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Showing results for:  “google”

Upcoming Teleforum: The State of the Patent System — A Discussion with Chief Judge Rader

The State of the Patent System: A Discussion with Chief Judge Rader A teleforum on Thursday, April 11, at 2pm. Hosted by George Mason Law School’s Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property Teleforum and the Federalist Society‘s Intellectual Property Practice Group. Today, people read daily complaints about the “broken” patent system, and thus it’s ... Upcoming Teleforum: The State of the Patent System — A Discussion with Chief Judge Rader

The SHIELD Act: When Bad Economic Studies Make Bad Laws

Earlier this month, Representatives Peter DeFazio and Jason Chaffetz picked up the gauntlet from President Obama’s comments on February 14 at a Google-sponsored Internet Q&A on Google+ that “our efforts at patent reform only went about halfway to where we need to go” and that he would like “to see if we can build some ... The SHIELD Act: When Bad Economic Studies Make Bad Laws

Forbes commentary on Susan Crawford’s “broadband monopoly” thesis

Over at Forbes Berin Szoka and I have a lengthy piece discussing “10 Reasons To Be More Optimistic About Broadband Than Susan Crawford Is.” Crawford has become the unofficial spokesman for a budding campaign to reshape broadband. She sees cable companies monopolizing broadband, charging too much, withholding content and keeping speeds low, all in order to ... Forbes commentary on Susan Crawford’s “broadband monopoly” thesis

Criticizing the FTC’s Proposed Order in the Google Patent Antitrust Case

I filed comments today on the FTC’s proposed Settlement Order in the Google standards-essential patents (SEPs) antitrust case. The Order imposes limits on the allowable process for enforcing FRAND licensing of SEPs, an area of great complexity and vigorous debate among industry, patent experts and global standards bodies. The most notable aspect of the order ... Criticizing the FTC’s Proposed Order in the Google Patent Antitrust Case

Powerhouse ABA webinar on the FTC’s investigation of Google this Friday

The suit against Google was to be this century’s first major antitrust case and a model for high technology industries in the future. Now that we have passed the investigative hangover, the mood has turned reflective, and antitrust experts are now looking to place this case into its proper context. If it were brought, would ... Powerhouse ABA webinar on the FTC’s investigation of Google this Friday

The price of closing the Google search antitrust case: questionable precedent on patents

The Federal Trade Commission yesterday closed its investigation of Google’s search business (see my comment here) without taking action. The FTC did, however, enter into a settlement with Google over the licensing of Motorola Mobility’s standards-essential patents (SEPs). The FTC intends that agreement to impose some limits on an area of great complexity and vigorous ... The price of closing the Google search antitrust case: questionable precedent on patents

FTC Deservedly Closes Google Antitrust Investigation Without Taking Action

I have been a critic of the Federal Trade Commission’s investigation into Google since it was a gleam in its competitors’ eyes—skeptical that there was any basis for a case, and concerned about the effect on consumers, innovation and investment if a case were brought. While it took the Commission more than a year and ... FTC Deservedly Closes Google Antitrust Investigation Without Taking Action

Federalist Society and AALS talks this week

I’ll be headed to New Orleans tomorrow to participate in the Federalist Society Faculty Conference and the AALS Annual Meeting. For those attending and interested, I’ll be speaking at the Fed Soc on privacy and antitrust, and at AALS on Google and antitrust.  Details below.  I hope to see you there! Federalist Society: Seven-Minute Presentations ... Federalist Society and AALS talks this week

Encouragement vs. Incentive: Some Food for Thought in the Copyright Debates

Given the kerfuffle among libertarians and conservatives in the past month over what is basic copyright policy, my colleague and copyright law expert, Chris Newman, sent me this interesting Google Ngram graph on the use of “encouragement” vs. “incentive.”  I won’t commit the fallacy of hasty generalization by inferring any conclusions from this single comparison, ... Encouragement vs. Incentive: Some Food for Thought in the Copyright Debates

Time for Congress to Cancel the FTC’s Section 5 Antitrust Blank Check

A debate is brewing in Congress over whether to allow the Federal Trade Commission to sidestep decades of antitrust case law and economic theory to define, on its own, when competition becomes “unfair.” Unless Congress cancels the FTC’s blank check, uncertainty about the breadth of the agency’s power will chill innovation, especially in the tech ... Time for Congress to Cancel the FTC’s Section 5 Antitrust Blank Check

“Google and Antitrust” roundtable at AALS

I will be participating in a wide-ranging discussion of Google and antitrust issues at the upcoming AALS meeting in New Orleans in January. The Antitrust and Economic Regulation Section of the AALS is hosting the roundtable, organized by Mike Carrier. Mike and I will be joined by Marina Lao, Frank Pasquale, Pam Samuelson, and Mark ... “Google and Antitrust” roundtable at AALS

Hill Event on December 13: “CopyRIGHT: Can Free Marketeers Agree on Copyright Reform?”

 What promises to be an interesting and lively panel discussion on copyright will occur on the Hill on December 13.  Even better, it includes not one but two Truth on the Market bloggers–Geoff and me!  Come one, come all!    EVENT ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 30, 2012 CONTACT: Will Rinehart (202) 599-0408 Register for ... Hill Event on December 13: “CopyRIGHT: Can Free Marketeers Agree on Copyright Reform?”