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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Planet Money on Kittens, Keynes, and the Stock Market

Prompted by this post at Cafe Hayek, I recently participated in a web experiment sponsored by NPR’s Planet Money.  I was asked to watch three short animal videos and vote for the animal I found cutest. The videos were all pretty cute.  One featured a polar bear cub sliding along the ice with its mother.  Another featured a loris ... Planet Money on Kittens, Keynes, and the Stock Market

Illinois Corporate Colloquium: Krawiec on Narratives of Corporate Board Diversity

Each fall I invite leading corporate scholars to present and discuss their recent work to faculty and students in the Illinois Corporate Colloquium.  I plan to discuss these papers here on TOTM.  This semester we started with Kim Krawiec (Duke) and her paper (with Lissa Broome and John Conley), Dangerous Categories: Narratives of Corporate Board ... Illinois Corporate Colloquium: Krawiec on Narratives of Corporate Board Diversity

Antitrust at the Agencies Roundup: You Will Absolutely Work in This Town Again Edition

I mean, Alvaro. I know it was you, Alvaro. Readers might recall my recent discussion of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) new Bureau of Let’s Sue Meta, in which I covered, among other things, the commission’s proposal to modify its 2020 Decision and Order In the Matter of Facebook Inc. (now Meta). The 2020 order ... Antitrust at the Agencies Roundup: You Will Absolutely Work in This Town Again Edition

What Do Twitter’s Struggles with CSAM Mean for Section 230 Reform? 

Twitter has seen a lot of ups and downs since Elon Musk closed on his acquisition of the company in late October and almost immediately set about his initiatives to “reform” the platform’s operations. One of the stories that has gotten somewhat lost in the ensuing chaos is that, in the short time under Musk, ... What Do Twitter’s Struggles with CSAM Mean for Section 230 Reform? 

Vonage IPO flop magnifies FWP snafu.

As you’ve probably heard, Vonage’s IPO was a flop. It closed down 12.6% from its IPO price of $17. This represented the weakest first day performance of an IPO in nearly two years. It also greatly magnifies the apparent technical violations of the Securities Act I blogged about yesterday (see here). As Voange disclosed in ... Vonage IPO flop magnifies FWP snafu.

Government by youth gangs

Aristides N. Hatzis (University of Athens) has a fairly new blog, and it has an interesting post by Russell S. Sobel on Sobel’s and Brian Osaba’s article Youth Gangs as Pseudo-Governments. Here’s the abstract: We hypothesize the failure of government to protect the rights of individuals from violence committed by youths has led to the ... Government by youth gangs

Does the Voluntary Industry “Agreement” to Ban Phosphates in Dishwasher Detergents Violate Section 1?

Apparently, the detergent industry has entered into what has been described as a “voluntary agreement” to reduce the use of phosphates in detergents (HT: Ted Frank).  A press release from Clean Water Action describes the agreement as follows: On July 1, 2010 a voluntary ban on phosphates in dishwasher detergents will be implemented by many ... Does the Voluntary Industry “Agreement” to Ban Phosphates in Dishwasher Detergents Violate Section 1?

Gus Hurwitz on A Policy Statement Is Not Enough

Administrative law really is a strange beast. My last post explained this a bit, in the context of Chevron. In this post, I want to make this point in another context, explaining how utterly useless a policy statement can be. Our discussion today has focused on what should go into a policy statement – there ... Gus Hurwitz on A Policy Statement Is Not Enough

A Pro-Free Market Approach to Brexit Negotiations Is Key

The terms of the United Kingdom’s (UK) exit from the European Union (EU) – “Brexit” – are of great significance not just to UK and EU citizens, but for those in the United States and around the world who value economic liberty (see my Heritage Foundation memorandum giving the reasons why, here). If Brexit is ... A Pro-Free Market Approach to Brexit Negotiations Is Key

Broad preemption and the federal takeover of state law

Last fall Guhan Subramanian, Steve Herscovici and Brian Barbetta (“SHB”) posted a paper claiming that Delaware’s antitakeover statute (Delaware GCL Section 203) was preempted by the Williams Act because it did not leave hostile bidders the “meaningful opportunity for success” required by three 1988 federal district courts which had upheld the Delaware law back in ... Broad preemption and the federal takeover of state law

Trade Agreements and Restatements as End Runs Around the Rule of Law

The Internet is a modern miracle: from providing all varieties of entertainment, to facilitating life-saving technologies, to keeping us connected with distant loved ones, the scope of the Internet’s contribution to our daily lives is hard to overstate. Moving forward there is undoubtedly much more that we can and will do with the Internet, and ... Trade Agreements and Restatements as End Runs Around the Rule of Law

Fin Reg and Too Big to Fail: A New Kind of Antitrust?

Simon Johnson argues that the conventional antitrust tools of Sherman Act are outdated and ill-equipped to deal with the power of big banks: Why are these antitrust tools not used against today’s megabanks, which have become so powerful that they can sway legislation and regulation massively in their favor, while also receiving generous taxpayer-financed bailouts ... Fin Reg and Too Big to Fail: A New Kind of Antitrust?