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Copland on Regulation by Prosecution

The Manhattan Institute’s James Copland writes about “Regulation by Prosecution” through deferred prosecution agreements. His report details the exceptional and troubling power that prosecutors have used to circumvent the normal democratic legislative process and subvert the rights of individual defendants in criminal actions. In his report, Copland exposes the increasing American phenomenon of “regulation by ... Copland on Regulation by Prosecution

Nocera on the uncorporation and the financial crisis

The Glom’s having a book club on McLean & Nocera’s All the Devils Are Here. I haven’t read the book (it takes a lot to get me to read a book by business journalists).  But I have read David Zaring’s interview with his “favorite Times columnist.  One of the questions and answers naturally piqued my ... Nocera on the uncorporation and the financial crisis

Why can’t we have a better press corps?: WaPo Google antitrust edition

Steven Pearlstein at the Washington Post asks if it’s “Time to loosen Google’s grip.”  The article is an analytical mess.  Pearlstein is often a decent business reporter–I’m not sure what went wrong here, but this is a pretty shoddy piece of antitrust journalism. For the most part, the article is a series of tired claims ... Why can’t we have a better press corps?: WaPo Google antitrust edition

The non-constitutional problem with a health care mandate

There’s been much teeth-gnashing following yesterday’s ruling by a Virginia judge that the “individual mandate” portion of Obamacare is unconstitutional.  Among many other places, see the ongoing discussion at The Volokh Conspiracy.  I have a quick, non-constitutional response. It seems to me that there is a basic, deep problem with prohibiting citizens from opting out ... The non-constitutional problem with a health care mandate

A&P Files for Bankruptcy

Recent coverage of the A&P bankruptcy has alluded to its era of “dominance” in grocery retail, describing it as “the Wal-Mart of its day.”   See this earlier post on the unconvincing antitrust case against Wal-Mart.  However, what the A&P bankruptcy brings to mind for me is Justice Stewart’s famous dissent in Von’s Grocery.  The famous ... A&P Files for Bankruptcy

Richard Thaler’s Rejoinder to the TOTM Free to Choose Symposium

I have now had a chance to read through the contributions to this event and have a few thoughts to share.  I cannot, of course, reply to everything that has been said here, and in any case, most of what I would say already appears in print.  Before getting into specifics let me say one ... Richard Thaler’s Rejoinder to the TOTM Free to Choose Symposium

Curbing food trucks in the Windy City

Today’s WSJ discusses a particularly irritating example of Chicago regulation:   “We’re stopping the sale of cupcakes,” she recalls [a police officer] saying, before he handed her a ticket and shooed her away.”* * * After receiving a $275 ticket, Ms. Kurtz, a 41-year-old entrepreneur who quit her corporate marketing job recently to launch Flirty ... Curbing food trucks in the Windy City

The Uncorporation reviewed

Grant Hayden and Matt Bodie review my Rise of the Uncorporation in a forthcoming Michigan Law Review.  Here’s the abstract of their article, The Uncorporation and the Unraveling of ‘Nexus of Contracts’ Theory:   This is a review of The Rise of the Uncorporation, by Larry E. Ribstein (Oxford University Press 2010). The Rise of ... The Uncorporation reviewed

Dodd-Frank and Criminal Consumer Protection Liability

Tiffany Joslyn provides a useful summary of the criminal provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act at the Federalist Society National Federal Initiatives Project.  One of the things Joslyn points out is that the Act includes new criminal consumer protection liability: Section 1036 makes it a criminal offense for any covered person or service provider to offer ... Dodd-Frank and Criminal Consumer Protection Liability

The brave new world of choice of law

Suppose you’re a gay couple and you want to have a baby.  You could try adopting one and deal with the tangle of laws about gay adoption.  Or you could just plant some sperm and eggs in one or more surrogates and design one or more kids that are biologically yours. The variations are discussed ... The brave new world of choice of law

Judge Kozinski on over-criminalizing agency costs

In U.S. v. Goyal, the government contended that the defendant, former CFO of Network Associates, had violated GAAP by causing the company to recognize revenue from certain sales sooner than it should have, and of lying to the company’s auditor.  The jury convicted defendant of securities fraud, false SEC filings, and making materially false statements ... Judge Kozinski on over-criminalizing agency costs

George Mason’s Jonathan Mitchell Named Texas Solicitor General

Congratulations to my colleague (and office neighbor) Jonathan Mitchell, who has been appointed to serve as Solicitor General of Texas.  Here is an excerpt from the press release: Effective immediately, Jonathan Mitchell will serve as Solicitor General of Texas. As the State’s chief appellate lawyer, Mitchell will oversee both criminal and civil litigation before state ... George Mason’s Jonathan Mitchell Named Texas Solicitor General