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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Free to Choose? A Symposium on Behavioral Law and Economics

Mark your calendars!  Truth on the Market will be holding a two day symposium on behavioral law and economics and its implications on December 6th and 7th.  We’ve got a great lineup of participants confirmed — and several invitations pending.  We’ll have more announcements as we get closer to the date.    Stay tuned. Free ... Free to Choose? A Symposium on Behavioral Law and Economics

Reflections on the GMU/Microsoft Conference

As you may know, this past Friday we (Geoff and Josh) organized the inaugural GMU/Microsoft Conference on the Law and Economics of Innovation. Overall, we were extremely pleased with our first entry in this conference series, The Regulation of Innovation and Economic Growth. We had about 130 register for the conference, including many high level ... Reflections on the GMU/Microsoft Conference

The FCC’s proposed broadband privacy rules: The harmful effects of regulating without evidence or analysis

Last week the International Center for Law & Economics filed comments on the FCC’s Broadband Privacy NPRM. ICLE was joined in its comments by the following scholars of law & economics: Babette E. Boliek, Associate Professor of Law, Pepperdine School of Law Adam Candeub, Professor of Law, Michigan State University College of Law Justin (Gus) Hurwitz, Assistant Professor of ... The FCC’s proposed broadband privacy rules: The harmful effects of regulating without evidence or analysis

The unfortunate return of the "strange, red-haired, bearded, one-eyed, man with a limp"

The DC Circuit has reversed the district court in the Whole Foods case.  The opinion is here.  [HT:  Danny Sokol] As regular readers know, we have covered this case extensively on this blog, including most recently this great, lengthy post from Thom on the proper standard of review.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Thom is disappointed with the ... The unfortunate return of the "strange, red-haired, bearded, one-eyed, man with a limp"

Interest Rates and Antitrust

Today’s Israeli newspapers have an interesting story about a multibillion dollar antitrust suit that an Israeli manufacturing firm has brought against Israel’s three major banks. The complaint alleges that the banks price colluded on rates, charging identically in five distinct rate categories: a uniform prime rate always 1.5% above the central bank’s; a uniform risk ... Interest Rates and Antitrust

Coda: Varney withdraws Section 2 Report

I guess it comes as little surprise that Christine Varney has withdrawn the Section 2 Report.  The comments made in the statement withdrawing the Report indicate . . . well, that Varney isn’t convinced by reading this blog, among other things.  Coming on the heels of our Section 2  Symposium, the news is jarring, although ... Coda: Varney withdraws Section 2 Report

Barnett on Antitrust, IP, and Apple at the GMU Antitrust Symposium

Yesterday I had the pleasure of participating in a panel discussion on standards for single firm conduct in the United States and the EU at the George Mason Antitrust Symposium, which focused on antitrust issues in the global marketplace (and I might add, was put together quite nicely by the GMU Law Review folks). The ... Barnett on Antitrust, IP, and Apple at the GMU Antitrust Symposium

FTC v. DOJ on Section 2: Just Different Priors?

Turns out the Global Competition Policy issue on Reviewing the DOJ Report on Competition and Monopoly, in addition to the articles I pointed to in this post, has added a few more responses to the Report, the FTC Response, and what the schism might mean for antitrust enforcement over the next several years. So far ... FTC v. DOJ on Section 2: Just Different Priors?

Section 2 Symposium: Howard Marvel–An Economist’s View

In the wake of Bork and Posner, and Baxter and the Reagan Revolution, a consensus emerged that big could be bad, but the harm that dominant firms could do needed to be demonstrated, not simply assumed in consequence of their sheer size. Moreover, the demonstration required harm to competition. The consensus held through the Clinton ... Section 2 Symposium: Howard Marvel–An Economist’s View

The Future of Law and Economics Part 2: Mathematics, Retailing L&E, and Detachment

In my previous post, I sketched out some trends in the Law & Economics movement in recent years. Specifically, I’ve focused on the trends towards increasing mathematical formality and specialization within economics as a stand alone discipline. The post triggered some thoughtful responses from Larry Solum and Larry Ribstein for which I am grateful. I ... The Future of Law and Economics Part 2: Mathematics, Retailing L&E, and Detachment

Teson and Klick on Global Justice and Trade

Larry Solum points to Fernando Teson and Jonathan Klick’s (both of FSU College of Law) Global Justice and Trade: A Puzzling Omission.  It is a thoughtful and provocative paper.  Teson and Klick motivate the paper as an attempt to address the failure of philosophers and human rights scholars not to advocate free trade as a ... Teson and Klick on Global Justice and Trade

The Limits of Antitrust in the New Economy

Josh and I have just posted a draft of our new article, The Limits of Antitrust in the New Economy. We’ll be presenting it at the Searle Center Research Roundtable on the 25th Anniversary of Frank Easterbrook’s essential article, The Limits of Antitrust, next week. Here’s the abstract: This paper offers an opportunity to reflect ... The Limits of Antitrust in the New Economy