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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Dont Call It A Comeback

When I came onto the job market in 2004, a number of advisers told me that I should not market myself as an “antitrust guy.”  The prevailing view on the job market was that “antitrust was dead.”  This perception was conveyed one way or another in interviews or conversations with folks in the legal academy.  ... Dont Call It A Comeback

My interview with Bill Isaac

Over at finreg21–a new site devoted to news, analysis and commentary on financial regulatory reform with which I am affiliated–I interview Bill Isaac, former Chairman of the FDIC (during the savings and loan crisis).  We talk about his views on mark to market accounting and his testimony before congress (and a smidge about his views ... My interview with Bill Isaac

TOTM Symposium Wrap Up

I’d like to formally thank Mike Carrier, Geoff Manne, Phil Weiser, Dan Crane, Brett Frischmann, Scott Kieff and Dennis Crouch for participating in the first TOTM symposium on Mike’s book: Innovation for the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law.   Thanks also to Dennis for cross-posting at PatentlyO.  Each of the ... TOTM Symposium Wrap Up

Professor Carrier’s Response

First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Josh Wright. Only because of Josh’s creativity and tireless, flawless execution did this blog symposium come about and run so smoothly. I also would like to thank Dennis Crouch, who has generously cross-posted the symposium at PatentlyO. And I am grateful for the ... Professor Carrier’s Response

The other shoe

Michael Carrier’s response to the symposium contributions will be up a bit later today.  We’re all anxious to see his remarks, so be sure to check back soon!

Crouch on Carrier’s Innovation in the 21st Century

I am enjoying Professor Carrier’s new book Innovation in the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law. I will focus my discussion here on patent issues discussed in Part III of the book. As other commentaries have noted the book is long on conclusions and proposals but somewhat short on justifications for ... Crouch on Carrier’s Innovation in the 21st Century

Symposium Halftime

We’re halfway through the TOTM symposium on Professor Carrier’s Innovation for the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law.  I’ve provided links to Monday’s posts on the book related to antitrust issues: Dan Crane Phil Weiser Geoff Manne Josh Wright The comments to those posts are still live.  So feel free ... Symposium Halftime

Manne on Carrier's Innovation in the 21st Century

Michael Carrier has written a timely and interesting book.  Like Dan, I’m still digesting it (which means, in translation: I have not yet read every word).  There is much to like about the book, in particular its accessible format and content.  I do fear that it is a bit overly ambitious, however, hoping both to ... Manne on Carrier's Innovation in the 21st Century

ALEA 2009 May 15-16 in San Diego

The program is available here. And I’m thrilled to report that my paper (with co-author Michael Baye), Is Antitrust Too Complicated for Generalist Judges: The Impact of Economic Complexity and Judicial Training on Appeals, has been selected for the conference.  I’m very much looking forward to the panel and the conference in general. [UPDATE: Congratulations ... ALEA 2009 May 15-16 in San Diego

Linkline Decision is Unanimous

The opinion is available here.  Yet another super-majority Roberts Court antitrust decision applying consensus economic theory.  No more price squeeze claims.  Alcoa is not overturned.  The Court declares that the price-squeeze claim in the absence of a duty to deal can be handled jointly by a straightforward application of Trinko and Brooke Group to the ... Linkline Decision is Unanimous

DOJ AAG Designate Christine Varney on Section 2, Europe, Google & A Puzzling Statement About Error Costs

Predicting what antitrust enforcement regimes in the current economic environment is a tricky business.  I’ve done my best here.  One probably cannot think of a better source for such predictions than those from the soon-to-be AAG Christine Varney, who recently spoke at an American Antitrust Institute panel on Section 2 enforcement (you can hear the ... DOJ AAG Designate Christine Varney on Section 2, Europe, Google & A Puzzling Statement About Error Costs v. Google (UPDATED: With Complaint)

Anybody want to share a copy of the complaint?  (Email: jwrightg at gmu dot edu). UPDATE: Here’s a copy of the TradeComet Complaint. Thanks to an anonymous reader. Some brief comments on the highlights of the Complaint.  Per Thom’s comment below, it looks like the thrust of the complaint is not the price hike which ... v. Google (UPDATED: With Complaint)