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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

SCOTUS (Almost) Nails Another One …

Another 8-0 antitrust decision from SCOTUS. Very interesting. For those of you who have not been following, the Court rejected the longstanding, but almost uniformly criticized, presumption that patents confer market power for the purpose of antitrust analysis. WSJ Law Blog sums up the facts here, concluding with a quote from Steve Sunshine that the ... SCOTUS (Almost) Nails Another One …

Into Eternity

One of the ways I celebrated my birthday yesterday in Chicago was seeing a movie in the afternoon(!) at the Siskel Center.  The film is Into Eternity.   Here’s the setup:  Finland has nuclear waste which can be dangerous to humans for 100,000 years.  So they’ve decided to bury in a way that it will ... Into Eternity

Zingales on Capitalism After the Crisis

A very, very good essay. The whole thing is very much worth reading.  I suspect the concluding three paragraphs will get the most attention: We thus stand at a crossroads for American capitalism. One path would channel popular rage into political support for some genuinely pro-market reforms, even if they do not serve the interests ... Zingales on Capitalism After the Crisis

Lawyers and the invention of the barometer

Stephen Baker, writing in yesterday’s WSJ: Watson doesn’t “know” anything, experts say. * * * This is all enough to make you feel reinvigorated to be human. But focusing on Watson’s shortcomings misses the point. It risks distracting people from the transformation that Watson all but announced on its “Jeopardy!” debut: These question-answering machines will ... Lawyers and the invention of the barometer

Some Links …

There was a lot of backdating … yawn… oh, and Brett Favre is coming back The WSJ editorial page thinks the liberal boycotts of Whole Foods in response to CEO John Mackey’s op-ed on health care reform won’t have any real effects because because “real protest would require the store’s hyperprogressive customers to withdraw forever ... Some Links …

Peter Klein Throws Cold Water on New Economy Talk

Peter Klein of Organizations and Markets blog-fame kicked off the George Mason/ Microsoft Conference on the Law and Economics of Innovation a few weeks back with a talk on “Does the New Economy Need New A Economics?”   His answer: No.  This week, Peter takes aim at Wired’s Chris Anderson who predicts a massive shift toward ... Peter Klein Throws Cold Water on New Economy Talk

Section 2 Symposium: Bill Kolasky on Proving Market Power

The market power section of the Department’s Single Firm Conduct report is one of the strongest sections of the report.  It provides an exceptionally clear discussion of the market power element under Section 2.  It recognizes, in particular, that a violation of Section 2 requires more than mere market power, but rather a finding of ... Section 2 Symposium: Bill Kolasky on Proving Market Power

How About a Little Personal Responsibility?

I was reading an article last week about the SEC temporary ban on short-sales and came across the following quote: Short-selling can contribute to efficiency while adding liquidity to the markets. But a recent wave of the maneuvers — profiting by selling unowned shares of companies in the anticipation their prices will drop — has ... How About a Little Personal Responsibility?

AT&T-Time Warner merger approved

AT&T’s merger with Time Warner has lead to one of the most important, but least interesting, antitrust trials in recent history. The merger itself is somewhat unimportant to consumers. It’s about a close to a “pure” vertical merger as we can get in today’s world and would not lead to a measurable increase in prices ... AT&T-Time Warner merger approved

Hazlett on the Madness of e-Crowds

This piece by my colleague Tom Hazlett is really the best thing I’ve read online all week and has been getting some attention across the blogosphere (see, e.g., here and here) and I’m happy to contribute by posting Hazlett’s characteristically powerful punchline: The point is not that “closed†beats “open,†but that capitalism accommodates both. ... Hazlett on the Madness of e-Crowds

The Green Shoots of the NYC Taxi Rules on Ridesharing Companies

I am of two minds when it comes to the announcement today that the NYC taxi commission will permit companies like Uber and Lyft to update, when the companies wish, the mobile apps that serve as the front end for the ridesharing platforms. My first instinct is to breathe a sigh of relief that even ... The Green Shoots of the NYC Taxi Rules on Ridesharing Companies

Harvey Pitt on Sarbanes-Oxley

Click here for a Forbes article by Harvey Pitt on Sarbanes-Oxley. Pitt was chairman of the SEC during the passage of SOX. The article is balanced. Pitt points out some benefits of SOX: The 2005 Oversight Systems Financial Executive Report on S-Ox surveyed more than 200 financial executives and found a significant majority believe that, ... Harvey Pitt on Sarbanes-Oxley