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Showing results for:  “sirius xm merger”

Antitrust Enforcement Levels and Quality Again: A Hypothetical Conversation

I’ve done some more thinking about my recent post on the problems associated with claims that infer greater antitrust enforcement quality solely from enforcement activity and come to the conclusion that my post oversimplified matters. I remain rather skeptical about this inference but wanted to highlight some of the nuances in the debate that I ... Antitrust Enforcement Levels and Quality Again: A Hypothetical Conversation

Antitrust Activity and Distinguishing Influence from Quality

From the Economic Times: The European Union’s antitrust agency is becoming more influential just as its US counterparts have grown more cautious and inactive, experts say. The European Commission’s recent success in forcing Microsoft to carry out antitrust sanctions underscores the differences, and academic researchers say the US is also hanging back in merger challenges. ... Antitrust Activity and Distinguishing Influence from Quality

Peking University IEPR Antitrust Conference

Today marked the completion of the J. Mirrlees Institute of Economic Policy Research (IEPR) Conference on China’s Competition Policy and Anti-Monopoly Law at Peking University in Beijing. I was thrilled to be invited to participate in the conference. A special thanks to Hongbin Cai of Peking University for the invitation, and for organizing an all ... Peking University IEPR Antitrust Conference

Edwards, Antitrust, and the Return of Von's Grocery?

AAI continues its series of antitrust policy statements from presidential candidates with a submission from John Edwards. Again, I’m very pleased that the AAI was successful in getting this series of submissions together and inducing candidates to share their thoughts on antitrust policy. So what does Edwards have to say? Edwards’ statement has in common ... Edwards, Antitrust, and the Return of Von's Grocery?

We Are Not Just Going to Stand Here, We Are Going to Do Something!

That seems to be the message of presidential candidate/ Senator Barak Obama’s response to the American Antitrust Institute’s questions on antitrust (HT: Antitrust Review). First off, kudos to Obama for stating his position on antitrust in a public forum. I hope the rest of the candidates will do the same. Do go read the whole ... We Are Not Just Going to Stand Here, We Are Going to Do Something!

Reactions to the Microsoft Decision

The reaction to the CFI’s Microsoft decision (press release here) thus far has been largely negative.  Here’s a sample: Luke Froeb: “Disappointingly, the Court failed to articulate a principle that would tell firms when they are competing on the merits and when they are going to violate the increasingly murky European antitrust rules about dominant ... Reactions to the Microsoft Decision

More on Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. v. Allegheny Energy, Inc.

Steven Davidoff responded to my blog here last week regarding Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. v. Allegheny Energy, Inc. and made the excellent point that just how bad for Merrill the representation I quoted really was depends in part on the limitations on indemnification that were included in the purchase agreement. For example, if the ... More on Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. v. Allegheny Energy, Inc.

What Do Elvis Sightings and Alien Abductions Have to Do With Merger Analysis?

Read Luke Froeb’s post to find out.

Froeb on Economics in Whole Foods

Here’s a taste of the reaction of former FTC Bureau of Economics Director Luke Froeb to some of the economic analysis in the recent Whole Foods merger case: The heavily redacted court documents refer to entry “experiments” to determine the degree of substitution between the two merging stores. We found the following on the Whole ... Froeb on Economics in Whole Foods

Welcome the Newest TOTM Blogger: Robert T. Miller

On behalf of everyone here at TOTM, please join me in welcoming Robert T. Miller as our newest permanent blogger. Robert is an assistant professor at Villanova University School of Law. Prior to joining the faculty at Villanova, Robert was an associate with Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and a visiting assistant professor at Cardozo ... Welcome the Newest TOTM Blogger: Robert T. Miller

I am so smart, s-m-r-t. . . I mean, s-m-a-r-t.

I’m not one to gloat.  Ok, yes i am.  As Thom indicated, the court reached what I believe is the right result in the Whole Foods case yesterday.  I’ve been beating this drum since the merger challenge was announced (I won’t bother linking, yet again, to the series of posts.  Search for “Whole Foods” up ... I am so smart, s-m-r-t. . . I mean, s-m-a-r-t.

Manne Vindicated!

Geoff made all the right arguments on the FTC’s embarrassing effort to thwart the Whole Foods/Wild Oats merger. Indeed, he was one of the first to do so and thereby earned an honored link on Whole Foods’ website. Judge Paul Friedman of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia just denied the ... Manne Vindicated!