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The Administration’s Rigorous Defense of the Affordable Care Act

In yesterday’s Washington Post, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius makes an impassioned plea for skeptics to reconsider the Affordable Care Act. Secretary Sebelius argues that the Act will bring down health care costs by, among other things, assisting those who cannot afford health insurance coverage. Although expanding health insurance coverage is a worthy ... The Administration’s Rigorous Defense of the Affordable Care Act

AEA Issues New Disclosure Guidelines for Economists

Here they are: 1) Every submitted article should state the sources of financial support for the particular research it describes. If none, that fact should be stated. (2) Each author of a submitted article should identify each interested party from whom he or she has received significant financial support, summing to at least $10,000 in ... AEA Issues New Disclosure Guidelines for Economists

Tomorrow: AALS Antitrust and Economic Regulation and Law and Economics Joint Program

Tomorrow morning at 10:30 I’ll be on a panel at AALS discussing behavioral economics and antitrust law and policy. The panel includes: James Cooper, Bruce Kobayashi, William Kovacic, Steve Salop, Maurice Stucke, Avishalom Tor and myself.  Its a really good group and I’m looking forward to the discussion.  Here are the session details: The program ... Tomorrow: AALS Antitrust and Economic Regulation and Law and Economics Joint Program

Larry Ribstein, an unforgotten mentor in my lifetime

I’ve been deeply saddened since I heard of the heartbreaking news about Larry. I had the privilege to be advised by Larry along my intellectual journey when studying in the US. Larry has set an example of what it means to be a passionate researcher and an enthusiastic educator, which will always remind me of ... Larry Ribstein, an unforgotten mentor in my lifetime

Remembering Larry Ribstein

I was terribly saddened and, quite frankly, dumbfounded when I heard that Larry Ribstein had passed away. I had seen Larry approximately three weeks before when he gave a workshop at Yale and the last thought that would have crossed my mind would have been that I would be receiving such horrible news. At the ... Remembering Larry Ribstein

Larry Ribstein, Philosopher

Everyone who knew Larry Ribstein realized that he was very smart, very tough, and very hard working. Less well appreciated was his absolutely uncompromising commitment to the pursuit of the truth. Surprisingly, perhaps, this is a very rare quality among legal academics. It is the mark of a philosopher, by which I emphatically do not ... Larry Ribstein, Philosopher

Larry Ribstein’s Top Posts of 2011

Happy New Year TOTM readers.  I’ve had a very difficult time returning to blogging.  Monday mornings I would normally wake up to a string of four or five of Larry’s posts already up and attracting comments.   He had a way of making one feel incredibly inefficient and unproductive by comparison!  Of course, there was never ... Larry Ribstein’s Top Posts of 2011

Best Antitrust Articles and Books of 2011

Danny Sokol posted some nominations for best Antitrust Article from a variety of antitrust experts.  I was supposed to include my nomination for that list but missed the deadline.  Turns out my draft list doesn’t have much overlap with the articles nominated over there, so I figured I’d share my whole list here with all ... Best Antitrust Articles and Books of 2011

Champaign News Gazette story on Larry

The local Champaign paper has a nice story on Larry.   Here’s the full link in case I didn’t get the link in correctly above:


Larry Ribstein: In Memoriam (1946-2011)

On December 24, 2011, our dear colleague, Larry Ribstein, passed away.  The intellectual life of everyone who knew him, of this blog, and of the legal academy at large is deeply diminished for his passing. For many, Larry was an important influence, not only intellectually but personally, as well.  Larry was the godfather of this ... Larry Ribstein: In Memoriam (1946-2011)

Remembering Larry: My Friend, Mentee and a Great Intellect

In 1986, when I set out to develop a Law and Economics-oriented law school at George Mason University, I knew that I had a “secret weapon”, the list of about 450 law professors who had by then attended the Law and Economics Center’s Economics Institutes for Law Professors.  I did not have a large budget, ... Remembering Larry: My Friend, Mentee and a Great Intellect

Remembering Larry

It is hard to imagine a world without Larry. I had the privilege of being his colleague at Illinois for four years and getting to interact with Larry regularly was among the best things about that time. My office was between his office and the coffee machine and he’d regularly stop in, casually toss of ... Remembering Larry