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Showing results for:  “google”

Apple, Antitrust, and the FTC

Antitrust investigators continue to see smoke rising around Apple and the App Store.  From the WSJ: For starters, subscriptions must be sold through Apple’s App Store. For instance, a magazine that wants to publish its content on an iPad cannot include a link in an iPad app that would direct readers to buy subscriptions through ... Apple, Antitrust, and the FTC

Tim Wu to the FTC: What does it mean?

As you may have heard, Columbia lawprof and holder of the dubious distinction of having originated the term and concept of Net Neutrality, Tim Wu, is headed to the FTC as a senior advisor. Curiously, his guest stint runs for only about four and a half months.  As the WSJ reports: Mr. Wu, 38, will ... Tim Wu to the FTC: What does it mean?

On the ethical dimension of l’affair hiybbprqag

Former TOTM blog symposium participant Joshua Gans (visiting Microsoft Research) has a post at TAP on l’affair hiybbprqag, about which I blogged previously here. Gans notes, as I did, that Microsoft is not engaged in wholesale copying of Google’s search results, even though doing so would be technologically feasible.  But Gans goes on to draw ... On the ethical dimension of l’affair hiybbprqag

Microsoft undermines its own case

One of my favorite stories in the ongoing saga over the regulation (and thus the future) of Internet search emerged earlier this week with claims by Google that Microsoft has been copying its answers–using Google search results to bolster the relevance of its own results for certain search terms.  The full story from Internet search ... Microsoft undermines its own case

DOJ Gears Up To Challenge Proposed Google-ITA Merger

The WSJ reports that the DOJ is getting itself ready to challenge the Google-ITA merger (see earlier TOTM posts here and here): Justice Department staff lawyers have begun preparing legal documents for use in a possible court challenge to the $700 million deal for ITA Software Inc., but no decision to proceed has been made, ... DOJ Gears Up To Challenge Proposed Google-ITA Merger

Fun With Google ngrams

Tyler Cowen shows the Google Ngram — which uses Google Books to count references for the given term — for the term “liberty.” Here’s one for “antitrust.”

Why can’t we have a better press corps?: WaPo Google antitrust edition

Steven Pearlstein at the Washington Post asks if it’s “Time to loosen Google’s grip.”  The article is an analytical mess.  Pearlstein is often a decent business reporter–I’m not sure what went wrong here, but this is a pretty shoddy piece of antitrust journalism. For the most part, the article is a series of tired claims ... Why can’t we have a better press corps?: WaPo Google antitrust edition

The brave new world of choice of law

Suppose you’re a gay couple and you want to have a baby.  You could try adopting one and deal with the tangle of laws about gay adoption.  Or you could just plant some sperm and eggs in one or more surrogates and design one or more kids that are biologically yours. The variations are discussed ... The brave new world of choice of law

Correcting Herb Kohl (and Kayak and Bing Travel . . .) on Google/ITA

Today comes news that Senator Kohl has sent a letter to the DOJ urging “careful review” of the proposed Google/ITA merger.  Underlying his concerns (or rather the “concerns raised by a number of industry participants and consumer advocates that I believe warrant careful review”) is this: Many of ITA’s customers believe that access to ITA’s ... Correcting Herb Kohl (and Kayak and Bing Travel . . .) on Google/ITA

The EU tightens the noose around Google

Here we go again.  The European Commission is after Google more formally than a few months ago (but not yet having issued a Statement of Objections). For background on the single-firm antitrust issues surrounding Google I modestly recommend my paper with Josh, Google and the Limits of Antitrust: The Case Against the Antitrust Case Against ... The EU tightens the noose around Google

What’s An Internet Monopolist? A Reply to Professor Wu

We’ve been reading with interest a bit of an blog squabble between Tim Wu and Adam Thierer ( see here and here) set off by Professor Wu’s WSJ column: “In the Grip of the New Monopolists.”  Wu’s column makes some remarkable claims, and, like Adam, we find it extremely troubling. Wu starts off with some ... What’s An Internet Monopolist? A Reply to Professor Wu

Fair Search’s Google-ITA Video

A link to the video is available here. The video has all of the standard ingredients of a competitor complaint:  (1) a slogan (“Stand with Bob”), (2) anti-corporate rhetoric (“Freedom not Google Profit!”), and (3) appeals to provocative statements from a CEO.   Meanwhile, Google rivals have also turned their attention to Congress.  I suppose the ... Fair Search’s Google-ITA Video