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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

The Collected Works of Henry G. Manne

I’m delighted to report that the Liberty Fund has produced a three-volume collection of my dad’s oeuvre.  Fred McChesney edits, Jon Macey writes a new biography and Henry Butler, Steve Bainbridge and Jon Macey write introductions.  The collection can be ordered here. Here’s the description: As the founder of the Center for Law and Economics ... The Collected Works of Henry G. Manne

Daubert and Antitrust Economics, Or When Should An Antitrust Economist Have Training in Economics?

Judge Saris’s district court opinion denying the motion to exclude one of the plaintiff’s economic experts in  Natchitoches Parish Hospital v. Tyco International recently came across my desk.  It is an interesting case involving allegations that Covidien, a leading supplier of “sharps containers” used for the disposal of various needle-involving medical products (syringes, IVs, etc.) ... Daubert and Antitrust Economics, Or When Should An Antitrust Economist Have Training in Economics?

Henry Manne on Henderson on "Art and Politics"

Comes now a comment from the incomparable Henry Manne on my earlier post about whether I should buy “Sandinista!” by the Clash (See, Art and Politics post): “It is truly déjà vu all over again, and the doubling up is appropriate because the issue I have reference to took place mainly at the University of ... Henry Manne on Henderson on "Art and Politics"

Update on backdating

It’s been quite a while since we discussed backdating here at TOTM.  But back when it was all the rage, we were substantial contributors, formulating (we believe) some of the first fundamental explanations of the issues.  Some of the best posts from our backdating archive are here: I look pretty young but I’m just backdated, ... Update on backdating

"Diminishing the price of law"

The lesson from Jones, see my post below, is that law untamed can be very costly, and with little benefit. This is, of course, not a new idea. In a critical essay of “Southey’s Colloquies on Society,” Lord Thomas Macaulay wrote eloquently about the cost of law and government: “Our rulers will best promote the ... "Diminishing the price of law"

Welcome new TOTM blogger Todd Henderson

We are delighted to announce the addition of another new permanent blogger here at TOTM:  University of Chicago law professor Todd Henderson.  Like Thom, Todd is a member of the venerable University of Chicago Law School class of 1998 (second only to the most-venerable class of 1997!).  Todd is an expert in corporate law and ... Welcome new TOTM blogger Todd Henderson

Debating Google

Apologies for the late notice on this.  Last week I was on a Federalist Society panel discussing Google’s antitrust issues with Rick Rule, Susan Creighton and Scott Cleland.  The event description follows, and you can find audio of the panel here.  It was an interesting discussion, full of nice ironies in that Microsoft’s chief outside ... Debating Google

It's a Section 5!

The FTC brought its long-awaited case against Intel today.  New York Times report here.  Of course we’ve covered the various antitrust claims against Intel at great length on this blog, and have found all of the theories wanting. Chairman Leibowitz’ statement is here.  Most notable at first glance is that this is being brought primarily ... It's a Section 5!

The seeds of an antitrust disaster

If you live outside the farm belt (or you’re not an antitrust junkie) you might have missed what is shaping up to be one of the biggest antitrust stories of the coming year:  The set of antitrust accusations and actions against Monsanto for its alleged anticompetitive conduct in the biotech seed market. The AP reports: ... The seeds of an antitrust disaster

Symposium Wrap Up

Thanks to all of our participants and readers for the blog symposium–both the posts and the comments were engaging and thoughtful, and I hope these entries will be helpful in the ongoing debate over credit cards and interchange fees. A concluding point or two: Credit card networks are incredibly complex, and no one fully understands ... Symposium Wrap Up

Merchant Collusion as an Antitrust Remedy

In my first post I discussed the potential for interchange legislation from a consumer protection perspective, that is, would the combination of disclosure requirements coupled with a reduction of interchange fees be likely to improve consumer welfare.   I concluded that from the consumer protection perspective, the case for interchange legislation was weak.  I noted that ... Merchant Collusion as an Antitrust Remedy

Allocating the Costs of Fraud

Geoffrey A. Manne is Executive Director of the International Center for Law & Economics and a Lecturer in Law at Lewis & Clark Law School. I take to heart Jim’s claim that fraud is too-little discussed in this realm given its cost, and thus I’ll try my hand at it. Every discussion of the industrial ... Allocating the Costs of Fraud