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Showing results for:  “Michael Vita”

AALS Call for Papers on Behavioral Economics & Antitrust Law

Call for Papers Announcement   AALS Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation AALS Section on Law & Economics   Behavioral Economics & Antitrust Law   January 5-8, 2012 2012 AALS Annual Meeting Washington, DC   The AALS Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation and the Section on Law & Economics will hold a joint program ... AALS Call for Papers on Behavioral Economics & Antitrust Law

Barnett v. Barnett on Antitrust

Tom Barnett (Covington & Burling) represents Expedia in, among other things, its efforts to persuade a US antitrust agency to bring a case against Google involving the alleged use of its search engine results to harm competition.  In that role, in a recent piece in Bloomberg, Barnett wrote the following things: “The U.S. Justice Department ... Barnett v. Barnett on Antitrust

Politics and Price Gouging

Commissioner Rosch gets off his second shot in against the Department of Justice in just a few weeks in the pages of the Wall Street Journal — this time in a letter to the editor: Obama’s Political ‘Price-Gouging’ If any doubts existed about whether the Justice Department is just “an arm of the administration,” they ... Politics and Price Gouging

Arbitration, preemption and regulatory coordination

AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion, 2011 WL 1561956 (April 27, 2011) could end up being one of the most important pro-business cases of the last several years — even more important than Citizens United. The case involved the application of Section 2 of the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. §2), which makes agreements to arbitrate ... Arbitration, preemption and regulatory coordination

Shocked: Gasoline Prices Vary Edition

From the Attorney General’s Memorandum to the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force (HT: Michael Giberson, who is a must read on all issues oil and energy related: Based upon our work and research to date, it is evident that there are regional differences in gasoline prices, as well as differences in the statutory and other ... Shocked: Gasoline Prices Vary Edition

Municipal extortion and full employment for lawyers

Consider this a venting, especially as one of the few non-lawyers in our blogging group. Recently one of my lawyer friends posted a Facebook status as “Amending moving violations and saving clients on their insurance” at the local municipal court. This post reminded me of one of my less-than-enjoyable encounters with the Missouri traffic court ... Municipal extortion and full employment for lawyers

Opening the US securities markets

Larry makes a strong argument below for why the proposed SEC rules changes reported today in the WSJ should not be heralded as some great opening up of US securities markets, but that the changes are little more than political posturing to prevent addressing the real problem of the costs imposed by securities regulation more ... Opening the US securities markets

Securities prices and current events

When teaching efficient markets I like to have fun speculating about the limits of the theory.  The third edition of my casebook (Ribstein & Letsou, Business Associations), had a New Yorker cartoon which showed executives looking out their high-rise window at attacking flying saucers and remarking: “Drat! I suppose the market has already discounted this, ... Securities prices and current events

The NFL Lawyers Up

For a possible antitrust suit following from the players’ decertification: The National Football League geared up for its antitrust battle against players Saturday by hiring two prominent attorneys for its legal team. David Boies, who represented Al Gore in the Bush vs. Gore case following the 2000 election, and who last year won a $1.3 ... The NFL Lawyers Up

Privacy and Tracking

First I would like to thank Geoff Manne for inviting me to join this blog.  I know most of my fellow bloggers and it is a group I am proud to be associated with. For my first few posts I am going to write about privacy.  This is a hot topic.  Senators McCain and Kerry ... Privacy and Tracking

An executive MBA in law

The Canadians show the way: The year-long program, which runs in the evenings and on weekends, will examine the impact of globalization on laws, legal institutions and capital markets. * * * “This is a way for people to engage, in a more in-depth way academically, those issues they’re facing at work.” * * * ... An executive MBA in law

Small Business Financing Post-Crisis

Tomorrow I will be attending a symposium on small business financing sponsored by the Entrepreneurial Business Law Journal‘s at the Moritz College of Law at the Ohio State University. I’m on a panel entitled “Recessionary Impacts on Equity Capital,” which is a bit misleading–or at least a bit different that the topic I offered to ... Small Business Financing Post-Crisis