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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Macey Throws Some Cold Water on the CFPB’s New Mortgage Disclosures

In the WSJ, Professor Macey takes measure of the CFPB’s new mortgage disclosures and finds them lacking: The CFPB is proposing to revise the old forms into a new Loan Estimate Form and Closing Disclosure Form. The old loan form had been five pages; according to the agency website, the new one is three. The ... Macey Throws Some Cold Water on the CFPB’s New Mortgage Disclosures

The .AMAZON TLD, cultural identity and competition regulation at ICANN

The ridiculousness currently emanating from ICANN and the NTIA (see these excellent posts from Milton Mueller and Eli Dourado on the issue) over .AMAZON, .PATAGONIA and other “geographic”/commercial TLDs is precisely why ICANN (and, apparently, the NTIA) is a problematic entity as a regulator. The NTIA’s response to ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee’s (GAC) objection to Amazon’s application for the .AMAZON TLD ... The .AMAZON TLD, cultural identity and competition regulation at ICANN

Some Links

TOTM guest blogger Steve Salop makes the case for Vertical Merger Guidelines National Supermarkets Association files class action interchange-based antitrust suit against American Express (apparently alleging the relevant market is “American Express payment card services”!) Dell puts aside $100 million reserve fund in case it has to settle the SEC allegations we blogged about here ... Some Links

Barnett on Sirius-XM

The Washington Post is reporting that the long-embattled Sirius/XM merger has received DOJ approval (FCC approval still pending) (HT: David Fischer).  About time, I’d say (it’s been two years).  See all of the ToTM posts on the topic here.  Opposition to this merger has been rooted in what, to me, is a tortured conception of ... Barnett on Sirius-XM

From Ideoblog to TOTM

After six years on Ideoblog I have decided to move my act over to Truth on the Market.  I’m taking this momentous (for me, if not the rest of the world) step for three reasons. First, I’m joining a great bunch of writers, some of whom I’ve known for a long time.  TOTM offers what ... From Ideoblog to TOTM

Competing Against Bundled Discounts: Lessons from Regional Airlines

Flying back from a hiking trip to spectacular Glacier National Park (see pics below the fold), I overheard a flight attendant say something that made me think of, what else?, bundled discounts.  “We also fly for Delta,” the United flight attendant told the woman in front of me.  That’s when I realized I was really flying on ... Competing Against Bundled Discounts: Lessons from Regional Airlines

Pozen: The Missed Opportunity for International Harmonization in the Draft Vertical Merger Guidelines

[TOTM: The following is part of a symposium by TOTM guests and authors on the 2020 Vertical Merger Guidelines. The entire series of posts is available here. This post is authored by Sharis Pozen (Partner, Clifford Chance; former Vice President of Global Competition Law and Policy, GE; former Acting Assistant Attorney General, DOJ Antitrust Division); ... Pozen: The Missed Opportunity for International Harmonization in the Draft Vertical Merger Guidelines

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste, Vietnam Edition

In light of economic worries in Vietnam, the WSJ reports that the country is soon likely to impose a widespread set of price controls and restrictions on political activity after an encouraging move toward freer markets: Carlyle Thayer, a veteran Vietnam watcher and professor at the Australian Defense Academy in Canberra, says conservative factions in ... Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste, Vietnam Edition

GE "Slashes" Earnings: Free Advice from Nowicki for GE Exec. Jeffrey Immelt!

The Financial Times reported yesterday that an embarrassed GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt had to tell GE shareholders that the 10% growth in earnings for 2008 that he had promised analysts in March was not going to be possible.  GE missed its quarterly forecasts and halved its 2008 forecast to 5% growth in earnings (as opposed ... GE "Slashes" Earnings: Free Advice from Nowicki for GE Exec. Jeffrey Immelt!

The Cracked Mirror of Monopoly-Monopsony Symmetry

Slow wage growth and rising inequality over the past few decades have pushed economists more and more toward the study of monopsony power—particularly firms’ monopsony power over workers. Antitrust policy has taken notice. For example, when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) initiated the process of updating their merger guidelines, their ... The Cracked Mirror of Monopoly-Monopsony Symmetry

Hovenkamp on Slotting, Discounts, and Competition for Distribution

Like Thom, I also have spent the last few weeks reading Herbert Hovenkamp’s excellent new antitrust book, The Antitrust Enterprise: Principles and Execution. I am looking forward to Thom’s review in the Texas Law Review, and wholeheartedly agree with him that Hovenkamp’s book is an important and significant contribution to the antitrust literature (see also ... Hovenkamp on Slotting, Discounts, and Competition for Distribution

Conservatives and the Regulation of Higher Education

Classical liberals have long derided their conservative cousins for being fairweather friends of small government, but the criticism has been fairly limited. In general, conservatives have embraced limited government on matters of economic regulation and have endorsed governmental meddling only on matters involving so-called “values” issues like broadcast decency and homosexuality. Lately, though, conservatives seem ... Conservatives and the Regulation of Higher Education