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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Buy or Die

AEI is hosting an event focusing on the problems of the nation’s shortage of vital organs. The website has links to the papers. The event agenda includes my friend and colleague Lloyd Cohen, who has done a good deal of work in this area (including this). Here’s the event description: The nation’s system for procuring ... Buy or Die

Nocera on the uncorporation and the financial crisis

The Glom’s having a book club on McLean & Nocera’s All the Devils Are Here. I haven’t read the book (it takes a lot to get me to read a book by business journalists).  But I have read David Zaring’s interview with his “favorite Times columnist.  One of the questions and answers naturally piqued my ... Nocera on the uncorporation and the financial crisis

A&P Files for Bankruptcy

Recent coverage of the A&P bankruptcy has alluded to its era of “dominance” in grocery retail, describing it as “the Wal-Mart of its day.”   See this earlier post on the unconvincing antitrust case against Wal-Mart.  However, what the A&P bankruptcy brings to mind for me is Justice Stewart’s famous dissent in Von’s Grocery.  The famous ... A&P Files for Bankruptcy

The $14 Billion Fumble

Even in the era of a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) led by Lina Khan, antitrust law can be a pretty hum-drum affair, consumed with minutiae about relevant markets, market shares, the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), unilateral effects, coordinated effects, and possible efficiencies. Things get just a bit more interesting when there are allegations of a conspiracy ... The $14 Billion Fumble

FCC Competition Report is one green light for AT&T-T-Mobile deal

BY LARRY DOWNES AND GEOFFREY A. MANNE The FCC published in June its annual report on the state of competition in the mobile services marketplace. Under ordinary circumstances, this 300-plus page tome would sit quietly on the shelf, since, like last year’s report, it ‘‘makes no formal finding as to whether there is, or is ... FCC Competition Report is one green light for AT&T-T-Mobile deal

Salinger on Price Gouging

Economist Michael Salinger, Director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics for the past year, comments on the recent FTC Report and price gouging in Sunday’s WSJ (HT: Greg Mankiw). I have blogged a bit about the FTC Report previously: once about its findings (that “market manipulation” did not explain post-Katrina price increases), once ... Salinger on Price Gouging

Money Never Sleeps (but audiences might)

Ok, so I went and saw the movie, thanks to my entrepreneurial colleague Christine Hurt, who already has a post up.  Read this post for the basics.  I plan to follow up with a much longer analysis when I get the time.  Here’s some stuff that should suffice for now. First, the movie stinks.  It’s ... Money Never Sleeps (but audiences might)

What's Wrong With the Endowment Effect?

Gordon Smith asks the question in response to a 16 part post (with slides and pictures!) from John Carney offering up the explanation that the behavioral economists have overclaimed and that “the Endowment Effect may really be a response to the counterparty risk faced by early humans.”  Larry Ribstein chimes in with support for Carney ... What's Wrong With the Endowment Effect?

What Does the Stock Market Tell Us in the Aftermath of the Failed AT&T / T-Mobile Merger?

In the wake of the announcement that AT&T and T-Mobile are walking away from their proposed merger, there will be ample time to discuss whether the deal would have passed muster in federal court, and to review the various strategic maneuvers by the parties, the DOJ, and the FCC.  But now is a good time ... What Does the Stock Market Tell Us in the Aftermath of the Failed AT&T / T-Mobile Merger?

New paper: Missed Opportunities in Independent Ink

My paper for the 2006 Cato Supreme Court Review, Missed Opportunities in Independent Ink, is now available on SSRN. Justice Stevens’ opinion for the unanimous court in Independent Ink rid antitrust law of the misguided, ill conceived, and universally criticized presumption of antitrust market power in patent tying cases. Very few dispute the wisdom of ... New paper: Missed Opportunities in Independent Ink

Crisis in legal education or business cycle?

Bill Henderson vs. Orin Kerr (in comments, with reply by Henderson). HT Leiter. Henderson: U.S. Legal Education is in the midst of a large, structural transformation. This structural shift is driven by a confluence of factors, which includes three significant trends: The decline, or plateau, of the traditional time and materials legal services model The ... Crisis in legal education or business cycle?

Will the Real Broadband Heroes Please Stand Up?

Susan Crawford recently received the OneCommunity Broadband Hero Award for being a “tireless advocate for 21st century high capacity network access.” In her recent debate with Geoffrey Manne and Berin Szoka, she emphasized that there is little competition in broadband or between cable broadband and wireless, asserting that the main players have effectively divided the markets. As ... Will the Real Broadband Heroes Please Stand Up?