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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Hofstra Foreign Exchange Symposium

My former co-clerk (now Hofstra Law prof) Ron Colombo asked that I pass along information on an upcoming symposium at Hofstra Law School. The symposium, Regulation of Currency Exchange and Its Impact on International Business, will be held at Hofstra on February 8. The keynote speaker will be Walter Lukken, Acting Chairman of the CFTC. ... Hofstra Foreign Exchange Symposium

Obama, Paternalism, and Behavioral Economics?

David Leonhardt wrote the following in a column last week in the NY Times: The easiest way to describe Senator Clinton’s philosophy is to say that she believes in the promise of narrowly tailored government policies, like focused tax cuts. She has more faith that government can do what it sets out to do, which ... Obama, Paternalism, and Behavioral Economics?

Was Einstein an idiot?

Well, obviously, not, of course, but he sure sounds like a thoughtless hack once in a while. In a cafeteria near my office on the Microsoft campus, there is a sign near the door.  It’s a testament to something or other that I have no recollection at all what the sign is actually about.  But ... Was Einstein an idiot?

The Best Antitrust Articles of 2007

Danny Sokol has collected picks from antitrust specialists around the globe. There were plenty of excellent articles and books to pick from but I ultimately selected this article from Keith Hylton and Fei Deng and this book on the Microsoft Case from Bill Page and John Lopatka. You can see the rest of the picks ... The Best Antitrust Articles of 2007

New Antitrust Source Available Online

The December 2007 of the Antitrust Source is now available online and features a symposium on the recent Supreme Court activity along with several interesting articles, interviews, book reviews, and my favorite regular feature — the Working Papers and Recent Scholarship review by Bill Page and John Woodbury (which this month features scholarship by George ... New Antitrust Source Available Online

Some Economic Insights on Prices and Choices

Courtesy of Lynne Kiesling who supplies such insights regularly over at Knowledge Problem.  It’s about retail choice in electricity, but the general principles apply more broadly.  The whole thing is worth reading carefully: There are, though, several ways that free choice and the removal of entry barriers into retail markets generates better outcomes than regulated ... Some Economic Insights on Prices and Choices

Should We Protect Ourselves From Dreaded Free Shipping?

In France, it has been ruled that Amazon can no longer offer free shipping on book purchases. Don’t you just love it when competition policy protects certain competitors instead of actual competition? The protected competitors here are “vulnerable small bookshops.” Last I checked, the essence of competition is that “vulnerable” or inefficient competitors are supposed ... Should We Protect Ourselves From Dreaded Free Shipping?

Cleaning up after Pasquale's hit job

Recently, Frank Pasquale at Concurring Opinions wrote a blog post did a drive-by hit on FTC Chairman Majoras supporting her recusal from considering the Google/DoubleClick merger now pending before the FTC.  You really have to read the post to get the full effect of the innuendo and intimation–it’s masterfully subtle.  At the time I commented on ... Cleaning up after Pasquale's hit job

The Unintended Consequences of Feingold-Kyl

Gail Heriot (Right Coast) and John Fund discuss the Feingold-Kyl amendment to the pending bill which would give federal judges a long-awaited payraise amidst concerns that pay levels were to low to attract and retain a high quality judiciary. The FK amendment, as explained by Fund, “would bar any federal judge from accepting more than ... The Unintended Consequences of Feingold-Kyl

Vertical Integration and Retail Gasoline Prices Revisited

A trio of Federal Trade Commission economists (Christopher Taylor, Paul Zimmerman, & Nicholas Kreisle) have revisited Justine Hastings’ 2004 AER analysis of the ARCO/ Thrifty vertical merger in their paper, “Vertical Relationships and Competition in the Retail Gasoline Market: Comment.”  (HT: Danny Sokol).  Hastings’ analysis is viewed as particularly important because it is one of ... Vertical Integration and Retail Gasoline Prices Revisited

What Happens When Attempted Collusion Fails

Harvard College decided this year not to offer a service option many of its customers want — early admission. When Harvard’s new policy was announced, the dean of admissions took care to emphasize, “We’re looking for all the company we can get.” Soon thereafter, Harvard got some company; Princeton adopted a similar policy, and a ... What Happens When Attempted Collusion Fails

Prediction Markets & XM/Sirius

I had never heard of Intrade before.  Maybe I live in a hole. Let’s see here:  I’d love to short the bid for Dec. 07 if it wasn’t at zero.  No way I’d touch the 10 ask.  I think there’s over a 90% chance this goes into next year.  The bid/ask spread is so big for ... Prediction Markets & XM/Sirius