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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

The Internet Association’s vision for the future looks a lot like the past

Last week, the Internet Association (“IA”) — a trade group representing some of America’s most dynamic and fastest growing tech companies, including the likes of Google, Facebook, Amazon, and eBay — presented the incoming Trump Administration with a ten page policy paper entitled “Policy Roadmap for New Administration, Congress.” The document’s content is not surprising, ... The Internet Association’s vision for the future looks a lot like the past

"Yale on $0 a Day" Sparks a Wonder Moment

We’re so immersed in the benefits of a market economy that I fear we sometimes fail to notice what a marvel capitalism is. Today’s Wall Street Journal points to yet another of capitalism’s benefits. A growing number of very, very fancy colleges with very, very talented professors and very, very expensive tuition are offering their ... "Yale on $0 a Day" Sparks a Wonder Moment

FTC UMC Roundup – Happy EOnniversary Edition

Welcome to the FTC UMC Roundup for the middle of July. As we sit between the Fourth of July and August recess, the  first images from the James Webb space telescope are a nice way to put the day-to-day grind of antitrust law into perspective. In part, that’s my way of saying that as Congress ... FTC UMC Roundup – Happy EOnniversary Edition

U.S. Senate Self-Preferencing Bill Offers Perfect Recipe for Regulatory Overreach

Even as delivery services work to ship all of those last-minute Christmas presents that consumers bought this season from digital platforms and other e-commerce sites, the U.S. House and Senate are contemplating Grinch-like legislation that looks to stop or limit how Big Tech companies can “self-preference” or “discriminate” on their platforms. A platform “self-preferences” when ... U.S. Senate Self-Preferencing Bill Offers Perfect Recipe for Regulatory Overreach

Correcting Herb Kohl (and Kayak and Bing Travel . . .) on Google/ITA

Today comes news that Senator Kohl has sent a letter to the DOJ urging “careful review” of the proposed Google/ITA merger.  Underlying his concerns (or rather the “concerns raised by a number of industry participants and consumer advocates that I believe warrant careful review”) is this: Many of ITA’s customers believe that access to ITA’s ... Correcting Herb Kohl (and Kayak and Bing Travel . . .) on Google/ITA

The Modern Video Marketplace Does Not Need Help From the FCC

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is no stranger to undertaking controversial and potentially counterproductive regulatory projects. The commission’s digital-discrimination proceeding is expected to continue in November, and FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel just announced that the FCC will revive the warmed-over corpse of the 2015 Open Internet Order. This latter item highlights how the FCC’s Democratic ... The Modern Video Marketplace Does Not Need Help From the FCC

Privacy, Crypto, and EU Financial Surveillance

European Union lawmakers appear close to finalizing a number of legislative proposals that aim to reform the EU’s financial-regulation framework in response to the rise of cryptocurrencies. Prominent within the package are new anti-money laundering and “countering the financing of terrorism” rules (AML/CFT), including an extension of the so-called “travel rule.” The travel rule, which ... Privacy, Crypto, and EU Financial Surveillance

Call for Submissions on FTC UMC Rulemaking Authority

The Limits of FTC UMC Rulemaking Symposium There is widespread interest in the potential tools that the Biden administration FTC may use to address a range of competition-related and competition-adjacent concerns. Among other issues, there have been indications that the FTC may use its broad UMC authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act to ... Call for Submissions on FTC UMC Rulemaking Authority

Who Has the Moral High Ground Here?

Life in the inner city can be hard. Jobs are scarce, prices are high, and transportation is difficult, making it hard to travel significant distances to work or shop. So when major retailers announce plans to enter the inner city, hire lots of employees, turn their neighborhoods into shopping destinations (thereby encouraging the creation of ... Who Has the Moral High Ground Here?

Sprigman and Buccafusco on Behavioral Law and Economics and the Road from Lab to Law

In our second post, we want to discuss some of the implications of the study (the details of which we described in our first post). One of the consistent concerns about BL&E in this symposium is about the too-quick jump from data to policy. We should emphasize that we think more work needs to be ... Sprigman and Buccafusco on Behavioral Law and Economics and the Road from Lab to Law

Hamermesh on the Point of the Bailout

Some simple economics and common sense: Governments intervene in markets all the time — and they should, in order to make markets more competitive; to solve problems of externalities (which are ubiquitous); to resolve difficulties caused by individuals’ shortsightedness, including the spurring of innovation; and to reduce transactions costs. Where does the auto bailout fit ... Hamermesh on the Point of the Bailout

Two Submissions to the Horizontal Merger Guidelines Review Project

This week, I submitted two comments to the Horizontal Merger Guidelines Revision Project. The first, submitted with a group of economists focusing on the use of price/cost margins in merger analysis.  The submission lays out the basic relationship between margins and elasticities that flows from the profit-maximization assumption, and then discusses several of the factors ... Two Submissions to the Horizontal Merger Guidelines Review Project