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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Sokol’s trades

Per the WSJ, Buffett associate David Sokol bought shares of a potential Berkshire target, Lubrizol, the day after expressed interest in the company on behalf of Berkshire. He sold those shares a week later, but soon bought more around the time the Lubrizol board met to discuss Berkshire’s interest.  Sokol told Buffett about the deal ... Sokol’s trades

Manne on insider trading as compensation

Henry Manne has a new version of the arguments he’s been making for years for insider trading as an efficient compensation mechanism. It’s Entrepreneurship, Compensation, and the Corporation.  Here’s the abstract: This paper revisits the concept of entrepreneurship, which is frequently neglected in mainstream economics, and discusses the importance of defining and isolating this concept ... Manne on insider trading as compensation

Nobel Speculation: Armen Alchian, Harold Demsetz and Benjamin Klein Should Win the Prize in 2011

Its time to dust off (and slightly update) an old post for its annual republication around this time each year.   With the start of the school year comes another fall tradition here at TOTM: Nobel speculation. More specifically, every fall I yell from the rooftops that some combination of Armen Alchian, Harold Demsetz and Ben ... Nobel Speculation: Armen Alchian, Harold Demsetz and Benjamin Klein Should Win the Prize in 2011

The FCC Payola Probe Continues

The Federal Communications Commission has announced that it is stepping up efforts in its investigation of payola practices at four radio conglomerates: Clear Channel, CBS Radio, Entercom, and Citadel, and has issued former letters of inquiry. Bill pointed me to an article in the LA Times which reports that settlement talks with the four radio ... The FCC Payola Probe Continues

Majority Voting For Directors

According to this article, the hot issue with activist shareholders for the upcoming proxy season is majority voting for the election of directors. ISS estimates that shareholder proposals for the adoption of majority voting will be submitted to over 100 companies (up from 79 last year). These proposals generally call for a bylaw amendment ... Majority Voting For Directors

Wright v. Rule at Columbia Law on Google and Antitrust

Charles (“Rick”) Rule, who represents Microsoft and is the head of the antitrust practice at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP, and I had an opportunity to debate the various antitrust issues involving Google and its search engine on last week.  I didn’t have much of a chance to report here on the blog over the ... Wright v. Rule at Columbia Law on Google and Antitrust

The Froth Is Back

Today’s WSJ reports that professional stock analysts employed by brokerage firms are up to their old sunny ways. These “sell-side� analysts came under fire in 2002 for rendering falsely optimistic trading recommendations. Congressional hearings revealed that during the late 1990s, analysts’ “buy� recommendations outnumbered “sell� recommendations by nearly 100 to one. Well, according to today’s ... The Froth Is Back

An academic’s day in court

About a month ago I discussed a case in which I had written an amicus brief: Last year I wrote here about Roni LLC v Arfa, which I cited as an example of the ”troubling lawlessness of NY LLC law.” In brief, the court sustained a non-disclosure claim based on “plaintiffs’ allegations that the promoter ... An academic’s day in court

The AALS doesn’t want to hear about the future of law teaching

The AALS each year selects a few “hot topics” program proposals for discussion of “late-breaking” subjects at the January meeting.  This year I agreed to be included in a hot topics panel described as follows: Law schools have long kept a comfortable distance from the concerns of the practicing bar. Earlier calls for reform such ... The AALS doesn’t want to hear about the future of law teaching

Choice of forum and corporate governance

Choice-of-forum provisions are potentially important in all contracts.  Not only can they match the parties with expert and efficient adjudicators, but they can reinforce a choice-of-law clause because courts tend to apply forum law.  See The Law Market, Ch. 4.  Choice of forum is getting a lot of attention in corporate law.  Delaware has long ... Choice of forum and corporate governance

AEA Issues New Disclosure Guidelines for Economists

Here they are: 1) Every submitted article should state the sources of financial support for the particular research it describes. If none, that fact should be stated. (2) Each author of a submitted article should identify each interested party from whom he or she has received significant financial support, summing to at least $10,000 in ... AEA Issues New Disclosure Guidelines for Economists

No Monkey Scribes Here: The MasterCard IPO and the Role of the Lawyer

Bill’s post concerning the role of lawyers in reducing regulatory costs reminded me that that I had forgotten to post after the recent Harvard Negotiation Law Review Symposium on Deal-Making and Strategic Negotiation (thanks for the invite Vic). I had blogged about the value of case studies for empirical scholarship here. The symposium included some ... No Monkey Scribes Here: The MasterCard IPO and the Role of the Lawyer