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Showing results for:  “sirius xm merger”

The global threat to U.S. law

A lot of ink has been spilled about the technology threat to traditional law practice. But U.S. law firms need also to worry about lawyers elsewhere in the world.  The WSJ reports that Beijing-based King & Wood is planning to join with Australian firm Mallesons Stephen Jaques to form Hong Kong-based verein King & Wood ... The global threat to U.S. law

Some Links

Professor Bainbridge properly gives candidate Gingrich the treatment Professor Ribstein dished out to Professor Krugman on private equity Jury deliberates in $1B antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft (USA Today) Clock stops on EU review of Google-Motorola acquisition (BNA) Analyst argues that killing the AT&T-T-Mobile transaction will pose risks for investors as the former searches for others ... Some Links

Top Ten Lines in the FCC’s Staff Analysis and Findings

Geoff Manne’s blog on the FCC’s Staff Analysis and Findings (“Staff Report”) has inspired me to come up with a top ten list. The Staff Report relies heavily on concentration indices to make inferences about a carrier’s pricing power, even though direct evidence of pricing power is available (and points in the opposite direction). In ... Top Ten Lines in the FCC’s Staff Analysis and Findings

A Quick Assessment of the FCC’s Appalling Staff Report on the AT&T Merger

As everyone knows by now, AT&T’s proposed merger with T-Mobile has hit a bureaucratic snag at the FCC.  The remarkable decision to refer the merger to the Commission’s Administrative Law Judge (in an effort to derail the deal) and the public release of the FCC staff’s internal, draft report are problematic and poorly considered.  But ... A Quick Assessment of the FCC’s Appalling Staff Report on the AT&T Merger

The NYT on law teaching

The NYT brings another David Segal story on legal education.  Today’s sermon: law schools don’t teach “lawyering.” Boiling away the overheated journalism, here’s the indictment:  Law profs are richly paid for writing mostly useless law review articles rather than “the essential how-tos of daily practice.” Students study cases about contract law but not contracts.  Clinics ... The NYT on law teaching

Was the Whirlpool/Maytag Merger Anticompetitive After All?

One of the most controversial merger policy decisions during the Bush administration was the DOJ’s failure to bring a complaint against the Whirlpool/Maytag merger.  Indeed, the decision was even criticized by Carl Shapiro, the economic expert retained by the DOJ on the case.   Jonathan Baker and Carl Shapiro summarize this conclusion as follows:  “The March ... Was the Whirlpool/Maytag Merger Anticompetitive After All?

The emerging venue battle in El Paso/Kinder Morgan

T-R’s Alison Frankel writes (HT Pileggi) about dueling suits in Texas and Delaware challenging the El Paso/Kinder Morgan merger: Three class actions in Texas state court and two class actions and a shareholder derivative suit in Delaware Chancery. It looks like this merger may bring to a head the “escape from Delaware” phenomenon I discussed ... The emerging venue battle in El Paso/Kinder Morgan

ABA Roundtable Discussion Tomorrow on the AT&T/T-Mobile Merger

As I have posted before, I was disappointed that the DOJ filed against AT&T in its bid to acquire T-Mobile.  The efficacious provision of mobile broadband service is a complicated business, but it has become even more so by government’s meddling.  Responses like this merger are both inevitable and essential.  And Sprint and Cellular South piling on doesn’t help ... ABA Roundtable Discussion Tomorrow on the AT&T/T-Mobile Merger

Exclusion Still Doesn’t Explain Verizon’s Stock Price Non-Reaction to the DOJ Challenge Announcement (Correcting AAI’s Letter to the WSJ Editor)

Yale’s George Priest authored an op-ed in the WSJ on September 6th in which he raised a few of the arguments discussed here at TOTM over the past several weeks regarding the proposed AT&T / T-Mobile merger.  For example, we’ve focused upon the tension between the DOJ complaint’s theories of competitive harm (coordinated and unilateral ... Exclusion Still Doesn’t Explain Verizon’s Stock Price Non-Reaction to the DOJ Challenge Announcement (Correcting AAI’s Letter to the WSJ Editor)

The man who invented the hostile takeover

Henry Manne first theorized the market for corporate control, but the man who first put the concept into action was Louis E. Wolfson.  I blogged briefly about Wolfson when he died in 2008.  Now you can read more about him in Alan M. Weinberger, What’s in a Name?– The Tale of Louis Wolfson’s Affirmed, 39 Hofstra ... The man who invented the hostile takeover

NY Times (and maybe Professor Hovenkamp?!) Confused About the Merger Guidelines

The NY Times starts its op-ed against the AT&T / T-Mobile transaction with a false proposition about antitrust analysis of mergers: “The analysis begins with a mathematical formula for calculating the deal’s effect on competition.”  Any antitrust lawyer or economist will recognize the error.  A major change from the 1997 Horizontal Merger Guidelines to the ... NY Times (and maybe Professor Hovenkamp?!) Confused About the Merger Guidelines

Why Did Sprint Pile On the DOJ’s AT&T / T-Mobile Suit?

So, the AT&T / T-Mobile transaction gets more and more interesting.  Sprint has filed a complaint challenging the transaction.  I’ve been commenting on the weakness of the DOJ complaint and in particular, its heavy reliance on market structure to make inferences about competitive effects. The heavy dose of structural presumption in the DOJ complaint — ... Why Did Sprint Pile On the DOJ’s AT&T / T-Mobile Suit?