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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Bargaining in the Shadow of Justice Alito

David Fischer at Antitrust Review posts an excerpt from Information Resources, Inc.’s (IRI) press release issued to explain the recent settlement of their ten year long litigation against VNU (A.C. Nielsen, IMS Health, and Dun and Bradstreet). IRI’s claims were based on an “above cost” bundling theory that Thom has discussed in detail here. In ... Bargaining in the Shadow of Justice Alito

Blogging and Tenure

I had my post-decision debriefing meeting with our Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion (RP&T) Committee this week (I got promoted to associate). This was my first RP&T meeting since I started blogging so I was interested in getting the committee’s take on it. Without a doubt it is favorable. In fact, to my surprise the committee ... Blogging and Tenure

ABA: You MUST follow the law. (Unless we don’t like it.)

WARNING: This post is off-topic for this blog (it doesn’t relate to markets). If that bothers you, don’t read any further. Moroever, I do not purport to speak for my co-bloggers. Their opinions of the issue discussed below may differ from my own. Having issued those caveats, I cannot resist making one more comment (my ... ABA: You MUST follow the law. (Unless we don’t like it.)

Burger King Files for IPO

Burger King Holdings, Inc. filed a registration statement with the SEC today for the sale of $400 million of common stock (click here). While the prospectus does not include a price range or specify how many shares will be sold by BK vs. existing shareholders, it does contain a number of tidbits, including the following: ... Burger King Files for IPO

Market Correction

Market Correction has become one of my favorite blogs. Don Boudreaux (George Mason and Cafe Hayek) and Andrew Morriss (Case Western Reserve University) post letters to the editors that they have written to editors at newspapers and magazines correcting instances of economic illiteracy. Here is a taste from a recent letter from Boudreaux in response ... Market Correction

The ABA, the AALS, and the Rule of Law

In an op-ed published in Saturday’s W$J (slightly updated version available here for free), Prof. David Bernstein drew attention to the American Bar Association’s proposed revision to its law school accreditation standards concerning student and faculty racial diversity. Bernstein criticized the ABA proposal for, in essence, calling on law schools to ignore constitutional and statutory ... The ABA, the AALS, and the Rule of Law

NASDAQ to Launch New Market Tier

Nasdaq announced today (press release) that it is creating a third market tier called NASDAQ Global Select Market which will have the highest initial listing standards of any stock market in the world. According to Nasdaq’s CEO Robert Greifeld: NASDAQ is raising its financial listing standards above that of any other market globally to attract ... NASDAQ to Launch New Market Tier

New MovieBeam Home Video System

MovieBeam, Inc. is rolling out a new home video system today in 29 U.S. cities. Customers buy a TV set-top box for $199.99 (after $50 rebate) that comes loaded with 100 films. Each week, up to 10 new movies are beamed to the box through the airwaves. The new movies automatically replace older titles so ... New MovieBeam Home Video System

Pennsylvania Changes Rules for Sovereign

I’ve blogged before about Soveriegn’s proposed acquisition of Community Bank and related stock issuance to Santander. Sovereign’s largest shareholder, Relational Investors, is against the deal and petitioned the NYSE to block it (see here). The NYSE declined. I applauded the NYSE for this decision (see here), largely because it enforced its rules as written and ... Pennsylvania Changes Rules for Sovereign

Grimes on the KFTC's Microsoft Decision

Warren Grimes of the American Antitrust Institute (and Southwestern Law School) defends the Korea Fair Trade Commission’s recent Microsoft decision holding that Microsoft abused its dominant position by bundling Instant Messenger and Windows Media Player technologies to its operating system, and its order that Microsoft must sell unbundled versions. Grimes central point is that not ... Grimes on the KFTC's Microsoft Decision

NASDAQ’s Conversion to a “National Securities Exchange�

Not much, if anything, has been written about NASDAQ’s conversion from a “national securities association� to a “national securities exchange.� (Press release here). Perhaps it’s because few people care, few people were aware that NASDAQ was not already a national securities exchange, and/or it doesn’t really matter. That all may be true, but it raises ... NASDAQ’s Conversion to a “National Securities Exchange�

More on JD/PhD's in Law and Economics

My colleage Francesco Parisi has chimed in on Vandy’s new law and economics program in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Though I cannot click through to the actual article in the Chronicle, Francesco notes that GMU has long had a “Law and Economics” Ph.D. program, offering six different degrees in law and economics (as opposed ... More on JD/PhD's in Law and Economics