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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Forget About the Bar Exam, Take Antitrust …

Melissa Lafsky at the Freakonomics Blog reports on a study showing no relationship between law school courseload choices and bar passage rates (except in the third quartile of students apparently).  So what to do?  Yet another reason to take antitrust (and I guess other specialized electives if you insist …) rather than enrolling in bar ... Forget About the Bar Exam, Take Antitrust …

AIG/NY Fed Credit Agreement

available here. From the 8-K: On September 22, 2008, American International Group, Inc. (“AIG”) entered into an $85 billion revolving credit facility (the “Credit Facility”) and a Guarantee and Pledge Agreement (the “Pledge Agreement”) with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (“NY Fed”). The Credit Facility has a two year term and bears interest ... AIG/NY Fed Credit Agreement

Obviousness conference

Along with my Lewis & Clark colleague, Joe Miller, I have organized a conference on the patent law doctrine of obviousness following the Supreme Court’s KSR case last term.  It’s a great line-up of participants, and should be an excellent conference.  You can find details here.  Here’s the program: Friday October 5 and Saturday October 6, 2007 ... Obviousness conference

FTC UMC Roundup – Welcome to the Press Tour

Welcome to the FTC UMC Roundup for June 10, 2022. This is a week of headlines! One would be forgiven for assuming that our focus, once again, would on the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA). I heard on the radio yesterday that it’s champion, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), has the 60 votes it ... FTC UMC Roundup – Welcome to the Press Tour

Antitrust Week in Chicago

Speaking of law and economics in Chicago, its the place to be for antitrust next week. On Thursday, the FTC at 100 series will continue at Northwestern University School of Law where I’ll be on a panel discussing the FTC’s competition mission after lunch along with Thomas Campbell, Randy Picker, and Robert Pratt.  The antitrust ... Antitrust Week in Chicago

Waking up to Platform Regulation

Brrring! “Gee, this iPhone alarm is the worst—I should really change that sometime. Let’s see what’s in my calendar for today…” In accordance with new regulatory requirements, Apple is providing you with a choice of app stores. Please select an option from the menu below. Going forward, iOS applications will download via the selected store ... Waking up to Platform Regulation

Taxing, spending and jurisdictional competition

Back in January Illinois raised corporate taxes to, as I said then, “try to bail Illinois out of the results of their fiscal profligacy.” But I added that raising taxes wouldn’t necessarily work “because of jurisdictional competition– there are many other places the would-be taxpayers can go.”  And that “the tax ‘solution’ will drive out ... Taxing, spending and jurisdictional competition


Revisiting the Supreme Court’s “Pro-Business” Bias

Ed Whelan chimes in on the perennial debate with the most recent data: Those sneaky “corporatist” justices are at it again, cleverly disguising their biases by ruling in favor of employees and/or against corporations in two Supreme Court decisions issued today: 1. In Staub v. Proctor Hospital, the Court, reversing the Seventh Circuit, ruled unanimously ... Revisiting the Supreme Court’s “Pro-Business” Bias

Best Paper Title at CELS?

Unfortunately, I’m missing this year’s Conference on Empirical Legal Studies at Cornell. But I spent the morning skimming the program and came across the following from Ilya Beylin & Anup Malani: Finding Love in the Wreckage: Estimating Spousal Altruism with Data on Fatal Car Accidents. Here is a link to the SSRN version and here ... Best Paper Title at CELS?

A High Profile Test Case for the Chinese Antimonopoly Law

Coca-Cola and China’s Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd $2.4 billion deal looks like it is set to be the first major merger test for the China’s new AML. This WSJ story gives some sense of market shares and potential market definition issues: Defining the market could be tricky. According to Merrill Lynch analysts, Coca-Cola will control ... A High Profile Test Case for the Chinese Antimonopoly Law

Merging to Second Best

Luke Froeb, Mikhael Shor and Steven Tschantz have just posted an interesting looking model of mergers in auction settings where the incumbent firm has an advantage in subsequent auctions. The model captures the intuition that sometimes a mergers creating a “second-best” rival can result in more more aggressive bidding and result in lower prices even ... Merging to Second Best

Data on Congressional Voting Records for Presidential Candidates

I don’t like blogging about politics except when there is some antitrust angle. This, for reasons that are obvious but still disappoint me, doesn’t happen too often (but see here and here). My general disinclination to blog about politics is that it isn’t my area of expertise and I don’t think I can really add ... Data on Congressional Voting Records for Presidential Candidates