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Evaluating "Long Term Advisors" and "Short Term Interventions"

My colleague Danny Sokol has posted An Empirical Evaluation of Long Term Advisors and Short Term Interventions in Technical Assistance and Capacity Building to SSRN. The abstract for the paper, which is co-authored by Kyle Stiegert, follows: Technical assistance to improve the capacity of regulatory agencies around the world remains a key priority for international ... Evaluating "Long Term Advisors" and "Short Term Interventions"

The Deadwood Report is Coming …

Thats the opening line of my colleague and Green Bag Editor Ross Davies’ announcement (posted here) that The Green Bag is ready to enter the law school rankings game.  The Deadwood Report (see also Inside Higher Ed) has law school puffery and false advertising in its sights.  The basic idea is that the available information on the ... The Deadwood Report is Coming …

UVA Law School Names Corporate Law Expert Paul Mahoney Next Dean

UVA Law School announced today the appointment of esteemed corporate law scholar Paul Mahoney as dean. Congratulations.  (Corporate law scholar, Sullivan & Cromwell alum, former Second Circuit clerk – it all bodes well…..)

Conference on Empirical Legal Studies

CELS 2008 will be held at Cornell Law School this year September 12 and 13.  Submissions are due by April 15th.  CELS has quickly become one of the best conferences of the year and I’m very much looking forward to attending.  Here’s the conference announcement: The conference’s objectives are: (1) to encourage and develop empirical ... Conference on Empirical Legal Studies

Antitrust & Private Equity

WSJ Deal Journal reports some important movement on the antitrust and private equity front.  Specifically, Judge Richard Jones (W.D. Washington) granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss in Pennsylvania Avenue Funds v. Borey, dismissing the plaintiffs’ allegations that two private equity firms had violated the Sherman Act by bidding jointly on the target company (Watchguard Technologies) ... Antitrust & Private Equity

The Whole Foods Appeal — Wrong, but Maybe Good.

The FTC has filed its primary appellate brief in the Whole Foods case. In essence, the brief asserts two claims: that the district court evaluated the Commission’s request for a preliminary injunction under an overly stringent legal standard, and that the court improperly discounted the Commission’s evidence that a Whole Foods/Wild Oats merger would reduce ... The Whole Foods Appeal — Wrong, but Maybe Good.

Pioneers in Law and Economics Preview

My colleague Lloyd Cohen and I are editing a volume for Edward Elgar on Pioneers in Law and Economics.  We’ve collected a dozen or so top notch essays from leading law and economics scholars covering the pioneers in the discipline and their contributions.  I’ll have more details to post about this project in a month ... Pioneers in Law and Economics Preview

Law Review Submission Season Is Almost Upon Us. Maybe.

Tis the spring law review submission season (almost, depending on your view)!  This is the time of year where many members of law school faculties wrap up their law review draft articles and begin submitting them to various journals for consideration for publication.  Tomorrow Tulane is having a faculty roundtable on law review publishing, at ... Law Review Submission Season Is Almost Upon Us. Maybe.

Feingold-Kyl Update

A few months ago I commented on the absurdity of the Feingold-Kyl amendment to the judicial pay raise bill, which appeared to be a thinly veiled attempt to target the George Mason Law and Economics Center and a few others. The absurdity with which I was particularly interested at the time was the fact that ... Feingold-Kyl Update

Luke Froeb Antitrust Interview

Luke Froeb gives a short interview on international antitrust, harmonization, China, and all sorts of interesting and timely topics. Towards the end of the interview Luke addresses whether the export of antitrust regulation outside of the United States (and particularly into developing economies) is a good idea. You’ll have to listen to the interview to ... Luke Froeb Antitrust Interview

Microsoft Bids for Yahoo – Yahoo’s Board Will Respond

Microsoft has made a bid for Yahoo, and the Yahoo board of directors is anticipated to use the Nancy Reagan “Just Say No” defense.  I feel like I’m back in the 1980s merger boom. Several thoughts: 1.  Rumor has it we are in a recession.  It is likely then that Yahoo stock is currently trading at ... Microsoft Bids for Yahoo – Yahoo’s Board Will Respond

Big State Primaries and General Electability

In yesterday’s Super Tuesday primaries, Hillary Clinton won the two largest contests–California and New York–but the delegate count was close to even (perhaps Clinton even finished slightly behind) because Barack Obama won more states, albeit smaller ones. The Clinton campaign argues that Clinton’s victories in larger, delegate-rich states suggest that she would be a more ... Big State Primaries and General Electability