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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

TOTM Authors Make SSRN Top 10 Lists

I am pleased to announce that that Thom’s excellent and provocative paper on Weyerhaeuser and the Search for Antitrust’s Holy Grail has made the Top 10 list (at #10) for Antitrust & Regulated Industries and Antitrust Law and Policy (#7). Congrats Thom! On top of that, I am doubly pleased that my own Behavioral Law ... TOTM Authors Make SSRN Top 10 Lists

Gretchen Morgenson’s latest scandal

Gretchen Morgenson (with Louise Story), in today’s front-page NYT “newsatorial” reports on and complains about the fact that the SEC’s civil case against Goldman’s Fabrice Tourre (“Fabulous Fab”) in connection with the Abacus deal has not been accompanied by other civil and criminal prosecutions.  The story notes that Tourre worked closely with others at Goldman ... Gretchen Morgenson’s latest scandal

WAPO Concludes that Vertical Efficiencies Trump Horizontal Market Power

A Washington Post editorial last week reached the surprising conclusion that a series of vertical and horizontal acquisitions that led to a firm owning about 40% of the gas stations in the District of Columbia was procompetitive.  The editorial apparently concluded that the vertical integration efficiencies were more important than the adverse horizontal effects.  The ... WAPO Concludes that Vertical Efficiencies Trump Horizontal Market Power

The uncorporate solution to corporate cash hoarding

Jason Zweig wrote Saturday in the WSJ about how companies are hoarding their cash. Microsoft, Cisco, Google, Apple and J & J “added $15 billion in cash and marketable securities to their balance sheets. Microsoft alone packed away roughly $9 billion, or $100 million a day. All told, the companies in the Standard & Poor’s ... The uncorporate solution to corporate cash hoarding

The NWU 2 Year Program

Bill Henderson has some thoughtful commentary on Northwestern University’s announcement of its 2 Year JD.  He likes it.  Here’s an excerpt: So let’s get this straight:  NWU Law is going to attract applications from all the experienced, motivated students who want their elite JD degrees in two years versus three.  Then it is going to ... The NWU 2 Year Program

Three From Professor Elhauge on Antitrust

2008 has been a busy year for Harvard Professor Einer Elhauge so far from the looks of his SSRN page (not to mention advising Senator Obama on legal policies). He’s posted three new working papers covering a diverse set of antitrust topics: Loyalty Discounts and Naked Exclusion (purporting to “prove that loyalty discounts create anticompetitive ... Three From Professor Elhauge on Antitrust

Privacy and Tracking

First I would like to thank Geoff Manne for inviting me to join this blog.  I know most of my fellow bloggers and it is a group I am proud to be associated with. For my first few posts I am going to write about privacy.  This is a hot topic.  Senators McCain and Kerry ... Privacy and Tracking

Call for Antitrust Papers

From the Mississippi College School of Law: The Mississippi College Law Review is issuing a call for papers pertaining to antitrust law. The Law Review has published several themed issues in the past two years, and wishes to publish an article concerning antitrust, as the Law Review has not published any articles on this topic ... Call for Antitrust Papers

"Its nonsensical to object"

So says Jagdish Bhagwati about the recent objections by 100 or so University of Chicago faculty members to the establishment of the Milton Friedman Institute.  (HT: Chicago Tribune).  Here’s the whole quote as reported from the Chicago Tribune: “It is nonsensical to object. . . . Chicago should be proud it has someone like Milton ... "Its nonsensical to object"

The whistleblower rules and insider trading

The SEC has adopted Dodd-Frank whistleblower rules (see Law Blog story) which have sparked controversy because they award bounties without requiring use of internal corporate reporting mechanisms. Whistleblower organizations are happy, corporations not so much. It’s a good time to remember my proposal last year to let the whistleblowers trade: The beauty of the insider ... The whistleblower rules and insider trading

Lysine Cartel Video Available from DOJ

Todd Zywicki recommends Kurt Eichenwald’s The Informant, the fascinating story of the prosecution of the Archer Daniels Midland lysine cartel in the 1990s, and asks whether the famous DOJ videotapes and transcripts of cartel meetings are available online.  I’m not sure if they are online, but the DOJ does make the tapes and transcripts available free ... Lysine Cartel Video Available from DOJ


The FTC’s New Normal

Over the past two years, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has operated differently than it has in recent decades. Characterized by—among other things—an enforcement-heavy approach to antitrust and consumer protection, a vigorous embrace of rulemaking, a skeptical approach to mergers, robust engagement with overseas counterparts, and centralization of decision-making within the Office of the Chair, ... The FTC’s New Normal