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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Whole Foods Remand Update

From the Blog of Legal Times: Yesterday, Friedman sided with the FTC’s interpretation of the D.C. Circuit’s three-way opinion. He will limit his role on remand, which is exactly what lawyers for the FTC said the D.C. Circuit wanted. The Whole Foods lawyers—including Dechert partners Paul Friedman (not the judge) and Paul Denis—urged Friedman to ... Whole Foods Remand Update

The Ghosts of Antitrust Past: Part 1

Big Tech continues to be mired in “a very antitrust situation,” as President Trump put it in 2018. Antitrust advocates have zeroed in on Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon as their primary targets. These advocates justify their proposals by pointing to the trio of antitrust cases against IBM, AT&T, and Microsoft. Elizabeth Warren, in announcing ... The Ghosts of Antitrust Past: Part 1

Results Not Typical

Apparently, under the proposed changes to the FTC advertising guidelines, a “results not typical” disclaimer for consumer endorsements representing a non-typical experience will no longer be sufficient on the grounds that those types of disclaimers have not been sufficient in deterring deception.   The big change in the rules is as follows: “If the advertiser does ... Results Not Typical

The Illinois supremes’ bare-knuckled opinion

A couple of days I noted: The majority opinion in the appellate court makes a pretty good case that (1) even if Emanuel’s a legal resident for voting purposes he has not physically resided in Chicago for the last year, as the statute arguably requires of candidates; and (2) the exception for service to the ... The Illinois supremes’ bare-knuckled opinion

The Apple tax case: Plain vanilla competition policy?

Since Brussels has ordered Ireland to recover 13€ billion from Apple, much ink has been spilled on the European Commission’s (EC) alleged misuse of power and breach of the “rule of law.” In the Irish Times, Professor Liza Lovdahl-Gormsen wrote that the EC has been “bending” competition law to pursue a corporate taxation agenda in disguise. ... The Apple tax case: Plain vanilla competition policy?

The Durbin Fee

Given the crucial role debit card “swipe” fees played in causing the recent financial crisis, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin insisted that the Dodd-Frank law (you know, the one that left Fannie and Freddie untouched) impose price controls on debit card transactions.  Ben Bernanke, who apparently doesn’t have enough on his plate, was tasked with determining banks’ processing and fraud-related costs ... The Durbin Fee

"Goldman reports $1.8 billion profit" tells us the good news that “Goldman reports $1.8 billion profit,” but the totality of the information in the article strikes me as mildly curious. While announcing that “Goldman reports $1.8 billion profit,” the article points out that Goldman needed $10 B in TARP funds only a few months ago.  Yet now Goldman is ... "Goldman reports $1.8 billion profit"

FTC on the CFPA

Commissioners Rosch and Kovacic of the Federal Trade Commission come out against the proposed CFPA.  Both emphasize the risk of shifting consumer protection authority away from an agency with substantial expertise in the area (including the Bureau of Economics which has an excellent record of reports and publications in this area) to an unproven agency.  ... FTC on the CFPA

Section 2 Symposium: Dan Crane on Framing the Debate

I must confess that my basic reaction to the Section 2 report was disappointment.  It’s not that I find much fault with the report itself–a few quibbles yes, but generally I find it quite satisfactory–but that after all of the time and effort put into the joint hearings by the FTC, the FTC wasn’t able ... Section 2 Symposium: Dan Crane on Framing the Debate

Free Trade Petition

Atlas Economic Research Foundation is circulating a petition in favor of free trade (HT Sasha Volokh).  The plan is to unveil the petition before the April 1 G20 meetings in London.  Here is the text of the petition.  You can sign it here if you are interested. Free Trade Is the Best Policy The specter ... Free Trade Petition

CBS v. Howard Stern Complaint

Courtesy of ContractsProf Blog, here is what purports to be a copy of the elusive complaint in CBS v. Howard Stern. ContractsProf Blog includes the following disclaimer regarding the authenticity of the complaint: I obtained the complaint through someone who chooses to remain anonymous, who claims she obtained it simply by emailing the guys at ... CBS v. Howard Stern Complaint

Section 2 Symposium: David Evans–An Economist’s View

The treatment of unilateral conduct remains an intellectual and policy mess as we finish out the first decade of the 21st century. There were signs of hope a few years ago. The European Commission embarked on an effort to adopt an effects-based approach to unilateral conduct and to move away from the analytically-empty, object-based approach ... Section 2 Symposium: David Evans–An Economist’s View