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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

The Economics of Drip Pricing at the FTC

The FTC is having a conference in the economics of drip pricing: Drip pricing is a pricing technique in which firms advertise only part of a product’s price and reveal other charges later as the customer goes through the buying process. The additional charges can be mandatory charges, such as hotel resort fees, or fees ... The Economics of Drip Pricing at the FTC

CPI Interview and Update on Ginsburg & Wrights’ “Antitrust Sanctions”

Competition Policy International has published an interview with Judge Douglas Ginsburg and me following up on our 2010 article “Antitrust Sanctions.”  The interview ranges from topics such as whether the Occupy movements impact our proposal for use of debarment as an antitrust sanction in the United States to fairness concerns and global trends in antitrust ... CPI Interview and Update on Ginsburg & Wrights’ “Antitrust Sanctions”

Economist Kevin Murphy to Charles River Associates

I am very pleased to report that Kevin Murphy – economist extraordinaire, recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship, Bates Clark Medal winner, and of course, fellow UCLA Bruin — has agreed to join Charles River Associates as a Senior Consultant beginning May 2013 when his contract with Navigant Economics expires.  As a fellow Senior Consultant at ... Economist Kevin Murphy to Charles River Associates

FTC v. Ovation Opinion

The opinion in Ovation (i.e. FTC v. Lundbeck) is now available.  Commentary to follow. UPDATE: The first footnote in Judge Ericksen’s opinion notes that “the FTC and Minnesota began their closing argument by disclaiming the notion that these cases were ‘about unhappiness about the high price of Indocin.’  Nevertheless, the FTC and Minnesota cited in ... FTC v. Ovation Opinion

Some Links

SCOTUS judge and law clerk selection as principal-agent / incomplete contracting problem (Orin Kerr) How to read an academic article (Peter Klein), though what seems missing are decision-rules for when articles should be “rejected” for a full-read after skimming The Washington Post reports that antitrust at the Varney DOJ isn’t much different than antitrust under ... Some Links

Allen on Alchian and the UCLA School

At Econ Journal Watch.   Professor Allen offers a wonderful personal history of the UCLA Economics Department, including the rise and fall of what he describes as “the Alchian Department.”    The entire article is worth reading, but I include here an excerpt from Professor Allen’s Nobel (and University Award) nomination on behalf of Armen: Economics is ... Allen on Alchian and the UCLA School

Justice Roberts Disses Economists

I’ve got nothing to add on the substantive merits of today’s big decision – but the following line got my attention: To an economist, perhaps, there is no difference between activity and inactivity; both have measurable economic effects on commerce. But the distinction between doing something and doing nothing would not have been lost on the ... Justice Roberts Disses Economists

AALS Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation Call for Papers: Google and Antitrust

The AALS Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation call for papers features a topic near and dear to my heart this year: Google and Antitrust.   Here is the announcement: Call for Papers Announcement AALS Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation Google and Antitrust   2013 AALS Annual Meeting January 4-7, 2013 New Orleans, Louisiana ... AALS Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation Call for Papers: Google and Antitrust

The dregs of the Enron case

The government finally dropped its prosecution of Nigerian Barge defendant James A. Brown. Here’s part of the WSJ story by John Emshwiller: At the 2004 trial, prosecutors alleged that Enron’s sale of an interest in three power-producing barges, located off the coast of Nigeria, to Merrill was a sham that allowed the energy company to ... The dregs of the Enron case

2012 GMU Law & Economics Center Workshop on Empirical Methods for Law Professors

May 21-25 the GMU LEC will be hosting its Workshop on Empirical Methods for Law Professors once again this year.  Applications are available at the links below — and more information is available here. The Workshop on Empirical Methods for Law Professors is designed to teach law professors the conceptual and practical skills required to ... 2012 GMU Law & Economics Center Workshop on Empirical Methods for Law Professors

The SEC takes heat over the Goldman suit

Per the WSJ, the SEC’s internal watchdog told the Senate Banking Committee that the SEC’s suit against Goldman was a “suspicious” attempt to “to distract attention from a report criticizing the SEC for failing to detect an alleged Ponzi scheme.” It’s not like I’m surprised.  Here’s my criticism of the suit and the settlement.  The only ... The SEC takes heat over the Goldman suit

Local Barriers to Entry: Arlington Beer Garden Edition

Last week I posted about the regulatory barriers facing an ice cream shop in San Francisco.  A student passes along a story that hits a bit closer to home: the sale of beer right here in Arlington County.  Apparently, the owner of the Westover Beer Garden has had enough: It’s been a contentious couple of ... Local Barriers to Entry: Arlington Beer Garden Edition