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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Amicus Brief in Fifth Circuit Tobacco Master Settlement Case

Todd Zywicki and I recently filed (along with Keith Hylton, Fred McChesney, and TOTM’s own Thom Lambert) an amicus brief in support of certiorari in a Fifth Circuit Tobacco Master Settlement Case.  We argue that the state action exception to the antitrust laws, i.e. Parker immunity, should not be extended to cover a multistate government-created ... Amicus Brief in Fifth Circuit Tobacco Master Settlement Case

The Limits of Behavioral Law and Economics, Australia Edition

At the excellent Core Economics blog, Andreas Ortman discusses an Australian policy debate involving the Review of the Governance, Efficiency, Structure and Operation of Australia’s Superannuation System (also known as the Cooper Review), and more specifically, retirement savings and the superannuation system.  The Cooper Review drafters contend that the behavioral economics literature strongly supports a ... The Limits of Behavioral Law and Economics, Australia Edition

Another path to growth: fix SOX

Yesterday I noted, anticipating the President’s call tonight for spending to encourage US growth and competitiveness, that “a better way to increase U.S. competitiveness is by changing the law rather than spending money.”  One law to consider is Sarbanes-Oxley.  In our book, The Sarbanes-Oxley Debacle, Butler and I discuss, among other things, SOX’s effect on ... Another path to growth: fix SOX

Internet Governance, Internet Freedom, and Accountability: Will Congress Step In?

In March 2014, the U.S. Government’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA, the Executive Branch’s telecommunications policy agency) abruptly announced that it did not plan to renew its contract with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to maintain core functions of the Internet. ICANN oversees the Internet domain name system through its ... Internet Governance, Internet Freedom, and Accountability: Will Congress Step In?

Group Blog Agreement

Here at Truth on the Market, we’ve already broken a cardinal rule (at least a cardinal rule among transactional attorneys)—we’ve commenced a relationship (this blog) prior to finalizing the governing document. In fact, we haven’t even talked about a governing document, although I’ve given it some thought. One of the reasons for this is that ... Group Blog Agreement

Nuno Garoupa on Reforming Legal Professions in Europe

The European Commission, in particular the Directorate-General for Competition, has shown interest in promoting competition in the market for legal services since the early 2000s. Some countries such as the United Kingdom have taken this matter seriously. After a long review process, the British government has recently implemented a new regulatory set-up for legal services ... Nuno Garoupa on Reforming Legal Professions in Europe

Peter Thiel on the Virtues of Monopoly

PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel has a terrific essay in the Review section of today’s Wall Street Journal.  The essay, Competition Is for Losers, is adapted from Mr. Thiel’s soon-to-be-released book, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future.  Based on the title of the book, I assume it is primarily a how-to guide for entrepreneurs.  ... Peter Thiel on the Virtues of Monopoly

DOJ Files Suit to Block AT&T / T-Mobile Merger

More on this later.  For now, here is the complaint and the press release: WASHINGTON – The Department of Justice today filed a civil antitrust lawsuit to block AT&T Inc.’s proposed acquisition of T-Mobile USA Inc.   The department said that the proposed $39 billion transaction would substantially lessen competition for mobile wireless telecommunications services ... DOJ Files Suit to Block AT&T / T-Mobile Merger

The dark side of altruism

Have you ever been tempted to buy a beggar a cup of coffee or a sandwich instead of giving money? If so, you have, like a young Anakin Skywalker, taken your first step to the dark side of altruism. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been there too. The reason I offered food instead of (money ... The dark side of altruism

On disclosure: Shame?

Daniel Akst in the NYT has an interesting piece on executive compensation and disclosure (HT: Tyler Cowen). He calls for more shame — more reliance on norms to manage intractable agency problems: Although more disclosure and pay-for-performance requirements won’t dampen runaway C.E.O. compensation, both are useful for illustrating a larger lesson: that it’s naïve to ... On disclosure: Shame?

Globetrotters Update

Sports Law Blog’s Michael McCann updates our recent discussion (me: here and here; and Professor McCann here) of the Harlem Ambassadors’ complaint to the FTC regarding the Globetrotters’ use of exclusivity windows in sports arena leases. In response to our debate, the Harlem Ambassadors’ founder and president Dale Moss emailed us some very interesting comments. ... Globetrotters Update

Teslas’s New Patent Policy: Long Live the Patent System!

[First posted to the CPIP Blog on June 17, 2014] Last Thursday, Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of Tesla Motors, issued an announcement on the company’s blog with a catchy title: “All Our Patent Are Belong to You.” Commentary in social media and on blogs, as well as in traditional newspapers, jumped to the conclusion ... Teslas’s New Patent Policy: Long Live the Patent System!