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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Harvey Pitt on Sarbanes-Oxley

Click here for a Forbes article by Harvey Pitt on Sarbanes-Oxley. Pitt was chairman of the SEC during the passage of SOX. The article is balanced. Pitt points out some benefits of SOX: The 2005 Oversight Systems Financial Executive Report on S-Ox surveyed more than 200 financial executives and found a significant majority believe that, ... Harvey Pitt on Sarbanes-Oxley

Proposed Executive Compensation Rules and Foreign Companies

This article reports that foreign companies will be exempt from portions of the proposed SEC executive compensation rules (they will only have to report total compensation unless required to provide more disclosure in their home countries). The article characterizes this as a “small bone being thrown to foreign companies, . . .; many of ... Proposed Executive Compensation Rules and Foreign Companies

Correcting "The Ethicist" on Insider Trading

In yesterday’s New York Times Magazine, an anonymous reader posed the following question to The Ethicist: I am a subspecialty physician without primary responsibility for patients. I consulted on the care of the C.E.O. of a major company, the seriousness of whose illness was not being fully disclosed to shareholders. I own stock in this ... Correcting "The Ethicist" on Insider Trading

An Antitrust Modernization Committee Update

For those of you who are not familiar with work of the Antitrust Modernization Committee, and I suspect that this includes most of our readers, the AMC was created by the Antitrust Modernization Committee Act of 2002, and is charged with the following tasks: (1) to examine whether the need exists to modernize the antitrust ... An Antitrust Modernization Committee Update

Google's resistance and corporate social responsibility

The government subpoenas Google’s records, and also Yahoo!’s and Microsoft’s. MSFT and YHOO cave: Their stocks are down a little over and a little under 2%, respectively. Google resists. Its stock drops almost 9%. And yet a headline for an article by MSNBC’s chief economics correspondent–with the relevant stock prices immediately alongside–notes, “Google stand could ... Google's resistance and corporate social responsibility

Group Blog Agreement

Here at Truth on the Market, we’ve already broken a cardinal rule (at least a cardinal rule among transactional attorneys)—we’ve commenced a relationship (this blog) prior to finalizing the governing document. In fact, we haven’t even talked about a governing document, although I’ve given it some thought. One of the reasons for this is that ... Group Blog Agreement

If government is the problem, when is Google the solution?

Via the WSJblog, I see that Google and the government are tangling again over the government’s effort to obtain search records (this time relating to porn-viewing-by-children enforcement efforts) (I guess that should read anti-porn-viewing-by-children enforcement efforts). It reminds me of a post of Dan’s on Concurring Opinions from a while back that I wanted to ... If government is the problem, when is Google the solution?

Sarbanes-Oxley: Linux Users Beware

As you may have guessed from my previous posts, I’m not a big fan of Sarbanes-Oxley, so I generally appreciate the criticism it receives. Some of the criticism, however, is almost comical. Take for example Steve Ballmer’s statement last month: ”The Ballmer children do not have their Xbox 360 yet…Thanks to the wonders of Sarbanes-Oxley, ... Sarbanes-Oxley: Linux Users Beware

Cumulative Voting for Directors

While working on my last post, I discovered that Hewlett-Packard’s certificate of incorporation provides for cumulative voting in the election of directors. This made me curious as to how many other public companies have cumulative voting so I googled it. I came up with this article which says about 10% of the companies in the ... Cumulative Voting for Directors

Coase and Smoking: Who’s the Victim Here?

Today’s New York Times reports on a new cigarette bar in Chicago, where the city council has just imposed a sweeping smoking ban. (I recently criticized the ban at Ideoblog.) The proprietors of the Marshall McGearty Tobacco Lounge insist that the lounge is permitted because of a loophole allowing smoking in retail tobacco shops. Not ... Coase and Smoking: Who’s the Victim Here?

Majority Voting For Directors

According to this article, the hot issue with activist shareholders for the upcoming proxy season is majority voting for the election of directors. ISS estimates that shareholder proposals for the adoption of majority voting will be submitted to over 100 companies (up from 79 last year). These proposals generally call for a bylaw amendment ... Majority Voting For Directors

Of Prices and Price Gouging

Price gouging regulations (PGRs) have been a popular topic of late in the blogosphere, particularly in the wake of increased post-Katrina (and Rita) gasoline prices. Becker and Posner make the now familiar economic case against PGRs here and here. The basic economic argument against PGRs is well tread ground which I will not repeat here. ... Of Prices and Price Gouging