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Showing results for:  “premium natural and organic”

Forget remedies – FairSearch doesn’t even have a valid statement of harm in its Google antitrust criticism

After more than a year of complaining about Google and being met with responses from me (see also here, here, here, here, and here, among others) and many others that these complaints have yet to offer up a rigorous theory of antitrust injury — let alone any evidence — FairSearch yesterday offered up its preferred ... Forget remedies – FairSearch doesn’t even have a valid statement of harm in its Google antitrust criticism

Gus Hurwitz on the Application of Chevron to Section 5

Introduction This post is based upon an in-progress article that explores the applicability of Chevron deference to FTC interpretations of Section 5’s proscription of unfair methods of competition. ( I am happy to circulate a draft of this article to anyone who would like to offer substantive feedback.) The article is prompted by the near-universal belief in ... Gus Hurwitz on the Application of Chevron to Section 5

The Costs of Product Placement, Maserati Edition

In my academic research, I’ve studied contractual arrangements between manufacturers and retailers for premium shelf space, including slotting arrangements and category management contracts.  Typically, a shelf space arrangement in the retail sector will involve the supplier compensating the retailer for some specified promotional shelving arrangement, e.g. end-caps or eye level space, or a share of ... The Costs of Product Placement, Maserati Edition

Delaware and the American Association of Law Schools

I had the opportunity to present Treasury Inc.: How the Bailout Reshapes Corporate Theory and Practice at the American Association of Law Schools conference session on Business Associations in January.  It was an engaging experience that I found particularly fun as I am from Louisiana and used to live in New Orleans.  The audience was ... Delaware and the American Association of Law Schools

For Scotch Whisky, Age Is Just A Number

For a potential entrepreneur, just how much time it will take to compete, and the barrier to entry that time represents, will vary greatly depending on the market he or she wishes to enter. A would-be competitor to the likes of Subway, for example, might not find the time needed to open a sandwich shop ... For Scotch Whisky, Age Is Just A Number

Waking up to Platform Regulation

Brrring! “Gee, this iPhone alarm is the worst—I should really change that sometime. Let’s see what’s in my calendar for today…” In accordance with new regulatory requirements, Apple is providing you with a choice of app stores. Please select an option from the menu below. Going forward, iOS applications will download via the selected store ... Waking up to Platform Regulation

Steeling to Block a Merger

In an April 17 address to United Steelworkers in Pittsburgh, President Joe Biden vowed that his administration would “thwart the acquisition of U.S. Steel by a Japanese company,” Nippon Steel, telling the assembled union members that U.S. Steel “has been an iconic American company for more than a century and it should remain totally American.” ... Steeling to Block a Merger

Section 2 Symposium: Howard Marvel on Safe Harbors for Short Term Exclusive Dealing Contracts

Exclusive dealing prevents the bait-and-switch behavior by dealers who convert customers drawn by one brand to the products of its rivals. Despite the red flag of “exclusive” in its title, the practice is ordinarily uncontroversial, indeed innocuous. Automobile manufacturers often pay incentives to encourage dealers to deal exclusively in their vehicles. Business format franchising ensures ... Section 2 Symposium: Howard Marvel on Safe Harbors for Short Term Exclusive Dealing Contracts

FTC v. Qualcomm: Innovation and Competition

Just days before leaving office, the outgoing Obama FTC left what should have been an unwelcome parting gift for the incoming Commission: an antitrust suit against Qualcomm. This week the FTC — under a new Chairman and with an entirely new set of Commissioners — finished unwrapping its present, and rested its case in the trial begun ... FTC v. Qualcomm: Innovation and Competition

Hexion v. Huntsman: Vice Chancellor Lamb’s Must-Read Opinion For Deal Lawyers

On Monday night, Delaware Vice Chancellor Lamb issued an opinion in the epic Hexion v. Huntsman battle, ordering Hexion to perform its obligations under its 2007 agreement to acquire Huntsman.  The opinion is well worth reading for deal lawyers – it offers a good tutorial on how private equity deals can fall apart, how merger ... Hexion v. Huntsman: Vice Chancellor Lamb’s Must-Read Opinion For Deal Lawyers

The Administration’s Rigorous Defense of the Affordable Care Act

In yesterday’s Washington Post, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius makes an impassioned plea for skeptics to reconsider the Affordable Care Act. Secretary Sebelius argues that the Act will bring down health care costs by, among other things, assisting those who cannot afford health insurance coverage. Although expanding health insurance coverage is a worthy ... The Administration’s Rigorous Defense of the Affordable Care Act

The (Present) Costs of Global Warming

According to a news story from Reuters, a recent Tufts University study (available here) says that “if nothing is done to combat global warming,” then by the year 2100, “two of Florida’s nuclear power plants, three of its prisons and 1,362 hotels, motels and inns will be under water” because of rising sea levels. This ... The (Present) Costs of Global Warming