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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

The latest round in the “product-hopping” battle

Thanks to the Truth on the Market bloggers for having me. I’m a long-time fan of the blog, and excited to be contributing. The Third Circuit will soon review the appeal of generic drug manufacturer, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, in the latest case involving “product hopping” in the pharmaceutical industry — Mylan Pharmaceuticals v. Warner Chilcott. Product ... The latest round in the “product-hopping” battle

Tim Muris on Joshua Wright

As the premier Antitrust scholar of his generation, Josh Wright’s appointment to the Federal Trade Commission promised to be noteworthy. He did not disappoint, having one of the most important and memorable tenures of any non-Chair over the 40 years that I have followed the agency closely. In numerous speeches, dissents, and a variety of other statements ... Tim Muris on Joshua Wright

SSRN Top Tens for Corporate, Corporate Governance, and Securities Law

The current SSRN top tens for corporate, corporate governance, and securities law are after the jump.

Manne and Wright on Search Neutrality

Josh and I have just completed a white paper on search neutrality/search bias and the regulation of search engines.  The paper is this year’s first in the ICLE Antitrust & Consumer Protection White Paper Series: If Search Neutrality Is the Answer, What’s the Question? Geoffrey A. Manne (Lewis & Clark Law School and ICLE) and ... Manne and Wright on Search Neutrality

Transparency in Pharmaceutical Pricing?

On January 12, 2016, the California state legislature will hold a hearing on AB 463: the Pharmaceutical Cost Transparency Act of 2016. The proposed bill would require drug manufacturers to disclose sensitive information about each drug with prices above a certain level.  The required disclosure includes various production costs including:  the costs of materials and manufacturing, the ... Transparency in Pharmaceutical Pricing?

EPA's Legislative End-run Strategy

Apparently the Obama administration is not very confident about getting its environmental climate change agenda passed through Congress. Given a legislative “solution” is off the table, at least for the foreseeable future, perhaps it is not surprising that today the EPA announced it’s ruling that greenhouse gases are “a danger to public health and welfare“. ... EPA's Legislative End-run Strategy

Corporate governance, incentive compensation and the uncorporation

Acharya, Gabarro and Volpin’s Competition for Managers, Corporate Governance and Incentive Compensation has interesting insights and data on both corporate governance and executive compensation debates.  In the final analysis, I think it’s most interesting for what it says about the uncorporation.  Here’s the abstract:  We propose a model in which firms use corporate governance as ... Corporate governance, incentive compensation and the uncorporation

Politicians Call for More Price Controls on Pharmaceuticals

Politicians have recently called for price controls to address the high costs of pharmaceuticals. Price controls are government-mandated limits on prices, or government-required discounts on prices. On the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton has called for price controls for lower-income Medicare patients while Donald Trump has recently joined Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and President Obama in calling for more ... Politicians Call for More Price Controls on Pharmaceuticals

Ninth Circuit Moves Tying Doctrine in the Right Direction. Will SCOTUS Follow?

The Ninth Circuit recently issued a decision that pushes the doctrine governing tying in the right direction.  If appealed, the decision could provide the Roberts Court with an opportunity to do for tying what its Leegin decision did for resale price maintenance:  reduce error costs by bringing an overly prohibitory liability rule in line with economic learning.  First, some ... Ninth Circuit Moves Tying Doctrine in the Right Direction. Will SCOTUS Follow?

Greek Crisis Underscores the Importance of Regulatory Reform – in Greece and Around the World

The Heritage Foundation continues to do path-breaking work on the burden overregulation imposes on the American economy, and to promote comprehensive reform measures to reduce regulatory costs.  Overregulation, unfortunately, is a global problem, and one that is related to the problem of anticompetitive market distortions (ACMDs) – government-supported cronyist restrictions that weaken the competitive process, ... Greek Crisis Underscores the Importance of Regulatory Reform – in Greece and Around the World

New Paper: The Problems and Perils of Bootstrapping Privacy and Data into an Antitrust Framework

The CPI Antitrust Chronicle published Geoffrey Manne’s and my recent paper, The Problems and Perils of Bootstrapping Privacy and Data into an Antitrust Framework as part of a symposium on Big Data in the May 2015 issue. All of the papers are worth reading and pondering, but of course ours is the best ;). In it, ... New Paper: The Problems and Perils of Bootstrapping Privacy and Data into an Antitrust Framework

Icahn Sued by Hedge Fund

Carl Icahn has been all over the news lately. I’m beginning to think it’s to garner publicty for the launch of a new reality show called something like “The Activist.� I would watch it. Anyway, today the W$J reports (click here) that Icahn is being sued by a hedge fund in connection with proposed transactions ... Icahn Sued by Hedge Fund