The Archives

Everything written by Christopher Jon Sprigman on law, economics, and more

Sprigman and Buccafusco on Behavioral Law and Economics and the Road from Lab to Law

In our second post, we want to discuss some of the implications of the study (the details of which we described in our first post). One of the consistent concerns about BL&E in this symposium is about the too-quick jump from data to policy. We should emphasize that we think more work needs to be ... Sprigman and Buccafusco on Behavioral Law and Economics and the Road from Lab to Law

Sprigman and Buccafusco on Valuing Intellectual Property

We would like to start by thanking Josh for inviting us to participate in what promises to be a fascinating discussion on an important subject.  We’re looking forward to engaging with the other members of the symposium. To begin with, we would like to talk about some of our own experimental research on the valuation ... Sprigman and Buccafusco on Valuing Intellectual Property