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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Richard Painter on Litigation Financing and Insurance

Fifteen years ago I published an article urging that non-lawyers be allowed to finance the cost of legal representation in return for a percentage of a judgment or settlement if the plaintiff is successful.    Common law prohibitions on champerty were widely believed at the time to prohibit third parties from buying an interest in litigation.  ... Richard Painter on Litigation Financing and Insurance

Economics & Ideology Again

Crooked Timber has a very interesting post up on the minimum wage debate (HT: Brian Leiter).  I want to comment on the sub-theme of the post (and the theme picked up in the title of Leiter’s post), which was that economics ideologically driven by pro-market bias which results in the publication of pro-market findings over ... Economics & Ideology Again

Ideas for growth

NASDAQ’s Bob Greifeld writes in the WSJ: According to the Small Business Association, small businesses accounted for 64% of the 15 million net new jobs created from 1993 through 2008. In 2010, only 51% of jobs in the U.S. were created by small businesses. In the 1990s, initial public offerings by smaller companies (those raising ... Ideas for growth

Is there a Steve Jobs of government?

No, at least not in the U.S. And this is a good thing, rather than a reflection on the quality of people who enter the two fields of business and government. In business, investors want to delegate power to executives, especially to imaginative executives like Steve Jobs.  Letting investors do this entails potential costs.  But ... Is there a Steve Jobs of government?

AALS Call for Papers “Insurance and Consumer Protection Law”

Call for Papers AALS Section on Insurance Law “Insurance and Consumer Protection” 2013 AALS Annual Meeting January 4-7, 2013 New Orleans, Louisiana The AALS Section on Insurance Law will hold a program on Insurance and Consumer Protection during the AALS 2013 Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The program is scheduled for Sunday, January 6, 2013, from 10:30 ... AALS Call for Papers “Insurance and Consumer Protection Law”

Some Skepticism About the Role of Behavioral Economics in the FTC’s Antitrust Analysis

Given the enthusiasm for application of behavioral economics to antitrust analysis from some corners of the Commission and the academy, I found this remark from Alison Oldale at the Federal Trade Commission interesting (Antitrust Source): Behavioral economists are clearly correct in saying that people and firms are not the perfect decision makers using perfect information ... Some Skepticism About the Role of Behavioral Economics in the FTC’s Antitrust Analysis

Truth on the Market Welcomes Kristian Stout as New Blogger

Truth On the Market is pleased to announce that Kristian Stout of the International Center for Law and Economics (“ICLE”) has joined our team of writers. Kristian was recently hired by ICLE as Associate Director for Innovation Policy, bringing with him over ten years of experience as a technology professional and entrepreneur. In his role at ICLE, Kristian’s ... Truth on the Market Welcomes Kristian Stout as New Blogger

Blog roll updates

I just updated our blog roll.  It now contains a link to the always-excellent Organizations & Markets Blog (Peter Klein and Nicolai Foss), mentioned/linked to by several of us before.  Also, Marc Hodak (of frequent and excellent commenting fame) seems to have a blog, Hodak Value, to which we’ve added a link.  I look forward to reading more ... Blog roll updates

The New York Times–shocker!–hates the University of Phoenix

Peter Klein at the always excellent Organizations & Markets Blog has a characteristically excellent post on the New York Times’ characteristically anti-market article on the University of Phoenix (and for-profit higher education). Lest there be any doubt that the article was meant to cast UOP in an unflattering light, check out the picture of UOP’s president, William ... The New York Times–shocker!–hates the University of Phoenix

AALS Disney Panel Podcast

Podcasts from this year’s AALS conference are now available. Click here for the Business Associations panel on the Disney case. Recall that Justice Jacobs from the Delaware Supreme Court (author of the Delaware Supreme Court opinion in the case) participated in addition to many heavy-hitting corporate law academics (see below). Here’s the blurb from the ... AALS Disney Panel Podcast

The return of privlic equity

It’s been over four years since the heyday of the last boom when I first discussed what I called “privlic equity” in an article about Blackstone’s proposed IPO. So here we are post-bust, and according to the WSJ, they’re baack: Apollo Global Management LLC became a public company in late March. Last year, KKR & ... The return of privlic equity

Some Weekend Blog Reading

Some blogging that may be of interest to TOTM readers: Andrew Gelman (for it) v. Tyler Cowen (against it) on the American Economic Association’s decision to add 4 new quarterly journals. Michael Giberson (Knowledge Problem) and David Fischer (Antitrust Review) on the Sirius-XM Merger, a story Keith has been covering here at TOTM. VC’s Todd ... Some Weekend Blog Reading