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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

The U.S., the WTO and the absence of international law

Joel Trachtman at International Economic Law & Policy blog and Julian Ku at Opinio Juris are commenting on the role of international law in shaping US behavior, in this case with respect to compliance with WTO rulings. As Joel points out, “[t]raditional realist political science considers traditional international law ‘epiphenomenal,’ meaning that the real action ... The U.S., the WTO and the absence of international law

Law School Rankings and Per Capita Downloads

Brian Leiter has posted, with all the caveats that go along with using SSRN downloads to rank faculties, a new set of rankings using downloads for the past 12 months. Leiter lists the top 15 by total downloads and new papers in 2006 along with the share of total downloads attributable to the top 3 ... Law School Rankings and Per Capita Downloads

Venture Backed Firms Going Public in London

This article from reports that VCs have been having trouble taking their portfolio companies public in the U.S. largely because SOX has made it too expensive for small companies and the Wall Street research settlement has resulted in much less analyst coverage of small public companies. Larry Ribstein also talks about this here. As ... Venture Backed Firms Going Public in London

The Canseco Effect in the Legal Academy?

Eric Gould and Todd Kaplan have posted an interesting paper (highlighted at the WSJ Economics Blog) identifying the “Canseco Effect.”  They test baseball player Jose Canseco’s impact on his teammates productivity in response to Canseco’s assertion in his book that he made he improved his teammates’ performance by introducing them to steroids.  Turns out he ... The Canseco Effect in the Legal Academy?

IPO Marketing Practices During the Waiting Period

The make or break time for an IPO from the underwriter’s perspective is the waiting period (the period of time beginning when the IPO registration statement is filed with the SEC and ending when the SEC declares the registration statement effective). This is when the underwriting syndicate is bookbuilding, i.e. actively marketing the deal and ... IPO Marketing Practices During the Waiting Period

SCOTUS Slays the "Exotic Beast"

SCOTUS’ Dagher opinion is indeed good news. For those unfamiliar with the case, the Ninth Circuit held that the pricing policy of two joint ventures between Shell and Texaco were per se illegal under the Sherman Act. As it stood, the Ninth Circuit’s analysis threatened per se antitrust liability for joint ventures engaging in the ... SCOTUS Slays the "Exotic Beast"

Antitrust Superprecedent

Shubha Ghosh, of the Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog, is predicting that the Supreme Court will not overrule the 1911 Dr. Miles decision, which holds that “vertical minimum resale price maintenance” (i.e., a manufacturer’s imposition of minimum resale price for his goods) is per se illegal. Ghosh explains: [T]he grant of cert in Leegin is ... Antitrust Superprecedent

Introductory Post: Retrospective on Ajit Pai’s Tenure as FCC Chairman

Ajit Pai will step down from his position as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) effective Jan. 20. Beginning Jan. 15, Truth on the Market will host a symposium exploring Pai’s tenure, with contributions from a range of scholars and practitioners. As we ponder the changes to FCC policy that may arise with the ... Introductory Post: Retrospective on Ajit Pai’s Tenure as FCC Chairman

A Day in the Fair New World of Perfectly Open Platforms

Early Morning I wake up grudgingly to the loud ring of my phone’s preset alarm sound (I swear I gave third-party alarms a fair shot). I slide my feet into the bedroom slippers and mechanically chaperone my body to the coffee machine in the living room. “Great,” I think to myself, “Out of capsules, again.” ... A Day in the Fair New World of Perfectly Open Platforms

Chairman Pai’s FCC Followed a Sound Process in Approving L-Band Wireless Services

During Chairman Ajit Pai’s tenure, the Federal Communications Commission adopted key reforms that improved the agency’s processes. No less important than process reform is process integrity. The commission’s L-Band Order and the process that produced it will be the focus here. In that proceeding, Chairman Pai led a careful and deliberative process that resulted in ... Chairman Pai’s FCC Followed a Sound Process in Approving L-Band Wireless Services

Markets are incremental; Obamacare is not

Watching Obamacare dissolve in a morass of legal challenges and waivers points out another benefit of markets.   Markets proceed incrementally.  The Internet has made a huge difference in all of our lives.  But the process was gradual.  It began with just a few academic users and then expanded as entrepreneurs figured out next steps.  In 1990 no one ... Markets are incremental; Obamacare is not

Dynamic Merger Efficiencies: The Case of Pharmaceutical Markets

The recent launch of the international Multilateral Pharmaceutical Merger Task Force (MPMTF) is just the latest example of burgeoning cooperative efforts by leading competition agencies to promote convergence in antitrust enforcement. (See my recent paper on the globalization of antitrust, which assesses multinational cooperation and convergence initiatives in greater detail.) In what is a first, ... Dynamic Merger Efficiencies: The Case of Pharmaceutical Markets