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Goodbye my friend

It is impossible to put into words the loss I feel today. Larry was a beloved mentor and friend, he was the first person I turned to shoot down my random musings, and he always surprised me with the facility of his mind and the passion he had for ideas. Larry was an iconoclast, and ... Goodbye my friend

Larry Ribstein, RIP

Our great friend and colleague Larry Ribstein passed away this morning.  Larry will be greatly missed.  As Geoff mentioned, Larry was not only the godfather of Truth on the Market, but he was also an important intellectual and personal influence for many of us — and certainly for me.  I called upon Larry for career ... Larry Ribstein, RIP

Larry Ribstein, RIP

This morning our dear colleague, Larry Ribstein, passed away.  The intellectual life of everyone who knew him, of this blog, and of the legal academy at large is deeply diminished for his passing. For me, as for many others, Larry was an important influence, not only intellectually but personally, as well.  Larry was the godfather ... Larry Ribstein, RIP