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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

More Corona Testing Is Necessary, But Not Sufficient, To Get Us Back on Our Feet. Verification of Good Health Is Also Required

In these harrowing times, it is a natural to fixate on the problem of testing—and how the United States got so far behind South Korea on this front—as a means to arrest the spread of Coronavirus. Under this remedy, once testing becomes ubiquitous, the government could track and isolate everyone who has been in recent ... More Corona Testing Is Necessary, But Not Sufficient, To Get Us Back on Our Feet. Verification of Good Health Is Also Required

Commissioner Wright takes the FTC to task for its dangerous technocratic mindset in his Nielsen merger dissent

Commissioner Wright makes a powerful and important case in dissenting from the FTC’s 2-1 (Commissioner Ohlhausen was recused from the matter) decision imposing conditions on Nielsen’s acquisition of Arbitron. Essential to Josh’s dissent is the absence of any actual existing market supporting the Commission’s challenge: Nielsen and Arbitron do not currently compete in the sale ... Commissioner Wright takes the FTC to task for its dangerous technocratic mindset in his Nielsen merger dissent

Recent Antitrust and Regulatory Changes Both Unravel the Consensus

Presidential administrations over the last 50 years have pursued widely varying policy goals, but they have agreed—at least, in principle—that policies should be efficient and improve social welfare. Now, the Biden administration is taking steps to unravel that bipartisan consensus. We focus on different policy areas (Dudley on regulation and Sullivan on antitrust) and are ... Recent Antitrust and Regulatory Changes Both Unravel the Consensus

Epstein on the Apple e-books case: The hidden traps in the Apple ebook case

On balance the Second Circuit was right to apply the antitrust laws to Apple. Right now the Supreme Court has before it a petition for Certiorari, brought by Apple, Inc., which asks the Court to reverse the decision of the Second Circuit. That decision found per se illegality under the Sherman Act, for Apple’s efforts ... Epstein on the Apple e-books case: The hidden traps in the Apple ebook case

Policy Diversity Saves Lives: Unmasking Confirmation Bias Caused by a Virus

The brutal toll of the coronavirus pandemic has delivered dramatic public policies. The United States has closed institutions, banned crowds, postponed non-emergency medical procedures and instituted social distancing. All to “flatten the curve” of illness. The measures are expensive, but there is no obvious way to better save lives. There is evidence that, even without ... Policy Diversity Saves Lives: Unmasking Confirmation Bias Caused by a Virus

Section 2 Symposium: Tim Brennan on Predation, Exclusion, and Complement Market Monopolization

As evidenced by this on-line symposium, the handling of cases under the rubrics “monopolization,” “single firm conduct”, or “abuse of dominance” continues to be debated by the competition policy community. This debate, as evidenced by the Antitrust Division’s Sept. 2008 single firm conduct report and the FTC responses, is not restricted within the U.S. The ... Section 2 Symposium: Tim Brennan on Predation, Exclusion, and Complement Market Monopolization

March 15: Kick-Off for The Law School Hiring Cartel

If you’re currently a law professor and you’re thinking you might want to change schools (because, for example, your school continued its precipitous slide in the law school rankings . . . more about that later), you’d better hop on the phone. Today is your last day to snag a visiting offer from another law ... March 15: Kick-Off for The Law School Hiring Cartel

Nudging Antitrust (Part 2): Do Critiques of Behavioral Antitrust Have Any Bite?

Part 1 of this short blog series on “Nudging Antitrust,” focused on defining Commissioner Rosch’s recently articulated vision of behavioral economics as it relates to antitrust and competition policy and its differences with more “conventional” economic approaches that are bound by the rationality assumption.  By the way, one should note that these more conventional approaches ... Nudging Antitrust (Part 2): Do Critiques of Behavioral Antitrust Have Any Bite?

Coase, Penalty Defaults, and the Disgorgement Remedy for Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Law students, I have found, often have a hard time seeing how the Coase Theorem applies outside the context of land use conflicts. They also tend to think Coase’s insight is not so important because, they recite (parroting some of their professors), “Transactions costs are always present.” This saddens me, for the more I look ... Coase, Penalty Defaults, and the Disgorgement Remedy for Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Antitrust and Congress

Last Thursday and Friday, I attended a conference at Case Western Law School on the Roberts Court’s business law decisions. I presented a paper on the Court’s antitrust decisions. (The paper, described here, is now available on SSRN.) Adam Pritchard, Matt Bodie, and Brian Fitzpatrick presented papers considering the Court’s treatment of, respectively, securities law, ... Antitrust and Congress

The NYT on SCOTUS’s Wetlands Decision

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a fractured decision in consolidated appeals raising the issue of which wetlands come within the ambit of the federal Clean Water Act (“CWA�). The wetlands at issue were next to drainage ditches that, when full of water, would eventually flow into navigable waters. The record did not establish whether ... The NYT on SCOTUS’s Wetlands Decision

Municipal Revenue Extraction Should Not Stand in the Way of Next Generation Broadband

Advanced broadband networks, including 5G, fiber, and high speed cable, are hot topics, but little attention is paid to the critical investments in infrastructure necessary to make these networks a reality. Each type of network has its own unique set of challenges to solve, both technically and legally. Advanced broadband delivered over cable systems, for ... Municipal Revenue Extraction Should Not Stand in the Way of Next Generation Broadband