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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Happy 94th Birthday Armen Alchian!

I wrote this brief post awhile back, and forgot to post it on April 12th, Armen’s 94th birthday.  I’m late.  But better late then never they say. On Armen Alchian’s 94th birthday, it seems appropriate to reflect on some of his contributions to economics and economic analysis of the law.  Armen has been described as ... Happy 94th Birthday Armen Alchian!

Some Economics Links

James Pethokoukis at US News reports on interviews with chief economic advisers Austan Goolsbee and Douglas Holtz-Eakin. Brian Leiter is pleased to point out a study showing that while both groups are in the top 3, Philosophy majors outperform Economics majors on the LSAT.  Leiter also gets in a playful dig, noting that the study ... Some Economics Links

Jets and LBOs

I have written about the disciplinary effect of the uncorporate form, particularly in LBOs.  See, e.g., here and Chapter 8 of my Rise of the Uncorporation. Now here’s more evidence:  Edgerton, Agency Problems in Public Firms: Evidence from Corporate Jets in Leveraged Buyouts.  Here’s the abstract: This paper uses rich, new data to examine the ... Jets and LBOs

Burger King Files for IPO

Burger King Holdings, Inc. filed a registration statement with the SEC today for the sale of $400 million of common stock (click here). While the prospectus does not include a price range or specify how many shares will be sold by BK vs. existing shareholders, it does contain a number of tidbits, including the following: ... Burger King Files for IPO

Proposed Privacy Legislation

The Obama Administration is advocating a privacy bill.  One provision will limit the use of data to the purpose for which it was collected unless a consumer gives permission for additional uses; another will give consumers increased rights to access information about themselves. Both of these provisions may actually reduce safety of data online.  One additional purpose for which ... Proposed Privacy Legislation

The Economics of Post-Merger Product Repositioning

Amit Gandhi, Luke Froeb, Steven Tschantz and Gregory Werden have published “Post-Merger Product Repositioning” in the Journal of Industrial Economics.  (HT: Luke).  The critical insight is that the conventional unilateral effect incentive to raise prices post-merger is offset by the incentive to “separate” in product space.  Here is the abstract: This paper analyzes the effects ... The Economics of Post-Merger Product Repositioning

AALS Call for Papers on Behavioral Economics & Antitrust Law

Call for Papers Announcement   AALS Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation AALS Section on Law & Economics   Behavioral Economics & Antitrust Law   January 5-8, 2012 2012 AALS Annual Meeting Washington, DC   The AALS Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation and the Section on Law & Economics will hold a joint program ... AALS Call for Papers on Behavioral Economics & Antitrust Law

Interesting Panel on FTC Merger Litigation — June 5

Antitrusters in D.C. ought to head to the National Press Club at noon on Thursday, June 5. At that time, the Federalist Society’s Corporations, Securities, and Antitrust Practice Group will host a panel discussion entitled Assessing Recent FTC Merger Litigation: One Win, One Loss, One Tie. Here’s a description of the event: The Federal Trade ... Interesting Panel on FTC Merger Litigation — June 5

The Porcine 2023 Merger Guidelines (The Pig Still Oinks)

Well, they have done it. On Dec. 18, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) issued their final 2023 merger guidelines, as an early New Year’s gift (nicely sandwiched between Hanukkah, which ended Dec. 15, and Christmas) of the porcine sort. The two agencies try to put lipstick on this pig by ... The Porcine 2023 Merger Guidelines (The Pig Still Oinks)

Pennsylvania Changes Rules for Sovereign

I’ve blogged before about Soveriegn’s proposed acquisition of Community Bank and related stock issuance to Santander. Sovereign’s largest shareholder, Relational Investors, is against the deal and petitioned the NYSE to block it (see here). The NYSE declined. I applauded the NYSE for this decision (see here), largely because it enforced its rules as written and ... Pennsylvania Changes Rules for Sovereign

California regulation

PoL tips a Mercury News story about California regulation: Carl’s Jr. is halting expansion in California and moving its headquarters to Texas. The California permitting process can take up to two years; combined with other regulations, it costs an extra $250,000 more to open a restaurant in California than in Texas. Some details from the ... California regulation

Commisioner Troy Paredes

Only the formality of full Senate confirmation stands between Troy Paredes and the SEC following unanimous approval from the Senate Banking Committee.  Congratulations, Troy. UPDATE:  [Someone claiming to be] Chairman Cox points out in the comments that Troy was in fact confirmed by the full Senate last week.  Indeed, it is true.  Not much fanfare, but ... Commisioner Troy Paredes