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The essence of Josh Wright’s FTC tenure was to ensure that benefits outweigh costs; the rest is commentary

As the organizer of this retrospective on Josh Wright’s tenure as FTC Commissioner, I have the (self-conferred) honor of closing out the symposium. When Josh was confirmed I wrote that: The FTC will benefit enormously from Josh’s expertise and his error cost approach to antitrust and consumer protection law will be a tremendous asset to ... The essence of Josh Wright’s FTC tenure was to ensure that benefits outweigh costs; the rest is commentary

FTC Commissioner Joshua Wright gets his competiton enforcement guidelines

Today, for the first time in its 100-year history, the FTC issued enforcement guidelines for cases brought by the agency under the Unfair Methods of Competition (“UMC”) provisions of Section 5 of the FTC Act. The Statement of Enforcement Principles represents a significant victory for Commissioner Joshua Wright, who has been a tireless advocate for ... FTC Commissioner Joshua Wright gets his competiton enforcement guidelines

ICLE and leading academics file amicus brief urging the court to overturn the FCC’s illegal net neutrality order

Yesterday, the International Center for Law & Economics, together with Professor Gus Hurwitz, Nebraska College of Law, and nine other scholars of law and economics, filed an amicus brief in the DC Circuit explaining why the court should vacate the FCC’s 2015 Open Internet Order. A few key points from ICLE’s brief follow, but you can read a longer summary ... ICLE and leading academics file amicus brief urging the court to overturn the FCC’s illegal net neutrality order

The 2nd Circuit’s Apple e-books decision: Debating the merits and the meaning

On Thursday I will be participating in an ABA panel discussion on the Apple e-books case, along with Mark Ryan (former DOJ attorney) and Fiona Scott-Morton (former DOJ economist), both of whom were key members of the DOJ team that brought the case. Details are below. Judging from the prep call, it should be a ... The 2nd Circuit’s Apple e-books decision: Debating the merits and the meaning

The Good, Bad, and the Ugly of the EU’s Proposed Data Protection Regulation

Nearly all economists from across the political spectrum agree: free trade is good. Yet free trade agreements are not always the same thing as free trade. Whether we’re talking about the Trans-Pacific Partnership or the European Union’s Digital Single Market (DSM) initiative, the question is always whether the agreement in question is reducing barriers to ... The Good, Bad, and the Ugly of the EU’s Proposed Data Protection Regulation

Commissioner Wright on the inappropriate use of structural presumptions in merger analysis & a great ABA program on the same

The FTC recently required divestitures in two merger investigations (here and here), based largely on the majority’s conclusion that [when] a proposed merger significantly increases concentration in an already highly concentrated market, a presumption of competitive harm is justified under both the Guidelines and well-established case law.” (Emphasis added). Commissioner Wright dissented in both matters ... Commissioner Wright on the inappropriate use of structural presumptions in merger analysis & a great ABA program on the same

New Paper: The Problems and Perils of Bootstrapping Privacy and Data into an Antitrust Framework

The CPI Antitrust Chronicle published Geoffrey Manne’s and my recent paper, The Problems and Perils of Bootstrapping Privacy and Data into an Antitrust Framework as part of a symposium on Big Data in the May 2015 issue. All of the papers are worth reading and pondering, but of course ours is the best ;). In it, ... New Paper: The Problems and Perils of Bootstrapping Privacy and Data into an Antitrust Framework

Truth on the Market Welcomes Kristian Stout as New Blogger

Truth On the Market is pleased to announce that Kristian Stout of the International Center for Law and Economics (“ICLE”) has joined our team of writers. Kristian was recently hired by ICLE as Associate Director for Innovation Policy, bringing with him over ten years of experience as a technology professional and entrepreneur. In his role at ICLE, Kristian’s ... Truth on the Market Welcomes Kristian Stout as New Blogger

FCC restrictions on joint sales agreements: Yet another FCC rule without basis in evidence or economics

Recently, Commissioner Pai praised the introduction of bipartisan legislation to protect joint sales agreements (“JSAs”) between local television stations. He explained that JSAs are contractual agreements that allow broadcasters to cut down on costs by using the same advertising sales force. The efficiencies created by JSAs have helped broadcasters to offer services that benefit consumers, ... FCC restrictions on joint sales agreements: Yet another FCC rule without basis in evidence or economics

Microsoft’s mobile innovation today undercuts arguments built on yesterday’s Microsoft antitrust case

Last year, Microsoft’s new CEO, Satya Nadella, seemed to break with the company’s longstanding “complain instead of compete” strategy to acknowledge that: We’re going to innovate with a challenger mindset…. We’re not coming at this as some incumbent. Among the first items on his agenda? Treating competing platforms like opportunities for innovation and expansion rather ... Microsoft’s mobile innovation today undercuts arguments built on yesterday’s Microsoft antitrust case

The Dark Side of the FTC’s Latest Privacy Case, In the Matter of Nomi Technologies

Last week, the FTC announced its complaint and consent decree with Nomi Technologies for failing to allow consumers to opt-out of cell phone tracking while shopping in retail stores. Whatever one thinks about Nomi itself, the FTC’s enforcement action represents another step in the dubious application of its enforcement authority against deceptive statements. In response, ... The Dark Side of the FTC’s Latest Privacy Case, In the Matter of Nomi Technologies

The FAA’s proposed drone rules fail under both economic and First Amendment scrutiny

Last week the International Center for Law & Economics, joined by TechFreedom, filed comments with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in its Operation and Certification of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (“UAS” — i.e, drones) proceeding to establish rules for the operation of small drones in the National Airspace System. We believe that the FAA has ... The FAA’s proposed drone rules fail under both economic and First Amendment scrutiny