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Showing results for:  “Michael Vita”

"Leegin is a triumph of pragmatism"

That is what Judge Posner has to say about Leegin in his new book, How Judges Think.   I’m only a few chapters in, but so far, its a fascinating read.  I’ll probably blog some more about parts of the book later.  In particular, I’ve been thinking recently about how the complexity of substantive antitrust analysis ... "Leegin is a triumph of pragmatism"

Thoughts on Safe Harbors for Quantity Discounts (and Bundling)

Dennis Carlton and Michael Waldman have posted an insightful DOJ working paper on antitrust safe harbors for unilateral conduct involving quantity discounts and bundling. The discussion is very timely in light of the Microsoft CFI decision, AMC Report, Section 2 Hearings, and various monopolization cases in the United States, EU, and other antitrust jurisdictions. The Carlton & Waldman ... Thoughts on Safe Harbors for Quantity Discounts (and Bundling)

The Deadwood Report is Coming …

Thats the opening line of my colleague and Green Bag Editor Ross Davies’ announcement (posted here) that The Green Bag is ready to enter the law school rankings game.  The Deadwood Report (see also Inside Higher Ed) has law school puffery and false advertising in its sights.  The basic idea is that the available information on the ... The Deadwood Report is Coming …

Amateurism Is What We Do!

Yesterday, the NCAA settled a horizontal price fixing class action case initiated by former basketball and football players (here, here, and here).  It’s nice to see the student-athletes get something, but I wish they would have received more.  The suit deals with the difference between the NCAA’s grant-in-aid (GIA) cap and the full cost of ... Amateurism Is What We Do!

Abramowicz on Prediction Markets at the VC

GW Lawprof Michael Abramowicz is guest blogging over at the Volokh Conspiracy on the virtues of prediction markets and his new book: Predictocracy.

Conference Announcement: Merger Analysis in High Technology Markets at GMU

I am very pleased to announce the “Merger Analysis in High Technology Markets” on behalf of my colleague Tom Hazlett, myself, and the Information Economy Project of the National Center for Technology and Law. The conference will be held at George Mason University School of Law on February 1, 2008 from 8:15 am-2:30 pm. Below ... Conference Announcement: Merger Analysis in High Technology Markets at GMU

McCann on the Clemens Lawsuit

Michael McCann of Sports Law Blog fame discusses Roger Clemens’ recently filed defamation suit against his former personal trainer Brian McNamee over at CNNSI.

Conference: End of the Microsoft Antitrust Case?

The Searle Center at Northwestern University School of Law will be holding a conference on this subject starting a week from today on Thursday, November 15th.   I’m very much looking forward to participating.  I will be a discussant on a panel focusing on the contracts at issue in the Microsoft case, and responding (along with ... Conference: End of the Microsoft Antitrust Case?

When In Doubt, Ask the Internet …

Geoff doesn’t vote. Neither do many of my economist friends. In fact, they laugh at me for voting. But I do. The joke will be on them if I’m the tiebreaker, wont it? Anyway, in the search for some shortcuts this presidential election season, I decided to try the Selectsmart 2008 President Selector Quiz (HT: ... When In Doubt, Ask the Internet …

Economic Illiteracy of the Week Award Goes To …

Michael Kimmelman at the NY Times.  Luke Froeb beat me to the punch of this one and has already got a post up, but this is too good not to share.  The article is on book sales and book culture in Germany, the latter of which is:  sustained by an age-old practice requiring all bookstores, ... Economic Illiteracy of the Week Award Goes To …

Obviousness conference

Along with my Lewis & Clark colleague, Joe Miller, I have organized a conference on the patent law doctrine of obviousness following the Supreme Court’s KSR case last term.  It’s a great line-up of participants, and should be an excellent conference.  You can find details here.  Here’s the program: Friday October 5 and Saturday October 6, 2007 ... Obviousness conference

Antitrust News at GW Law

GW Law received a $5.1 million award to fund a Center for Competition Law resulting from the settlement of a class-action antitrust suit brought by Michael Hausfield (of Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld & Toll, P.L.L.C., and a GW alum).  According to the press release, Hausfeld argued that the Center would focus on the “special challenges to traditional antitrust ... Antitrust News at GW Law