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Showing results for:  “price gouging”

Fool me once, shame on…shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.

I’d like to share a quote on banking industry regulation: “To restrain private people, it may be said, from receiving in payment the promissory notes of a banker for any sum, whether great or small, when they themselves are willing to receive them; or, to restrain a banker from issuing such notes, when all his ... Fool me once, shame on…shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.

No Ovation for FTC's Latest Enforcement Theory

The Federal Trade Commission announced a puzzling complaint filed in a new consummated merger & monopolization case in the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota. Here’s the explanation of the case from the press release: The Federal Trade Commission today filed a complaint in federal district court challenging Ovation Pharmaceuticals, Inc.’s January 2006 ... No Ovation for FTC's Latest Enforcement Theory

Price Discrimination is Good, Part 3

At Knowledge Problem, Michael Giberson collects anecdotal evidence on New York’s zone pricing ban, i.e. a prohibition on price discrimination. While gasoline prices are falling all over the country, the anecdotal evidence is that New York’s zone pricing ban is resulting in higher profits for retailers at the expense of consumers. Former George Mason economist ... Price Discrimination is Good, Part 3

Kolasky on What Happens with the Section 2 Report

William Kolasky (Wilmer Hale, and one of the frontrunners for the DOJ AG spot according to the rumormill) has an interesting piece in the Antitrust Source on the DOJ Section 2 Report arguing that while: even the objecting Commissioners would probably agree that the Justice Department Report does a good job analyzing particular types of ... Kolasky on What Happens with the Section 2 Report

Law and Economics 2.0

Readers of TOTM know that the future of law and economics is a frequent topic of discussion here, and a topic in which I am both personally invested and spend a good deal of time thinking about (see, e.g. my blog series on the future of law and economics here).  Legal Pad (at CNN/Fortune Magazine) ... Law and Economics 2.0

The D.C. Circuit Re-Disappoints in Whole Foods: An Analysis of the Amended Opinions

Being a “glass is half-full” type of guy, I figured there was no way the D.C. Circuit’s decision on Whole Foods’ petition for rehearing en banc could turn out poorly: Either the court would grant the motion and correct the panel’s mistakes, or the court would deny the motion, setting up an attractive opportunity for ... The D.C. Circuit Re-Disappoints in Whole Foods: An Analysis of the Amended Opinions

American Airlines Announces New Pricing Scheme

At least, thats what the Onion (the go to source for antitrust humor, by the way) headline says: American Airlines Now Charging Fees To Non-Passengers December 1, 2008 | Issue 44•49 FORT WORTH, TX—Cash-strapped American Airlines announced a new series of fees this week that will apply to all customers not currently flying, scheduled to ... American Airlines Announces New Pricing Scheme

Should the Supreme Court Grant Cert in Rambus?

As noted, the FTC has exercised its right under 15 USC 56(a)(3) to petition for a writ of certiorari to review the judgment of the D.C. Circuit in its FTC v. Rambus. The FTC press release is here. The petition is here. The questions presented, as framed by the Commission are: 1. Whether deceptive conduct ... Should the Supreme Court Grant Cert in Rambus?

Price Discrimination is Good, Part 2

Yesterday I started a new TOTM feature on why price discrimination is good in light of the bad rap that the practice gets in public policy circles and with the public generally. Lest one believe that the examples of regulatory scrutiny of price discrimination in antitrust and regulated industries are special cases, a reader points ... Price Discrimination is Good, Part 2

Price Discrimination Is Good, Part I

Price discrimination involves a firm taking advantage of different elasticities of demand for the same goods by charging different prices relative to marginal cost. Price discrimination is ubiquitous in our economy but remains a four letter word in policy and regulation circles. We observe price discrimination in all sorts of product markets, from small and ... Price Discrimination Is Good, Part I

Principles for Bailout Management

I had the pleasure last week of participating in a bailout panel at William & Mary Law School. The William & Mary Federalist Society, which hosted the event, asked each panelist to address three topics: what led to the current situation, how the bailout plan will (or won’t) fix things, and suggestions for implementing a ... Principles for Bailout Management

"This Liberal Will Be All About Socializing … Uhhh … Basically … Taking Over and the Government Running All of Your Companies"

That is from Maxine Waters (HT: Luke Froeb). It is increasingly difficult these days to figure out whether socialization/ nationalization is a threat or a promise. The clip is priceless. You can see her two colleagues getting a kick out of Waters’ rant (which starts about the 1:10 mark) in response to the assertion from ... "This Liberal Will Be All About Socializing … Uhhh … Basically … Taking Over and the Government Running All of Your Companies"