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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Are All Mergers Inherently Anticompetitive?

A recent viral video captures a prevailing sentiment in certain corners of social media, and among some competition scholars, about how mergers supposedly work in the real world: firms start competing on price, one firm loses out, that firm agrees to sell itself to the other firm and, finally, prices are jacked up.(Warning: Keep the ... Are All Mergers Inherently Anticompetitive?

FTC Biweekly Roundup – A Change in Title Edition

You’d think things would be calm during these last weeks of August – the Senate in recess, folks wrapping up summer vacations or seeing their kids back off to school, and the big news being that coming out of the White House instead of Congress or the agencies. You’d think. We don’t have a single ... FTC Biweekly Roundup – A Change in Title Edition

FTC Launches Commercial Surveillance Rulemaking

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) launched one of the most ambitious rulemakings in agency history Aug. 11, with its 3-2 vote to initiate Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on commercial surveillance and data security. The divided vote, which broke down on partisan lines, stands in stark contrast to recent bipartisan efforts on Capitol Hill, ... FTC Launches Commercial Surveillance Rulemaking

FTC UMC Roundup – Well That Happened Edition

I thought this was going to be a slow week. The Senate is in recess and, with so much recent attention focused on the Senate and AICOA – and the FTC’s had only just started things with the Meta/Within suit – it seemed this would be a slow week. We actually considered taking a recess ... FTC UMC Roundup – Well That Happened Edition

Three Big Pitfalls in the Way of Lina Khan’s Agenda

In a recent op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, Svetlana Gans and Eugene Scalia look at three potential traps the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) could trigger if it pursues the aggressive rulemaking agenda many have long been expecting. From their opening: FTC Chairman Lina Khan has Rooseveltian ambitions for the agency. … Within weeks the FTC is ... Three Big Pitfalls in the Way of Lina Khan’s Agenda

FTC UMC Roundup – A Quantum of Wonder Edition

Early August is an unpredictable time in the policy world. With Congress about to go on recess, one never knows if there will be a mad rush to get something done, or what that something may be. And it is, for many, a month of vacations and light schedules. Short staffing may delay work or ... FTC UMC Roundup – A Quantum of Wonder Edition

Antitrust’s Uncertain Future Roundup: The Minority Report

[TOTM: The following is part of a digital symposium by TOTM guests and authors on Antitrust’s Uncertain Future: Visions of Competition in the New Regulatory Landscape. Information on the authors and the entire series of posts is available here.] Philip K Dick’s novella “The Minority Report” describes a futuristic world without crime. This state of the ... Antitrust’s Uncertain Future Roundup: The Minority Report

The Road to Antitrust’s Least Glorious Hour

Things are heating up in the antitrust world. There is considerable pressure to pass the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA) before the congressional recess in August—a short legislative window before members of Congress shift their focus almost entirely to campaigning for the mid-term elections. While it would not be impossible to advance the ... The Road to Antitrust’s Least Glorious Hour

Waking up to Platform Regulation

Brrring! “Gee, this iPhone alarm is the worst—I should really change that sometime. Let’s see what’s in my calendar for today…” In accordance with new regulatory requirements, Apple is providing you with a choice of app stores. Please select an option from the menu below. Going forward, iOS applications will download via the selected store ... Waking up to Platform Regulation

FTC UMC Roundup – Can’t a Man Eat in Peace Edition

This week’s news can be divided into PM and AM editions – pre-Manchin and after-Manchin. Anything that seemed possible in Congress before Senators Manchin (D-WV) and Schumer (D-NY) announced their agreement on a reconciliation bill that addresses climate, energy, and tax issues now seems far less likely. Congress hath no fury like a McConnell scorned. ... FTC UMC Roundup – Can’t a Man Eat in Peace Edition

The Four Ways of Spending Data

In Free to Choose, Milton Friedman famously noted that there are four ways to spend money[1]: Spending your own money on yourself. For example, buying groceries or lunch. There is a strong incentive to economize and to get full value. Spending your own money on someone else. For example, buying a gift for another. There ... The Four Ways of Spending Data

A Day in the Fair New World of Perfectly Open Platforms

Early Morning I wake up grudgingly to the loud ring of my phone’s preset alarm sound (I swear I gave third-party alarms a fair shot). I slide my feet into the bedroom slippers and mechanically chaperone my body to the coffee machine in the living room. “Great,” I think to myself, “Out of capsules, again.” ... A Day in the Fair New World of Perfectly Open Platforms