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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Larry Ribstein on The Future of Legal Education

What will legal education be like in the significantly deregulated world I’ve predicted in prior posts? I gave some thought to this question in my recent paper, Practicing Theory. There I pointed out that law schools, and particularly law faculty, have benefited from the same regulation that has benefited lawyers.  Although lawyers now complain that ... Larry Ribstein on The Future of Legal Education

Gillian Hadfield on Evidence-based Regulation for Law

There is a Missouri statute that makes it a misdemeanor, punishable by $100 fine, for anyone who is not licensed by the Missouri bar to “engage in the practice of law or do law business.”  If convicted, violators can be sued by anyone that paid them for their services or by the state of Missouri; ... Gillian Hadfield on Evidence-based Regulation for Law

George Leef on Licensure in the Legal Profession

When Americans think about governmental regulations meant to protect them against harm, they are prone to making two mistakes in judgment: first, they tend to overestimate the benefits that are supposed to result from regulation (including mandatory licensing) and second, they tend to underestimate (and usually to completely overlook) the costs and problems created by ... George Leef on Licensure in the Legal Profession

Thom Lambert on Alternatives to Lawyer Licensing

Let’s start at the very beginning.  When analyzing the merits of any regulation — i.e., any rule that disrupts private ordering by threat of force — one should first ask what problem the regulation aims to avert.  When it comes to the rules banning sales (and thereby preventing purchases) of legal services by unlicensed individuals, ... Thom Lambert on Alternatives to Lawyer Licensing

Hans Bader on Abolish Law School Requirement, Keep the Bar Exam?

Lawyer licensing should not be completely abolished, but it should be made radically easier and cheaper by abolishing the requirement that lawyers attend law school to sit for the bar exam, and by only requiring passage of the bar exam for those who handle court cases.  Legal redress should also be made easier by allowing ... Hans Bader on Abolish Law School Requirement, Keep the Bar Exam?

Unlocking the Law: Day 1 Wrap Up

Its been a busy first day of posts.  I’ve collected links here for readers who want to catch up for tomorrow’s action when we will feature another full slate of posts.  I’ve also created a tab to archive all of the Unlocking the Law posts here. Day 1 featured posts from: Larry Ribstein on After ... Unlocking the Law: Day 1 Wrap Up

Larry Ribstein on After the Fall (Of Regulation)

My previous post in this symposium argued that deregulation is upon us.  Here I’ll discuss what that could entail. The legal information expert:  I summoned up the specter of computers practicing law.  There is in fact no doubt that computers can practice law as that term is defined by some courts and regulators: giving personalized ... Larry Ribstein on After the Fall (Of Regulation)

Walter Olson on Careful What You Unleash

As a libertarian, I mostly concur in the critique of occupational licensure made famous by (among others) Milton Friedman. For the most part, licensure is a consumer-unfriendly affair that protects incumbent practitioners from competition, locks out promising new methods of service provision, and interferes with voluntary dealings between professional and client. It is dubious enough ... Walter Olson on Careful What You Unleash

Richard Painter on Litigation Financing and Insurance

Fifteen years ago I published an article urging that non-lawyers be allowed to finance the cost of legal representation in return for a percentage of a judgment or settlement if the plaintiff is successful.    Common law prohibitions on champerty were widely believed at the time to prohibit third parties from buying an interest in litigation.  ... Richard Painter on Litigation Financing and Insurance

Renee Newman Knake on Corporations, the Delivery of Legal Services, and the First Amendment Part I

Last month the New York Times ran an editorial with the headline “Addressing the Justice Gap,” observing that “the poor need representation and thousands of law graduates need work.”  The piece proposed several solutions, but notably absent was the reform most likely to deliver legal services to those in need and to create jobs for ... Renee Newman Knake on Corporations, the Delivery of Legal Services, and the First Amendment Part I

Eric Talley on Deregulating Lawyers: Comments From a Knee-jerk Skeptic

I have spent the last few days reading the recent study by Clifford Winston, Robert W. Crandall, and Vikram Maheshri, entitled “First Thing We Do: Let’s Deregulate All the Lawyers” (Brookings Institution, 2011, $19.95).  In it, the authors marshal a variety of empirical methods to argue that the current practice of state bar admission and ... Eric Talley on Deregulating Lawyers: Comments From a Knee-jerk Skeptic

Thomas Morgan on Realistic Questions About Modern Lawyer Regulation

If this symposium is asking the single question whether U.S. jurisdictions should deregulate the practice of law, my answer has to be no.  My problem is that the question itself conflates at least three questions, and the answers to each should be different. The first question is whether people other than licensed lawyers should be ... Thomas Morgan on Realistic Questions About Modern Lawyer Regulation