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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Market constraints on corporate speech

In the wake of the Citizens United decision I responded to the argument that empowering corporation would distort political debate in part by noting that “[f]or-profit firms are limited in their ability to invest in politics for the simple reason that they can’t stay in business over the long run if they lose money.” As ... Market constraints on corporate speech

The Proposition 8 decision and the law market

This market/business oriented blog will only contribute a few of the zillions of words that will be written on this case. I will, of course, focus on the market aspects – that is, the market for law. I have previously discussed same sex marriage in the context of the U.S. federal system – in a ... The Proposition 8 decision and the law market

Copyright Conundrum

Earlier this year, the US Supreme Court granted a writ of certiorari to Costco in the case of OMEGA SA v. Costco Wholesale Corp. (541 F. 3d 982 (2008)).  At issue is whether the ‘first sale doctrine’ of US copyright law (17 U.S.C. § 109(a)), which limits the copyright owner’s ability to restrict distribution of ... Copyright Conundrum

The FTC Gets in Intel’s Business

One of the first reactions I had when reading the settlement is that it is quite striking how much and at what level of detail the settlement micro-manages Intel’s business decisions.  Lets consider a just a handful of provisions and look at the language in the settlement.  Again, I think these provisions should be read ... The FTC Gets in Intel’s Business

Some Perspective on the Intel Settlement

Let me add on a few brief observations on the Intel settlement to Dan’s earlier comments, with which I largely agree.  There is a lot to say about the settlement: the predatory design aspects, Section 5, the (I found) quite odd self-congratulatory settlement press conference and webcast, and of course, what the settlement means for ... Some Perspective on the Intel Settlement

First reactions to the Intel Settlement

I just finished watching the FTC webcast announcing the Intel settlement and did a quick read over the agreement itself. Some quick high-level reactions: The tone of the press conference was triumphant, of course. Leibowitz claimed that the FTC got 22 out of 26 of the remedies proposed in the complaint and that Intel, which ... First reactions to the Intel Settlement

Who CAREs About Beer and Wine Consumers?

The Comprehensive Alcohol Regulatory Effectiveness Act — yes, the “CARE Act” — or HR 5034, is a piece of legislation aimed at supporting “State-based alcohol regulation.”  Recall the Supreme Court’s decision in Granholm v. Heald, which held that states could either allow in-state and out-of-state retailers to directly ship wine to consumers or could prohibit ... Who CAREs About Beer and Wine Consumers?

Apple and Amazon E-Book Most Favored Nation Clauses

Connecticut AG Richard Blumenthal has reportedly contacted Apple and Amazon concerning their pricing arrangements with publishers (WSJ, CNN): Mr. Blumenthal said he has sent letters to Amazon and Apple asking them to “meet with his office” to address his concerns that agreements in place may restrict rivals from offering cheaper e-books. For instance, he said, ... Apple and Amazon E-Book Most Favored Nation Clauses

Monopolization Enforcement at the Antitrust Division By the Numbers

Dan Crane’s post on the DOJ’s antitrust activity, and in particular, monopolization enforcement, during the Obama administration notes the dissonance between rhetoric and reality.  I thought I’d post the following data from the DOJ website concerning Section 2 investigations initiated and cases won over the last 40 years for some perspective. What do these data ... Monopolization Enforcement at the Antitrust Division By the Numbers

A corporation is not a partnership

Peter Mahler discusses a recent NY close corporation case, Pappas v. Fotinas which he describes as “a thoughtful, well-reasoned decision that sets forth the competing factual narratives and operative legal principles.” I defer to Mr. Mahler’s overall assessment of the opinion, and refer the reader to his detailed discussion of the case. But in one respect ... A corporation is not a partnership

Citigroup and federal fiduciary law

The SEC has reached another peculiar settlement, this time $75 million from Citigroup, plus fines against executives. As with the Goldman settlement, Citigroup didn’t admit fraud, or even, as in that case, a mistake. Citigroup was accused of misleading investors about its exposure to subprime. The bank knew it was exposed to the housing market, ... Citigroup and federal fiduciary law

RIP, Earl Thompson

UCLA economist Earl Thompson passed away Thursday.  Earl was a beloved figure in the economics department.  I came to UCLA a bit late in the game to experience the years when his presence was largest, though I had the pleasure of speaking with him on a number of occasions and he attended a recent talk ... RIP, Earl Thompson