Showing results for: “sirius xm merger”
Mark Your Calendars: TOTM Merger Guidelines Symposium
Due to a reader interest and a larger than expected number of expected submissions, the Truth on the Market Merger Guidelines Symposium is now a two day event: Monday October 26th and Tuesday October 27th. Participants: Because we are are now spread out over a few more days, feel free to aim for the 300-500 ... Mark Your Calendars: TOTM Merger Guidelines Symposium
Response to Comments on Antitrust Exemptions and Joint Monopsony Conduct to Countervail Monopoly Power
In response to my first post on joint monopsony conduct to countervail monopoly power, Mike Ward raises the issue of justifying a merger among sellers on the basis that it will countervail alleged monopsony power. Labor unions have an antitrust exemption for just that purpose. In terms of merger policy, Tom Campbell has written an ... Response to Comments on Antitrust Exemptions and Joint Monopsony Conduct to Countervail Monopoly Power
Welcome TOTM Guest Blogger Steven C. Salop
Steve Salop is a professor economics and law at the Georgetown University Law Center where he teaches antitrust law and economics and economic reasoning and the law. Steve’s work in antitrust economics pioneered what is now frequently referred to as the “Post-Chicago” approach. His research focuses on antitrust law and economics, and Steve has written ... Welcome TOTM Guest Blogger Steven C. Salop
Announcement: TOTM Merger Guidelines Blog Symposium is Coming!
In light of the DOJ/FTC announcement of workshops to explore possible revisions to the Merger Guidelines in December 2009 and January 2010, TOTM is organizing a symposium on the legal and economic issues associated with the Guidelines. In particular, we’ve asked a panel of a dozen or so of the leading antitrust lawyers and economists ... Announcement: TOTM Merger Guidelines Blog Symposium is Coming!
Merger Guidelines Reading
Volume 16, Issue 4 of the George Mason Law Review (which I received in my mailbox today) has a well timed issue from its antitrust symposium featuring several articles on revisions to the Merger Guidelines. Especially recommended is DOJ economist Greg Werden’s article here, which usefully sets the stage for some of the important debates. ... Merger Guidelines Reading
Coming Soon: New Merger Guidelines
The possibility of new Merger Guidelines has been much discussed in the antitrust community, particularly in light of appointment of the two new chief agency economists, Carl Shapiro and Joe Farrell, who have done substantial work on the economics of horizontal mergers and market definition. Today, the FTC and DOJ announced a series of workshops ... Coming Soon: New Merger Guidelines
Searle Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy Conference
If you’re in Chicago next week, and even if you’re not, go check out the Second Annual Searle Center Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy conference at Northwestern University School of Law. The conference will take place September 25th and 26th and has a great lineup including a pretty good mix of theory and empirics. My ... Searle Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy Conference
BU Antitrust Conference Honoring Professor Joseph Brodley's Retirement
Professor Joe Brodley, after a long and distinguished career as an antitrust scholar, retired at the end of the Spring 2009 semester. Boston University Law School will host a symposium honoring Joe’s contributions to Antitrust on September 18, 2009. The Boston University Law Review will publish the contributions. The symposium will consist of three panels. ... BU Antitrust Conference Honoring Professor Joseph Brodley's Retirement
Some Links …
There was a lot of backdating … yawn… oh, and Brett Favre is coming back The WSJ editorial page thinks the liberal boycotts of Whole Foods in response to CEO John Mackey’s op-ed on health care reform won’t have any real effects because because “real protest would require the store’s hyperprogressive customers to withdraw forever ... Some Links …
The New Issue of Antitrust Source
Is available here. In this issue Chris Sagers considers the future of Section 1 in light of the Supreme Court’s possible action in American Needle. Continuing our focus on China, this issue features an article by Nate Bush that examines merger enforcement activity under that country’s year-old Antimonopoly Law. Still on mergers, but on the ... The New Issue of Antitrust Source
Antitrust Anachronism? Randy Picker on the Microsoft-Yahoo Search Deal
I recently commented on Gordon Crovitz’s WSJ column on the Microsoft-Yahoo deal arguing that antitrust was simply too cumbersome to deal competition issues in dynamic markets like search. A short version of my take was that these concerns are often overstated in the areas of cartels and even sometimes in merger enforcement — but have ... Antitrust Anachronism? Randy Picker on the Microsoft-Yahoo Search Deal
Antitrust, Obsolescence and the "New Economy" (Again)
Gordon Crovitz (WSJ) plays the new economy card on antitrust. Its a familiar wrap for those in the antitrust community that hit its peak in the original Microsoft days with virtually every competition policy scholar and commentator chiming in with an opinion about whether the internet and network effects and so forth rendered antitrust obsolete. ... Antitrust, Obsolescence and the "New Economy" (Again)