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Showing results for:  “google”

Manufacturing (Broadband) Dissent

I have a new post up at, excerpted below, in which I discuss the growing body of (surprising uncontroversial) work showing that broadband in the US compares favorably to that in the rest of the world. My conclusion, which is frankly more cynical than I like, is that concern about the US “falling behind” ... Manufacturing (Broadband) Dissent

Appropriate humility from Verizon over corporations’ role in stopping NSA surveillance

Like most libertarians I’m concerned about government abuse of power. Certainly the secrecy and seeming reach of the NSA’s information gathering programs is worrying. But we can’t and shouldn’t pretend like there are no countervailing concerns (as Gordon Crovitz points out). And we certainly shouldn’t allow the fervent ire of the most radical voices — ... Appropriate humility from Verizon over corporations’ role in stopping NSA surveillance

Constitutional Dynamism: Responding to Tim Wu on “Machine Speech”, “Opportunism”, and First Amendment

William Buckley once described a conservative as “someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop.” Ironically, this definition applies to Professor Tim Wu’s stance against the Supreme Court applying the Constitution’s protections to the information age. Wu admits he is going against the grain by fighting what he describes as leading liberals from the civil rights ... Constitutional Dynamism: Responding to Tim Wu on “Machine Speech”, “Opportunism”, and First Amendment


Unfair Methods of Competition Symposium

Last month, FTC Commissioner Josh Wright began a much-needed conversation on the FTC’s UMC authority by issuing a proposed policy statement attempting to provide some meaningful guidance and limits to the FTC’s authority. Meanwhile, last week Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen offered her own take on the issue, echoing many of Josh’s points and further extending the conversation. Considerable commentary—and even congressional ... Unfair Methods of Competition Symposium

Geoffrey Manne on the Importance of Sensible Guidance for UMC Enforcement

Josh and Maureen are to be commended for their important contributions to the discussion over the proper scope of the FTC’s Section 5 enforcement authority. I have commented extensively on UMC and Section 5, Josh’s statement, and particularly the problems if UMC enforcement against the use of injunctions to enforce FRAND-encumbered SEPs before (see, for ... Geoffrey Manne on the Importance of Sensible Guidance for UMC Enforcement

James Cooper on the Limits of Section 5’s Scope Beyond the Sherman Act

The FTC has long been on a quest to find the elusive species of conduct that Section 5 alone can tackle.  A series of early Supreme Court cases interpreting the FTC Act – the most recent and widely cited of which is more than forty years old (FTC v. Sperry & Hutchinson Co., 405 U.S. ... James Cooper on the Limits of Section 5’s Scope Beyond the Sherman Act

Welcome to the TOTM Blog Symposium: Regulating the Regulators–Guidance for the FTC’s Section 5 Unfair Methods of Competition Authority

Regulating the Regulators: Guidance for the FTC’s Section 5 Unfair Methods of Competition Authority August 1, 2013 Welcome! We’re delighted to kick off our one-day blog symposium on the FTC’s unfair methods of competition (UMC) authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act. Last month, FTC Commissioner Josh Wright began a much-needed conversation on the ... Welcome to the TOTM Blog Symposium: Regulating the Regulators–Guidance for the FTC’s Section 5 Unfair Methods of Competition Authority

The Final Order in the FTC’s Google standard-essential patents case and the continuing danger to standard-setting

On July 24, the Federal Trade Commission issued a modified complaint and consent order in the Google/Motorola case. The FTC responded to the 25 comments on the proposed Order by making several amendments, but the Final Order retains the original order’s essential restrictions on injunctions, as the FTC explains in a letter accompanying the changes. ... The Final Order in the FTC’s Google standard-essential patents case and the continuing danger to standard-setting

TOTM Blog Symposium Thursday, Aug. 1: Regulating the Regulators–Guidance for the FTC’s Section 5 Unfair Methods of Competition Authority

Section 5 of the FTC Act permits the agency to take enforcement actions against companies that use “unfair or deceptive acts or practices” or that employ “unfair methods of competition.” The Act doesn’t specify what these terms mean, instead leaving that determination to the FTC itself.  In the 1980s, under intense pressure from Congress, the Commission ... TOTM Blog Symposium Thursday, Aug. 1: Regulating the Regulators–Guidance for the FTC’s Section 5 Unfair Methods of Competition Authority

The FTC and Innovative Business Models for Patented Innovation

The Federalist Society has started a new program, The Executive Branch Review, which focuses on the myriad fields in which the Executive Branch acts outside of the constitutional and legal limits imposed on it, either by Executive Orders or by the plethora of semi-independent administrative agencies’ regulatory actions. I recently posted on the Federal Trade Commission’s ... The FTC and Innovative Business Models for Patented Innovation

Bringing the Error Cost Framework to the Agency: Commissioner Wright’s Proposed Policy Statement on Section 5 Unfair Methods of Competition Enforcement

FTC Commissioner Wright issued today his Policy Statement on enforcement of Section 5 of the FTC Act against Unfair Methods of Competition (UMC)—the one he promised in April. Wright introduced the Statement in an important policy speech this morning before the Executive Committee Meeting of the New York State Bar Association’s Antitrust Section. Both the Statement ... Bringing the Error Cost Framework to the Agency: Commissioner Wright’s Proposed Policy Statement on Section 5 Unfair Methods of Competition Enforcement

How Copyright Drives Innovation in Scholarly Publishing

[Cross posted at the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property blog.] Today’s public policy debates frame copyright policy solely in terms of a “trade off” between the benefits of incentivizing new works and the social deadweight losses imposed by the access restrictions imposed by these (temporary) “monopolies.” I recently posted to SSRN a new ... How Copyright Drives Innovation in Scholarly Publishing