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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Voluntary pricing restraints in the drug industry

Today, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) enters the drug pricing debate with a hearing on “The Cost of Prescription Drugs: How the Drug Delivery System Affects What Patients Pay.”  By questioning the role of the drug delivery system in pricing, the hearing goes beyond the more narrow focus of recent hearings that ... Voluntary pricing restraints in the drug industry

Call for Papers: FTC/Northwestern University Second Annual Microeconomics Conference

The Federal Trade Commission and the Searle Center at Northwestern are hosting the second annual Microeconomics Conference.  The conference will take place on November 19th and 20th at the FTC.  Here’s the conference announcement and call for papers: The Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics, Northwestern University’s Searle Center on Law, Regulation and Economic Growth, ... Call for Papers: FTC/Northwestern University Second Annual Microeconomics Conference

The Aggregation Problem [#agworkshop]

As Geoff noted, we’re stationed at the DOJ/USDA workshop to witness the goings on and provide some comments. US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack opened this session with a laundry list of statistics concerning rural America and the agriculture sector. The statistics focused on national concentration ratios and national averages, which are tremendously deceiving for ... The Aggregation Problem [#agworkshop]

Zaring on the Panic of 1907

With an antitrust angle to boot: The Panic of 1907, published last year by Robert Bruner and Sean Carr, is a good blow by blow account of the action stations nature of a financial crisis, in this case one that began with a freezing of the credit markets, blew up with an ill-timed effort to ... Zaring on the Panic of 1907

The Third Circuit pushes back on FCC’s unjustified rule on joint sales agreements

While we all wait on pins and needles for the DC Circuit to issue its long-expected ruling on the FCC’s Open Internet Order, another federal appeals court has pushed back on Tom Wheeler’s FCC for its unremitting “just trust us” approach to federal rulemaking. The case, round three of Prometheus, et al. v. FCC, involves ... The Third Circuit pushes back on FCC’s unjustified rule on joint sales agreements

ALEA 2009 May 15-16 in San Diego

The program is available here. And I’m thrilled to report that my paper (with co-author Michael Baye), Is Antitrust Too Complicated for Generalist Judges: The Impact of Economic Complexity and Judicial Training on Appeals, has been selected for the conference.  I’m very much looking forward to the panel and the conference in general. [UPDATE: Congratulations ... ALEA 2009 May 15-16 in San Diego

Chinese Competition Law Reform: Wise Guidance from the George Mason University Global Antitrust Institute

China’s Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) was enacted in 2007, and a stock-taking exercise is now appropriate.  Recently, the Chinese University of Political Science and Law released a questionnaire soliciting public comments on the possible revision of the AML.  On December 10, 2015, George Mason University Law School’s (GMULS) Global Antitrust Institute (GAI, ably managed by FTC ... Chinese Competition Law Reform: Wise Guidance from the George Mason University Global Antitrust Institute

Of Small Dealers and Worthy Men, South Korea Antitrust Edition

The South Korea Fair Trade Commission has begun an investigation of the Hyundai Motor Group surrounding allegations that Hyundai has, as the WSJ reports, “forced its auto parts suppliers to lower product prices.”   The story comes on the heels of a related fine of 1.6 trillion won ($1.48 billion).    What really jumps out in the ... Of Small Dealers and Worthy Men, South Korea Antitrust Edition

Frischmann on Carrier’s Innovation in the 21st Century

I enjoyed reading Mike’s book very much. It provides an excellent primer on antitrust, IP, and innovation.  He synthesizes the legal and economic foundations, contours, and controversies in an accessible fashion. I applaud him for doing this because frankly, it is tough to do given that the fields are quite technical and specialized.  The book ... Frischmann on Carrier’s Innovation in the 21st Century

Making a mountain out of the insider trading molehill

Jon Macey insightfully wrote in the WSJ that the Galleon case illustrates the need to distinguish “trading on the basis of information that was legitimately ferreted out from trading on the basis of information that has been wrongfully obtained through fraud or theft.” Macey notes that the SEC’s refusal to clarify the distinction between the ... Making a mountain out of the insider trading molehill

FTC Microeconomics Conference

The Fourth Annual FTC Microeconomics Conference is scheduled for November 3 and 4, 2011.   Here is the call for papers: The Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics will host a two day conference to bring together scholars working in areas related to the FTC’s antitrust, consumer protection and public policy missions. Those areas include industrial ... FTC Microeconomics Conference

Lowering the Barriers to Entry to the Common Ownership Debate: A (Relatively) Non-Technical Explanation of MHHI Delta

One of the hottest topics in antitrust these days is institutional investors’ common ownership of the stock of competing firms. Large investment companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, and Fidelity offer index and actively managed mutual funds that are invested in thousands of companies. In many concentrated industries, these institutional investors are “intra-industry diversified,” meaning ... Lowering the Barriers to Entry to the Common Ownership Debate: A (Relatively) Non-Technical Explanation of MHHI Delta