The Archives

Everything written by Adam Mossoff on law, economics, and more

CPIP Conference on Oct. 6-7, 2016: “Intellectual Property and Global Prosperity”

Please Join Us For A Conference On Intellectual Property Law INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & GLOBAL PROSPERITY Keynote Speaker: Dean Kamen October 6-7, 2016 Antonin Scalia Law School George Mason University Arlington, Virginia CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW **9 Hours CLE**

The America Invents Act, a First-to-Invent Patent System, and “Obama-Birther” Accusations

About a month ago, I was asked by some friends about the shift from the first-to-invent patent system to a first-to-file patent system in the America Invents Act of 2011 (AIA). I was involved briefly in the policy debates in the spring of 2011 leading up to the enactment of the AIA, and so this ... The America Invents Act, a First-to-Invent Patent System, and “Obama-Birther” Accusations

Acknowledging the Limitations of the FTC’s “PAE” Study

[Below is an excellent essay by Devlin Hartline that was first posted at the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property blog last week, and I’m sharing it here.] ACKNOWLEDGING THE LIMITATIONS OF THE FTC’S “PAE” STUDY By Devlin Hartline The FTC’s long-awaited case study of patent assertion entities (PAEs) is expected to be released this spring. ... Acknowledging the Limitations of the FTC’s “PAE” Study

Time to Confront Bias Against Patent Owners in Patent “Reform” Legislation like the VENUE Act

Last March, I published an op ed in the the Washington Times on the proposed VENUE Act, a recently introduced bill taken wholesale from a portion of HR 9 (the tendentiously titled “Innovation Act”).  HR 9 has rightly stalled given its widespread and radical changes to the patent system that weaken and dilute all property rights ... Time to Confront Bias Against Patent Owners in Patent “Reform” Legislation like the VENUE Act

George Mason University School of Law to be Renamed “Antonin Scalia School of Law at George Mason University”

I am sharing the press release below: George Mason University receives $30 million in gifts, renames School of Law after Justice Antonin Scalia Largest combined gift in university’s history will support new scholarship programs Arlington, VA— George Mason University today announces pledges totaling $30 million to the George Mason University Foundation to support the School ... George Mason University School of Law to be Renamed “Antonin Scalia School of Law at George Mason University”

Intellectual Property, Innovation and Economic Growth: Mercatus Gets it Wrong

[Cross posted at the CPIP Blog.] By Mark Schultz & Adam Mossoff A handful of increasingly noisy critics of intellectual property (IP) have emerged within free market organizations. Both the emergence and vehemence of this group has surprised most observers, since free market advocates generally support property rights. It’s true that there has long been ... Intellectual Property, Innovation and Economic Growth: Mercatus Gets it Wrong

New Paper on SSOs, SEP and Antitrust by Joanna Tsai & Joshua Wright

An important new paper was recently posted to SSRN by Commissioner Joshua Wright and Joanna Tsai.  It addresses a very hot topic in the innovation industries: the role of patented innovation in standard setting organizations (SSO), what are known as standard essential patents (SEP), and whether the nature of the contractual commitment that adheres to a ... New Paper on SSOs, SEP and Antitrust by Joanna Tsai & Joshua Wright

Teslas’s New Patent Policy: Long Live the Patent System!

[First posted to the CPIP Blog on June 17, 2014] Last Thursday, Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of Tesla Motors, issued an announcement on the company’s blog with a catchy title: “All Our Patent Are Belong to You.” Commentary in social media and on blogs, as well as in traditional newspapers, jumped to the conclusion ... Teslas’s New Patent Policy: Long Live the Patent System!

GAO Report on Patent Litigation Confirms No “Patent Troll” Litigation Problem

This was previously posted to the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property Blog on October 4, and given that Congress is rushing headlong into enacting legislation to respond to an alleged crisis over “patent trolls,” it bears reposting if only to show that Congress is ignoring its own experts in the Government Accountability Office who ... GAO Report on Patent Litigation Confirms No “Patent Troll” Litigation Problem

Adam Mossoff’s Senate Testimony on PAEs, Demand Letters and Patent Litigation

Below is the text of my oral testimony to the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, the Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Insurance Subcommittee, at its November 7, 2013 hearing on “Demand Letters and Consumer Protection: Examining Deceptive Practices by Patent Assertion Entities.” Information on the hearing is here, including an archived webcast of the hearing. ... Adam Mossoff’s Senate Testimony on PAEs, Demand Letters and Patent Litigation

Mark Schultz on the Mercatus Center’s Unhelpful Business Advice for the Creative Industries

Over at the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property (CPIP), Mark Schultz has an important blog posting on the Mercatus Center‘s recent launch of its new copyright piracy website,  The launch of this website has caused a bit of a tempest in a teapot with a positive report on it in the Washington Post ... Mark Schultz on the Mercatus Center’s Unhelpful Business Advice for the Creative Industries

Teleforum Panel on End-User Lawsuits in Patent Law on August 29 (free and open to the public)

The Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property is hosting a teleforum panel on end-user lawsuits in patent law on Thursday, August 29, at Noon (EST). Here’s the announcement with the program information: End-User Lawsuits in Patent Litigation: A Bug or a Feature of Patent Law? A Teleforum Panel (Free and Open to the Public) ... Teleforum Panel on End-User Lawsuits in Patent Law on August 29 (free and open to the public)