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Showing results for:  “sirius xm merger”

Slopping Wordsmithing by the WSJ or Bad Corporate Governance?

As we know, News Corp. has made a bid for Dow Jone, offering $60/sh for the outstanding Dow Jones stock.  The Bancroft family, however, who controls at least a majority of the Dow Jones voting stock, has indicated clearly that it will not vote in favor of this offer, such that the offer, as it currently ... Slopping Wordsmithing by the WSJ or Bad Corporate Governance?

Senator Kohl on Antitrust, Part I — Airline Mergers

One nice thing about being a legal academic is that you can diversify your political portfolio. By that, I mean that you become somewhat indifferent to who’s in office. If it’s folks you agree with, then you’re happy because your preferred policies are being implemented. If it’s folks with whom you disagree, then you’re happy ... Senator Kohl on Antitrust, Part I — Airline Mergers

Dow Jones Board Action: Nice exam question

Does a bid for Dow Jones implicate Revlon duties?  Can a board “just say no”?  What if the Board says nothing, b/c they know a majority of their s/h will not vote for the acquisition?  This is the stuff good Corporations or M&A exam questions are made of.  Luckily, counsel to the Dow Jones Board must have paid ... Dow Jones Board Action: Nice exam question

"Can you have angst without a soul?" – Delaware Vice Chancellor Leo Strine

As promised, I am reporting back from Tulane’s Corporate Law Institute qua “Who’s Who in the M&A World” gathering.  Leo Strine did indeed query today: “can you have angst without a soul?”  (He asked in response to the statement that initial bidders fear deal-jumpers when waiting out a go shop period.)  Though the WSJ was ... "Can you have angst without a soul?" – Delaware Vice Chancellor Leo Strine

Annual Corporate Law Institute: "Everybody who is anybody is there."

I leave tomorrow for Tulane’s Annual Corporate Law Institute.  This conference is viewed by many as the top annual deal conference, so I am expecting great things (this will be my first time attending the conference).  Indeed, the speaker line-up is incredible.  Chief of OMA at the SEC, Chief Justice of the Del. Supreme Court, Vice Chancellor ... Annual Corporate Law Institute: "Everybody who is anybody is there."

Law School Rankings and Per Capita Downloads

Brian Leiter has posted, with all the caveats that go along with using SSRN downloads to rank faculties, a new set of rankings using downloads for the past 12 months. Leiter lists the top 15 by total downloads and new papers in 2006 along with the share of total downloads attributable to the top 3 ... Law School Rankings and Per Capita Downloads

The Sirius XM Merger in the Court of Public Opinion

The proposed merger has been making lots of waves in the press as of late, including a Congressional hearing (Antitrust Review has links to all the hearing testimony) but not much serious grappling with the antitrust issues. I even read today that John Ashcroft has chimed in. Of course, it is very difficult to do ... The Sirius XM Merger in the Court of Public Opinion

Some Weekend Blog Reading

Some blogging that may be of interest to TOTM readers: Andrew Gelman (for it) v. Tyler Cowen (against it) on the American Economic Association’s decision to add 4 new quarterly journals. Michael Giberson (Knowledge Problem) and David Fischer (Antitrust Review) on the Sirius-XM Merger, a story Keith has been covering here at TOTM. VC’s Todd ... Some Weekend Blog Reading

Sirius/XM: You Heard It Here First!

Today’s report that Sirius and XM plan to merge vindicates the antitrust analysis offered here last June. Regulators should analyze the merger from a broad “audio market” perspective that includes terrestrial radio. Considering the extensive non-satellite content available to listeners, and considering as well the efficiencies associated with the Sirius/XM combination, it is reasonable to ... Sirius/XM: You Heard It Here First!

AMC Releases Tentative Recommendations

The tentative recommendations of the Antitrust Modernization Committee are out, and include Commissioner vote counts for various propositions. The recommendations largely take the form of propositions that the AMC Commissioners joined, did not join, or were undetermined. Here are a few that caught my eye on an initial read-through (note that 2-5 apply to merger ... AMC Releases Tentative Recommendations

"There is Little Evidence that Economic Analysis of Law Has Changed [Antitrust] in Any Noticeable Way"

Huh? This statement appears in this article by Professor Anthony D’Amato (Northwestern) on the failure of interdisciplinary scholarship in the legal academy. HT: Brian Leiter. Quite frankly, I was very surprised to see a claim like this in a paper written after 1970 or so. Even in corners of the academy hostile to economic analysis, ... "There is Little Evidence that Economic Analysis of Law Has Changed [Antitrust] in Any Noticeable Way"

SSRN Top Tens for Corporate, Corporate Governance, and Securities Law

The current SSRN top tens for corporate, corporate governance, and securities law are after the jump.