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Showing archive for:  “Net Neutrality”

Tim Wu to the FTC: What does it mean?

As you may have heard, Columbia lawprof and holder of the dubious distinction of having originated the term and concept of Net Neutrality, Tim Wu, is headed to the FTC as a senior advisor. Curiously, his guest stint runs for only about four and a half months.  As the WSJ reports: Mr. Wu, 38, will ... Tim Wu to the FTC: What does it mean?

A Plug and Some Links

I’ll be talking about the Intel Settlement in an ABA program, The Intel Settlement: A Perspective From the Trenches, today at lunchtime along with a great group of panelists with a wide variety of perspectives on the issue, Kyle Andeer (FTC Counsel), Ken Glazer (KL Gates), and Henry Thumann (O’Melveney & Myers).   If you’re interested, ... A Plug and Some Links

Some Links

Get your Jones v. Harris fix from (including reactions to oral argument) the Glom and Professor Bainbridge (my earlier thoughts on some economic aspects of the decision here and here) Kenneth Anderson has been a great addition to the Volokh Conspiracy Are Microsoft, Yahoo and Google really dropping support for Net Neutrality? Krugman attacks Mankiw ... Some Links

Hazlett on Net Neutrality and Antitrust

My colleague Tom Hazlett has an interesting piece in the Financial Times chiming in on the network neutrality debate.  Hazlett makes the point that if “competitive harm” is the concern, isn’t antitrust the answer rather than regulation of this sort?  Hazlett writes: But rather than enforce such [disclosure] rules, the FCC launched regulatory attack by ... Hazlett on Net Neutrality and Antitrust

The Demise of Property Rights Has Been Greatly Exaggerated …

My colleague Tom Hazlett (George Mason University) has a characteristically thoughtful and provocative column in the Financial Times on the recent Clearwire joint venture and what it tells us about the “innovation commons” and current public policy debates such as network neutrality, spectrum property rights, and municipal wi-fi. Here’s an excerpt: Clearwire-Sprint-Intel-Google-Comcast-TimeWarner-McCaw blasts away barriers ... The Demise of Property Rights Has Been Greatly Exaggerated …

Google, Net Neutrality, and Antitrust

Hanno Kaiser at Antitrust Review discusses the implications of Google’s acquisition of YouTube for the net neutrality debate. Hanno opines that the deal may increase the likelihood of a neutrality result even without legislation. While Google’s public pro-neutrality stance is well known, GMU’s Tom Hazlett (my office neighbor and fellow UCLA Economics alum) has a ... Google, Net Neutrality, and Antitrust