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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

More on Error Costs

Speaking of error cost analysis, this paper from a trio of lawyers in the General Counsel’s Policy Studies’ group at the FTC has a section entitled “Error Costs: The False Positive/ Negative Debate.” A frustration for me in discussing the error cost issue with respect to antitrust policy is that many people do not seem ... More on Error Costs

Oxley & Baker: SEC Can Exempt Small Cos. from Sarbanes-Oxley 404

According to BNA, in a 3/2/06 letter to the SEC, Reps. Oxley and Baker stated that in their view the SEC does have the authority under both Section 36(a) of the Exchange Act and Section 3(a) of SOX to exempt small companies from SOX 404 (see my post on this argument here). I guess that ... Oxley & Baker: SEC Can Exempt Small Cos. from Sarbanes-Oxley 404

FTC Economists’ Paper Discredits Claims of Inappropriately “Weak” Merger Enforcement

During 2016 it became fashionable in certain circles to decry “lax” merger enforcement and to call for a more aggressive merger enforcement policy (see, for example, the American Antitrust Institute’s September 2016 paper on competition policy, critiqued by me in this blog post).  Interventionists promoting “tougher” merger enforcement have cited Professor John Kwoka’s 2015 book, ... FTC Economists’ Paper Discredits Claims of Inappropriately “Weak” Merger Enforcement

George W. Bush's stinky parting gift

Bush has proved himself to be a statist, protectionist ignoramus on many occasions.  But this, one of his final acts in office, is simply appalling: People in the southern French district of Lozeyron are having a hard time swallowing US President George W. Bush’s parting gift: a tripling to 300 percent in import duty on ... George W. Bush's stinky parting gift

The costs and benefits of hedge fund disclosure

The WSJ reports on proposed rules forcing hedge funds to disclose confidential proprietary information: Under current rules, many managers are required each quarter to publicly disclose their long equity positions in public securities. The proposed rules would require a much greater level of disclosure to regulators about trading positions, counterparties, liquidity, leverage and performance. * ... The costs and benefits of hedge fund disclosure

ICLE Files COPPA Review Comments Arguing the FTC Should Repeal the 2013 Amendments

Today, I filed a regulatory comment in the FTC’s COPPA Rule Review on behalf of the International Center for Law & Economics. Building on prior work, I argue the FTC’s 2013 amendments to the COPPA Rule should be repealed.  The amendments ignored the purpose of COPPA by focusing on protecting children from online targeted advertising ... ICLE Files COPPA Review Comments Arguing the FTC Should Repeal the 2013 Amendments

Kobayashi and Wright on Antitrust Aspects of Intellectual Property and Standard Setting

[REPOSTED BECAUSE SSRN LINK INACTIVE EARLIER, CHAPTER IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD] Bruce Kobayashi and I have posted our forthcoming chapter, Intellectual Property and Standard Setting,  in the forthcoming ABA Antitrust Section Handbook on the Antitrust Aspects of Standard Setting.  It offers an analytical overview of the antitrust issues involving intellectual property and standard setting ... Kobayashi and Wright on Antitrust Aspects of Intellectual Property and Standard Setting

DSK and media bias

Bret Stephens wonders why he and fellow journalists ignored the fact that “[a]lmost from the beginning, there was something amiss in the case of People v. Dominique Strauss-Kahn.” He speculates: I did enjoy the thought of this mandarin of the tax-exemptocracy being pulled from the comfort of his first-class Air France seat and dispatched to ... DSK and media bias

Varney Instead of Elhauge at DOJ?

So says Bloomberg. UPDATE: More from DOJ: The White House is expected to nominate Christine Varney, a former Federal Trade Commission member and Internet-law expert, as Justice Department antitrust chief, people briefed on the move said.  Jon Leibowitz, a current FTC member, is the leading candidate for commission chairman, but the decision isn’t final, these ... Varney Instead of Elhauge at DOJ?

Some Links

Alex Tabarrok reviews economic growth textbooks and recommends this one Ribstein on the proxy access battles Private antitrust litigation is increasing quickly (picture here) — I’m setting the over/under for 2010 at 1600 cases Steve Salop on the appropriate Section 2 rule of reason standard for refusal to deal and price squeezes by unregulated, vertically ... Some Links

Vertical Mergers: Fast Food, Folklore, and Fake News

In the Federal Trade Commission’s recent hearings on competition policy in the 21st century, Georgetown professor Steven Salop urged greater scrutiny of vertical mergers. He argued that regulators should be skeptical of the claim that vertical integration tends to produce efficiencies that can enhance consumer welfare. In his presentation to the FTC, Professor Salop provided ... Vertical Mergers: Fast Food, Folklore, and Fake News

Kobayashi and Wright on Antitrust Issues in Intellectual Property & Standard Setting

Bruce Kobayashi and I have posted our forthcoming chapter, Intellectual Property and Standard Setting,  in the forthcoming ABA Antitrust Section Handbook on the Antitrust Aspects of Standard Setting.  It offers an analytical overview of the antitrust issues involving intellectual property and standard setting including, but not limited to, patent holdup, royalty stacking, refusals to license, ... Kobayashi and Wright on Antitrust Issues in Intellectual Property & Standard Setting