier comments, with which I largely agree.  There is a lot to say about the settlement: the predatory design aspects, Section 5, the (I found) quite odd self-congratulatory settlement press conference and webcast, and of course, what the settlement means for ... Some Perspective on the Intel Settlement

Obama, Antitrust, and the Great Recession

On the campaign trail, Barack Obama made an issue of the ostensibly lax state of antitrust enforcement during the Bush administration. Christine Varney’s first public act as head of the Antitrust Division was to withdraw the Bush Antitrust Division’s unilateral monopolization report and announce that trustbusting against dominant firms was back on the agenda.  Expectations ... Obama, Antitrust, and the Great Recession

TOTM Welcomes Dan Crane

TOTM is pleased to announce Professor Daniel Crane (Michigan Law) as — for now we hope — a guest blogger.  Dan is a prolific scholar in antitrust and intellectual property.  Dan’s recent work has focused on antitrust and economic regulation, particularly the institutional structure of antitrust enforcement, predatory pricing, bundling, and the antitrust implications of ... TOTM Welcomes Dan Crane

Commissioner Rosch’s really weak case for “behavioral antitrust”

Josh’s ongoing series on “Nudging Antitrust” and FTC Commissioner Rosch’s recent thoughts on behavioral economics has been excellent and I look forward to the next installment.  Rosch’s speech, not surprisingly, also elicited a strong response from me.  What follows are my thoughts on Rosch’s speech, focusing on some of the same issues Josh addressed in ... Commissioner Rosch’s really weak case for “behavioral antitrust”

Fin Reg and Too Big to Fail: A New Kind of Antitrust?

Simon Johnson argues that the conventional antitrust tools of Sherman Act are outdated and ill-equipped to deal with the power of big banks: Why are these antitrust tools not used against today’s megabanks, which have become so powerful that they can sway legislation and regulation massively in their favor, while also receiving generous taxpayer-financed bailouts ... Fin Reg and Too Big to Fail: A New Kind of Antitrust?